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Taylor's Week in England- Huge PTR COMPLETE

I was going to say 'next time you should hook up with someone who actually has a car, to avoid our amazing public transport'....

But never mind.
I was going to say 'next time you should hook up with someone who actually has a car, to avoid our amazing public transport'....

But never mind.

Your public transport is AMAZING compared to ours!

I refuse to go to London - it's awful. You miss out, Tay...you miss out...

Yeah but Ciall says that when he's living in Milton Keynes. So he clearly doesn't know what he's on about. :P
I'm sorry, but here you all are slagging off Milton Keynes, and I try and defend it and tell me to shut up, yet when I say I hate London, you all slag me off for it.

It's called an OPINION. Hypocrites... :roll:
UC said:
All that matters to her is how comfortable the beds are, and if there are any interesting designs on the hotel room ceiling.

How did this not get a LOL?

And there certainly IS a bus from Stoke. I've got it a few times... It's about 50 minutes long, but Uttoxeter hates life.

Ciall, London is the capital city for a reason, whilst Milton Keynes is still a town... Also for a reason!

And Rita's launch is a LOT quicker than Desert Race's. Desert Race is all slow and rubbish.
^I liked Desert Race a lot more than Rita lol. It felt a lot smoother and decent which was weird seeing as they're identical clones almost.
UC said:
loefet said:
LiveForTheLaunch said:
(anyone know the acceleration rate?)
That would be me :P

I don't have a log of Rita, but I have one on the clone in Germany so Rita should be pretty similar:
The force peaks at about 2 g's and the duration of the whole launch is 2.1 seconds.

Love the report in all, really makes me wish that I could return there sooner...

You were the same person that said, based on a graph you had, that Rita's launch was about a second long...
Can't remember that I have said that, and I can't find anything on CF that proves that I have. I know of other people that have talked about it though when they opened Stealth...
^ You're definitely right. Can remember it like it was yesterday.

Not too certain of who it was that posted it though.
Yeah, I remember that graph as well. Jake and I rode that thing until the wheels fell off we loved it so much.
Yeah, because I know for sure that the launch isn't only like, 30mph/second. It's stronger than a lot I've been on, and I've been on a lot of different launching coasters.
Wow, I came in to read some trip reports by a Candian coming to the UK and there appears to be an argument about the launch on Rita. Really didn't see that one coming.

Oh and lol at UCs puns.

Some nice trip reports Tay, and yay for you loving London. That puts you in peep's good books *gives Cial an evil stare*
Ah the whole Rita thing:

There was a photo of a computer screen from Rita's control booth floating around a few years ago, showing that it reached top speed really quickly, which kept getting dragged out every other week to demonstrate how amazing Rita is.

It used to get on my tits, so I really hope that it's genuinely been lost.