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^You are being far too secretive and I'm not actually sure whether or not you're just pretending to know all of Merlin's dark secrets..... :wink:
If I recall correctly, off the top of my head, these are the main reasons why this is rumoured to be an RMC:

* RMC themselves have stated that "A park in Europe" has ordered a coaster from them.
* Alton towers have applied for a woodie before, but were turned down.
* The traditional type of wooden rollercoaster has been deemed too "old-fashioned" for the UK (for the lack of a better word, I'm pretty sure some of you will find a much better way to phrase this), but RMC's different take on the concept of a woodie (a composite coaster, if you like) combines the "traditional" style of woodies with the extreme type of ride that seems to be a prerequisite in the UK park market these days. Highly marketable, highly recognisable, a first in Britain for many years, and totally in the style of Alton.
* Ian from CoasterForce himself said on Twitter that he had insider information of a woodie coming to the UK.

Now, there may be even more facts I have missed, but these alone would lend a lot of credence to any rumours of Alton getting a woodie. You might even add a fifth little point:

* Coaster enthusiasts on specialized coaster sites such as this have long been craving a woodie for the UK. While a marginal group overall, whenever coasters are discussed on the Net enthusiasts will pop up and in some way influence the debate. Whoever reads an online discussion on what kind of rides the UK public would like to see, are likely to come across "Woodie plz!" at some point anywhere they look. From a marketing perspective, it may be (or appear to be) a large demographic to satisfy by building a woodie. And they aren't half-bad in regards to price either. Long-story-short: We're skewing the voice of the market.

Of course, there is a bit of a confirmation bias going on in enthusiast circles too. Since "everyone" wants a woodie for the UK, people are likely to think "this must be it!" whenever something new and surprising is announced. Rumours of wood are thus also a little more likely to spread and to gain traction.

At any rate, a combination of these factors makes it look really credible that Alton is finally going to get a woodie. And RMC are delivering just the right kind of woodie to fit at Alton to Europe at some point in the near future.

...Am I on the right track here?
It really pisses me off that people criticise jjnumbersandletters for that "I know something you don't" bs whilst Jordan just spams every topic related to Alton 2017 with "I know something you don't".

Jordan, stop it. For christ sake. You don't look clever.
I'm not 'hinting' at anything more than what Ian has specifically said. Before you have a go at me for 'spamming' about something I 'supposedly' know, I only know what Ian has already said if you could be bothered to find said post and read it.
You know full well that this started as off-forums talk amongst individuals and came to the forums via heavily hinted "I know something you don't" bs posts. The main offender has always been Jordanovichy. Don't pretend this isn't the case, because it is. And you forget that people like, Smithy for example, won't know this and potentially won't know the important info explains why the source matters. So when you all tout the "info is there if people actually read" - no it's really not, it's hidden between spam and layers of enigma (not the shadow variety...).

Yes, the information is out there and clear as day for anyone willing to find it, but whenever anyone asks who isn't in the know, no one was outright telling them clearly and concisely.

IMO that's because most of us who's heard things aren't sure whether it is open game to so freely discuss it, or were having too much fun with the "I know something youuu don't" style posts.

It is completely unfair and unreasonable to mock jjnumbersandletters for that when y'all been doing it for **** weeks. That's all I'm saying. Oh, and I am also voicing concern that the non-blatant nature of the information being shared implies people are worried that it wasn't free game to spread. Hope his makes sense.
^ just chiming in to say I think Joey's totally right here ; I don't remember this mysterious explicit post from Ian that said it all (there have been several "hint" posts, but they fall into the category that Joey is talking about).

Obviously if there is this post that I just "haven't been bothered to read", someone link it and prove me wrong.

I for one have purely added 2+2 together from the various "hints" but I have no other basis for believing it (but it does sound very nice :) )

(Just sayin') ;-)
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Aye Joey's post is spot on. Think people referring to Ian's posts/comments are on about his tweet where he said about an RMC coming to the Uk (I think that was it, it was rather late at night). And obviously there's a group who regularly see each other off-forum, who'll have discussed this in far more detail than they're allowed to on here. That much is obvious (and it's what I'm poking fun at as an outsider), but again as Joey said maybe it's too obvious to the point there's really not much value in protecting a source if there's several people confirming they've heard something they probably shouldn't have but can't share it.

Though I would draw a disctinction between a few members of the 'group' making it known they're aware of these rumours, and JJwhatever claiming he's been told insider information and dress it up all fancy.

Think easiest way to put it is that if Ian's source (if there is one, again I've only seen his Tweet I have no idea what he's told any to you lot in private) may not be too pleasuedd if what was said in confidence has obviously been shared amongst several people who then make it clear it's been shared on an internet forum. May make it less likely for source, if there is one, to share in future.
I've heard from several people who keep their ear to the ground and they've all said the same thing. None of these people work for Merlin. It's strange that they're all saying the same thing and, as far as I'm aware, they're independent of one another. Theres been none of this "sworn to secrecy" crap. It was freely given to me without pushing for info. I'd find it strange if they're all pulling my leg.

The common factors from the various people are RMC, Forbidden valley, 2017. That's all I know. With Blade's removal, I reckon there are legs in what I've been told. I enjoy the speculation which is why I'm not shouting about it...plus nothing is 100% confirmed.

You're arguing over a roller coaster on the internet.

Remember that and calm yo'self.

I'm really excited for whatever this is, as long as it is a cred.
To be honest, if the new coaster is what people have been hinting towards then they've got no problem with information leaks as it will live up to the hype. It's only when the marketing tries to overcompensate for something that isn't as good as they say it is that info leaks can do damage. So if it is a RMC I don't think people will lose interest by knowing about it now. If anything, due to their reputation it might help build up the hype as people know that it's a project worth following.
I just hope whatever's built has some length to it. Too many of the major coasters built in the UK in the last decade or so seem to be over before they've begun. Oblivion just about gets away with it, but I think a lot of the public's disappointment with The Swarm was that it ends too soon - just as they're getting used to the sensation, it's over.
At least the Smiler was a decent length. Also, nothing really to do with the Alton coaster, but I saw on TT yesterday, that someone had posted a comment on Thorpe's Facebook page, which asks when a new coaster will be built. Thorpe's reply mentions the 2015 attraction and then says 'keep your eyes peeled for a new coaster in 2016'. Could this mean that the 2016 dark ride could also be a coaster? Or is it just Thorpe Park being silly?
My guess is Thorpe Park's PR people assume most people don't know the different between a ride and a coaster.

For example lots of people call Detonator a coaster, which isn't a problem but it does slightly annoy the nerd in me :P Of course I might be wrong and there'll be a coaster for 2016!
I can't remember the details as to why the 'Valley' coaster was canned years back, but I think it was over the noise? Couldn't Alton possibly look at implementing a similar design but with RMC to eliminate the roar of a wooden coaster? Saying that location wise wasn't this more towards Duel?

To me I see the possibility of an RMC being added to Thorpe before Alton at it would suit in the area near the log flume, plus there's less risk of another European park getting one before them so Thorpe can claim 'Europe's' first.

Back on topic, The space where Blade occupies would be in an awkward position for the bulk of a coaster surely? Maybe more of a turn around in that area with the majority of the ride being behind the shops towards the gardens?