Ha, glad I'm not the only one who thinks Toro isn't as good as the hype. Thanks for all the comments guys! 
Tuesday 5th June
So it turns out that as well as our hotel room smelling of piss when we arrived, the shower is stupidly complicated and our breakfast consisted of some hot beverages and an array of danishes. I managed to get an apple and a berry danish, they were quite nice but it wasn't what I'd really count as a breakfast and more of a light snack.
Anyways we got in the car and made our way to the next park, Six Flags New England. The weather was looking a little dismal and due to the whole Six Flags locker faff I decided to leave my nice camera in the car so once again I apologise or lack of images. I have something later to make up for that though. So after climbing the M&M steps we're taken into a rather nice entrance plaza for the park, it was really well landscaped and nice, I approved.
But we're not there for landscaping, we were there for the most important of things...CREDS. So as it's very close to the entrance and it was actually running we joined the queue for their latest addition, Goliath. A very rare Vekoma GIB, something which I was a little sceptical about riding. The queue was long but it moved surprisingly quickly. When we got to the end of the queue we tried to get back row and after telling the lady that we had travelled all the way from the UK and after a lot of umming and arring she decided to let us on at the back, get in.
WOW. Why are there not more of these beasts? It was amazing, such an odd experience but so brilliant at the same time. Being pulled up into a vertical position backwards is so odd and then to be let go and zoom through the station is epic, loved it. The inversions were smooth and enjoyable and and then doing it all again backwards was just awesome. Can we get one in the UK please? Kthnxbi.
Next to Goliath stands their other boomerang coaster. There was no one queuing for this one, a sign of bad things to come? Apparently not, it was fast and very smooth, great little coaster. I'm still not understanding the bad rep these get.
The spinning cred, Pandemonium, was next. I'd never been on a spinner where you face inwards before but wow this was one awful coaster. It didn't really do anything. We got a tiny bit of spinning towards the end but overall it all seemed a bit pointless.
Joey decided it would be brilliant to ride the S&S skyswat as then he could claim he'd ridden both of them (the other being Slammer at Thorpe). I detest Slammer and this was meant to be worse so there was no way I was getting on. Dillon had never ridden one and Kyle didn't seem to happy to be going on. It sounds like it was a pretty awful experience, just like Slammer.
Next to it was a classic wooden coaster which didn't look much. Cyclone didn't have a queue but as soon as we were waiting for the train to come back for us to get on it started to rain </3. However the ride op started talking to us and he seemed quite fun, can't quite remember why now. The ride produced a ridiculous first drop, we have no idea what it did exactly but it really took us by surprise and we loved it. The rest of the ride was a bit meh with a couple of decent pops of air time.
They had this cool looking rapids ride themed to penguins but as the weather was being silly we decided not to ride which sucks. They also have this really odd sky ride which goes from that end of the park to the entrance area, about a 3 min walk. The pods were really small and weird. When Joey and I got into the pod the ride op asked us to tell the lady on the other side "you dropped your pocket". WTF? When we got to the other side, she smirked so we asked her what that meant. She told us it told her who was working on the other side, yeah, we didn't get it either.
We then headed over to Bizarro. I really liked the area, the way it was all designed was nice, with the coaster going all over the place, it looked cool. There was a bit of a wait and it gave us time to be amused at the #1 coaster on the planet posters. Would it really be that good? We sat at the back and with the on board audio going up the lift hill it was getting me excited. I loved the fact the audio was basically a rock mix tape, it was all a bit random but I think it works. None of us thought it was as good as the posters made it out to be. It was certainly good in some areas, I think the second half of the ride was probably the best part of it, tunnels are awesome. Overall we just saw it as a meh, been on better type of coaster.
Opposite Bizarro is the coaster with the worst name ever, Gotham City Gauntlet Escape From Arkham. Why is it so long? It's only a standard wild mouse cred. It was a little rough and with basically minimal theming it just looked a bit sad and rode like that too.
