I'm aware of (probably regional) terms such as heel, crust, nose, butt, grunchsteak, bum, etc. I'm trying to find out where the term "conduits" comes from, I had spelled it wrong, sorry. Ah, this explains why bakers use the term "conduits" - the ends, the conduits, are used to hold and cool the bread for wrapping: In a bread wrapping machine, Including means for applying heat to the wrapped loaves, a run-way adapted to receive a succession of loaves from said first named means, consisting of a slide, side pieces formed of spaced slats, conduits at the sides of said side pieces provided with openings into the spaces between said slats, and W tapered in the direction from which the loaves are fed, and blowers at the-opposite ends of said conduits to provide currents of air therein. DON'T YOU JUST KNOW IT, AS IN EVERY PROFESSION, BAKERS HAVE THEIR OWN LANGUAGE!