Catwoman's whip was next, one of those fun Tivoli family creds with a roar. It was fun, pretty standard really for the type of ride. Urgh, next up for us was the dreaded SLC, Mind Eraser. I hate that these parks kinda clone their creds across the company but at least with the SLCs they've named them appropriately. Urgh.
It was then time for their B&M floorless, Batman the Dark knight. We sat towards the back of the train and I enjoyed it. The zero-g was taken nice and slowly which was great. Overall it was smooth and enjoyable.
Our bellys wanted food by this point. We ended up at one of their chicken stalls. I had this chicken wrap which was pretty mega, very filling which meant I ended up leaving most of the my fries which was sad because they were epic curly fries and everyone knows that curly fries are the superior form of fries.
Next to where we were sitting was the shot tower. We decided to do it and it was ok, pretty much like every other shot tower imo. So it was then time for the parks second wooden coaster, Thunderbolt. It was very forgettable.
There was one more cred to acquire, the Looney Tunes kids cred. The ride op only sent us round once which was nice. Not much else to say apart from it had the least theming out of the three of them.
Time for some re-rides then. It was clear we all wanted to go back on Goliath because it was awesome. As soon as we joined the queueline it broke down, typical! After a bit of a wait, some faff by engineers and staff and a test run it was back open. The ride host remembered us from earlier which was nice of her. We sat closer to the front this time to see if there was a difference. It's still awesome but I found it more intense going backwards at the front of the train. It was almost too intense for me on the vertical loop, still, in the back of the train the whole ride is awesome.
We had another go on Batman: TDK but decided to sit in the front row of the train. It was no where near as good as it was at the back which was odd, I think the floorless effect was better on this one though.
It was then back over to Bizarro to check out front row. There was a massive difference than our ride earlier in the day. The drops at the front were just so much better, just really fast and awesome. Joey and I enjoyed it so much we went round again. Still not the best coaster on the planet but it was great.
We'd kinda got bored now, we didn't feel like re-riding anything else so we went into the merch shop to buy lots of things. We then headed back over to Bizarro because I wanted to go pick up an ORP from earlier in the day. Dillon is hilarious...
It was at this point we remembered they had a frisbee called Tomahawk, so we went over to ride that. It was a bit boring but then out of nowhere it just picked up and did some mental rotations which was good. As we got off we spotted a chipmunk!!!!!!! OMG, clearly the best thing in the whole park. It even made the little noise you'd expect a chipmunk to make, it made our day <3
As we were leaving the park we had to pass a guy in a Mr Six costume, it was terrifying. The head mask made him look like his skin was melting off or something, stuff of nightmares.
We got in the car and drove back to the hotel. At the hotel we chillaxed for a bit before Kyle discovered there was a brewery type place nearby so we went over to it. I say that as if it was across the road but this is America, it was like a 20 minute drive lol. The place was called the Cambridge House and it was like a pub restaurant which brews its own beer. That's pretty cool.
Our waitress for the evening was pretty awesome, just really casual and she used to live near Dillon or something and yeah, we were talking to her for some time. She was pretty confused about why two British peeps were travelling with two guys from Virginia. Lolz. The place was full of locals and there were quite a few TVs showing sports, gave it quite a nice vibe.
For dinner I got a pulled pork sandwich, this was also to be my first pulled pork sandwich and OMFG it was amazing. The meat and all the flavours and the barbecue sauce *starts drooling* it was just so amazing. Dillon, Kyle and I also tried some of their beer. It tasted like beer. Kyle also got a dessert which looked pretty spectacular. Photo time...
We then drove back to the hotel for some sleeps. Overall I had a really great day, the park was nice and clean, the staff were all friendly and chatty, well, apart from the food peeps, they were a bit lame and slow. The park has a good selection of rides...even has another Houdini mad house attraction! It was great finding another local gem of a place in the evening too, fantastic way to end the day.
Thanks for reading, sorry there was an epic delay between posts. To make up for that and the lack of photos in this report here is a video we took on one of our long car journeys...

Tuesday 5th June
So it turns out that as well as our hotel room smelling of piss when we arrived, the shower is stupidly complicated and our breakfast consisted of some hot beverages and an array of danishes. I managed to get an apple and a berry danish, they were quite nice but it wasn't what I'd really count as a breakfast and more of a light snack.
Anyways we got in the car and made our way to the next park, Six Flags New England. The weather was looking a little dismal and due to the whole Six Flags locker faff I decided to leave my nice camera in the car so once again I apologise or lack of images. I have something later to make up for that though. So after climbing the M&M steps we're taken into a rather nice entrance plaza for the park, it was really well landscaped and nice, I approved.
But we're not there for landscaping, we were there for the most important of things...CREDS. So as it's very close to the entrance and it was actually running we joined the queue for their latest addition, Goliath. A very rare Vekoma GIB, something which I was a little sceptical about riding. The queue was long but it moved surprisingly quickly. When we got to the end of the queue we tried to get back row and after telling the lady that we had travelled all the way from the UK and after a lot of umming and arring she decided to let us on at the back, get in.
WOW. Why are there not more of these beasts? It was amazing, such an odd experience but so brilliant at the same time. Being pulled up into a vertical position backwards is so odd and then to be let go and zoom through the station is epic, loved it. The inversions were smooth and enjoyable and and then doing it all again backwards was just awesome. Can we get one in the UK please? Kthnxbi.
Next to Goliath stands their other boomerang coaster. There was no one queuing for this one, a sign of bad things to come? Apparently not, it was fast and very smooth, great little coaster. I'm still not understanding the bad rep these get.
The spinning cred, Pandemonium, was next. I'd never been on a spinner where you face inwards before but wow this was one awful coaster. It didn't really do anything. We got a tiny bit of spinning towards the end but overall it all seemed a bit pointless.
Joey decided it would be brilliant to ride the S&S skyswat as then he could claim he'd ridden both of them (the other being Slammer at Thorpe). I detest Slammer and this was meant to be worse so there was no way I was getting on. Dillon had never ridden one and Kyle didn't seem to happy to be going on. It sounds like it was a pretty awful experience, just like Slammer.
Next to it was a classic wooden coaster which didn't look much. Cyclone didn't have a queue but as soon as we were waiting for the train to come back for us to get on it started to rain </3. However the ride op started talking to us and he seemed quite fun, can't quite remember why now. The ride produced a ridiculous first drop, we have no idea what it did exactly but it really took us by surprise and we loved it. The rest of the ride was a bit meh with a couple of decent pops of air time.
They had this cool looking rapids ride themed to penguins but as the weather was being silly we decided not to ride which sucks. They also have this really odd sky ride which goes from that end of the park to the entrance area, about a 3 min walk. The pods were really small and weird. When Joey and I got into the pod the ride op asked us to tell the lady on the other side "you dropped your pocket". WTF? When we got to the other side, she smirked so we asked her what that meant. She told us it told her who was working on the other side, yeah, we didn't get it either.
We then headed over to Bizarro. I really liked the area, the way it was all designed was nice, with the coaster going all over the place, it looked cool. There was a bit of a wait and it gave us time to be amused at the #1 coaster on the planet posters. Would it really be that good? We sat at the back and with the on board audio going up the lift hill it was getting me excited. I loved the fact the audio was basically a rock mix tape, it was all a bit random but I think it works. None of us thought it was as good as the posters made it out to be. It was certainly good in some areas, I think the second half of the ride was probably the best part of it, tunnels are awesome. Overall we just saw it as a meh, been on better type of coaster.
Opposite Bizarro is the coaster with the worst name ever, Gotham City Gauntlet Escape From Arkham. Why is it so long? It's only a standard wild mouse cred. It was a little rough and with basically minimal theming it just looked a bit sad and rode like that too.
Catwoman's whip was next, one of those fun Tivoli family creds with a roar. It was fun, pretty standard really for the type of ride. Urgh, next up for us was the dreaded SLC, Mind Eraser. I hate that these parks kinda clone their creds across the company but at least with the SLCs they've named them appropriately. Urgh.
It was then time for their B&M floorless, Batman the Dark knight. We sat towards the back of the train and I enjoyed it. The zero-g was taken nice and slowly which was great. Overall it was smooth and enjoyable.
Our bellys wanted food by this point. We ended up at one of their chicken stalls. I had this chicken wrap which was pretty mega, very filling which meant I ended up leaving most of the my fries which was sad because they were epic curly fries and everyone knows that curly fries are the superior form of fries.
Next to where we were sitting was the shot tower. We decided to do it and it was ok, pretty much like every other shot tower imo. So it was then time for the parks second wooden coaster, Thunderbolt. It was very forgettable.
There was one more cred to acquire, the Looney Tunes kids cred. The ride op only sent us round once which was nice. Not much else to say apart from it had the least theming out of the three of them.
Time for some re-rides then. It was clear we all wanted to go back on Goliath because it was awesome. As soon as we joined the queueline it broke down, typical! After a bit of a wait, some faff by engineers and staff and a test run it was back open. The ride host remembered us from earlier which was nice of her. We sat closer to the front this time to see if there was a difference. It's still awesome but I found it more intense going backwards at the front of the train. It was almost too intense for me on the vertical loop, still, in the back of the train the whole ride is awesome.
We had another go on Batman: TDK but decided to sit in the front row of the train. It was no where near as good as it was at the back which was odd, I think the floorless effect was better on this one though.
It was then back over to Bizarro to check out front row. There was a massive difference than our ride earlier in the day. The drops at the front were just so much better, just really fast and awesome. Joey and I enjoyed it so much we went round again. Still not the best coaster on the planet but it was great.
We'd kinda got bored now, we didn't feel like re-riding anything else so we went into the merch shop to buy lots of things. We then headed back over to Bizarro because I wanted to go pick up an ORP from earlier in the day. Dillon is hilarious...

It was at this point we remembered they had a frisbee called Tomahawk, so we went over to ride that. It was a bit boring but then out of nowhere it just picked up and did some mental rotations which was good. As we got off we spotted a chipmunk!!!!!!! OMG, clearly the best thing in the whole park. It even made the little noise you'd expect a chipmunk to make, it made our day <3
As we were leaving the park we had to pass a guy in a Mr Six costume, it was terrifying. The head mask made him look like his skin was melting off or something, stuff of nightmares.
We got in the car and drove back to the hotel. At the hotel we chillaxed for a bit before Kyle discovered there was a brewery type place nearby so we went over to it. I say that as if it was across the road but this is America, it was like a 20 minute drive lol. The place was called the Cambridge House and it was like a pub restaurant which brews its own beer. That's pretty cool.
Our waitress for the evening was pretty awesome, just really casual and she used to live near Dillon or something and yeah, we were talking to her for some time. She was pretty confused about why two British peeps were travelling with two guys from Virginia. Lolz. The place was full of locals and there were quite a few TVs showing sports, gave it quite a nice vibe.
For dinner I got a pulled pork sandwich, this was also to be my first pulled pork sandwich and OMFG it was amazing. The meat and all the flavours and the barbecue sauce *starts drooling* it was just so amazing. Dillon, Kyle and I also tried some of their beer. It tasted like beer. Kyle also got a dessert which looked pretty spectacular. Photo time...

We then drove back to the hotel for some sleeps. Overall I had a really great day, the park was nice and clean, the staff were all friendly and chatty, well, apart from the food peeps, they were a bit lame and slow. The park has a good selection of rides...even has another Houdini mad house attraction! It was great finding another local gem of a place in the evening too, fantastic way to end the day.
Thanks for reading, sorry there was an epic delay between posts. To make up for that and the lack of photos in this report here is a video we took on one of our long car journeys...