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SoCal: The Forever Alone Tour July 2012 (Knott's added)

Re: SoCal: The Forever Alone Tour July 2012 (Cars Land added

Sorry for this part of the report being a bit light on photos. I split it here because it was where I split my day, and moved from one park to the other. In hindsight, it may not have been the best place to split the report!

Day 6 - 10th July 2012 - Part 2

After a quick nap and some food, I returned to the resort and headed for the Disneyland Park. As you walk down Main St, the first thing that hits you is how TINY the castle is. I had read several PTRs before going that said the same, but nothing prepared me for how miniscule it actually is. It's fab, but, yeah.



As it was nearby, I headed to Tomorrowland first. Anyone who's been anywhere near my Facebook since January will not be surprised to know where I went first...


I'm starting to wonder if I imagined it, but I'm convinced that they closed them all really suddenly in about March or something this year, stating that it had come to the end of what was only ever going to be a limited run in tribute to MJ. Anyway, as a result I was convinced it was closed, so was SO excited when I realised its actually still going! It's even better with added Americans who go **** MENTAL when MJ first appears on the screen! <3

Everything else in Tomorrowland had a burdenous queue, so I headed for the nearest thing with a single rider - Matterhorn Bobs.


Apart from knowing that it's the oldest tubular steel railed coaster, and being told it was a bit crap, I didn't really know what to expect. I actually really enjoyed it. I love the way the layout weaves in and out of the mountain, the scary Yeti things are fab, and its just generally really fun. I approve.

Next on the agenda was It's a Small World. Yeah, not a lot to say really, apart from the fact that the Sylvanian Families sign on the way in is a great example of how to sponsor a ride without ruining it. Oh, and, God knows what I was busily looking at, but I somehow completely missed the English section.

Literally as I was walking out of it, "The Magic, The Memories and You!" was starting up. This is basically a series of 3D projection maps onto the Small World building, inexplicably featuring a load of randomers burdenous holiday photos/videos. A couple of the projection maps I saw were pretty cool, but it wasn't anything lifechanging. As a result, I decided that if I legged it, I might just have time to get to the first performance of Fantasmic!



I'm going to briefly mention the way that they organise the crowd control for the outdoor shows/parades as this was the first time it had had a big impact on me. What they do is to rope off areas for people to watch, with seperate lanes roped off as designated pathways. They have tons of cast members everywhere ensuring that people don't stop to watch whilst stood in the pathways. This is a great idea as, especially if you're not watching the show, it still allows you to pass through/around the area relatively easily. However, it does mean that space for watching the show is relatively limited, and I very nearly got caught out.

The show was literally just starting as I arrived in the area. I followed the "walking" path along, and eventually found a gap in the "standing" area just big enough for me to stand in. I ducked under the rope, and life was all good. If I hadn't been on my own (and if I was shorter!) then I wouldn't have fared so well. This kinda too me by surprise. Being by myself, I was quite lucky for all of the parades/shows as I was able to squeeze into relatively small gaps. If you're going as part of a group and/or want the best view, then it's stating the obvious, but you really must get there early.

Anyway, yes, the show. It's awesome. It was my first time in the river area, so I hadn't seen the rafts or the Columbia before, so seeing them appear was mental (especially as, for a little while, I thought they might just be there for the show! haha) Bonus points for the existence of Maleficent, although minus points for her turning into the dragon almost immediately.

My camera fails at life



Next was Jungle Cruise. I wish I'd re-ridden this in the daylight actually, but it was a bit meh. This sign was fab though. Oh, and the cast member on our boat was pretty cute.


From there I went to Indiana Jones Adventure and whored the single rider queue. OMG, this is actually epic. Quite possibly my favourite ever dark ride. Everything about it is full of awesome, and I don't even like the Indie franchise. The ride system, the pacing of the ride, the animatronics - it's all fab <3

PotC next, as it was basically walk on where everyone else was watching performance 2 of Fantasmic. Yeah, as much as I try to love these, I just don't really get it. Sure, some of the scenes are absolutely fantastic, and the Jack Sparrow animatronics are stunning, but... meh. It takes too long to get going for my liking. There's too many scenes without characters which are merely ok. By the time you get to the good bits, I'm, dare I say it, starting to get a little bit bored.

Again, walk on because of Fantasmic, I did Haunted Mansion next. It was good, and I enjoyed it, but it's not among my favourites. I thought some of the audio (including "Grim Grinning Ghosts" which, lets face it, is the main bit anyone remembers) was too quiet.

I stumbled across Winnie the Pooh. It was walk on. Meh.

By now it was getting late, so I started to head back towards the front of the park. Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters was finally without a queue, so I took the opportunity. The Paris one was closed when I went, so no idea how this compares. It was alright, but I found the shooting system took a while to get my head round. I also didn't realise the cars could be rotated. Yeah, I'm just a retard.

The animatronic in the queue line is amaze though


By now it was like 11:55pm, with the park closing at 12. I decided to go for the Finding Nemo Submarine Voage, and got on the last boat of the night. Whilst its a nice idea, some of the effects are pretty nicely done, and the whole submarine thing is different, I didn't rate it that highly. Oh well.

So yeah, that was the end of my first fabulous Disney day. To summarise the day - 20 hours awake, 14 hours on park, 27 attractions done and +4 creds.

Here's a really **** picture of the castle to end


Ride/Attraction count (part 2):
Captain Eo
Matterhorn Bobsleds
It's a Small World
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Jungle Cruise
Indiana Jones Adventure
Pirates of the Caribbean
Haunted Mansion
Winnie the Pooh
Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage
Re: SoCal: The Forever Alone Tour July 2012 (Cars Land added

Only one side of Matterhorn? [/deathspite]
Re: SoCal: The Forever Alone Tour July 2012 (Cars Land added

Yeah am enjoying this report as well as we went a few years ago.

California had my favourite pirates due to the slow start and the entrance and queue line etc. But like you I just don't see what the big deal is with these rides, I really want to like them but for me it's always a filler ride.

When you done indie could you see the track infront of you, when we done it I think the lights were on or something as we could see everything.
Re: SoCal: The Forever Alone Tour July 2012 (Cars Land added

Day 7 - 11th July 2012

I got there for opening, and made a start in Tomorrowland. Star Tours was down, so I headed straight for Space Mountain. It was basically walk on. I really enjoyed it. I LOVE the audio, and the coaster itself is really fun in the dark. I feel like it could maybe benefit from a few more visual effects round the ride, but it's not a massive issue. All in all, a good little ride. Grabbed a fast pass while I was there.

Astro blasters was walk on as I went past, so decided to pop back in. When I came out, Autopia was walk on, so I thought I might as well. They give you these as you get on <3



You can get your photo and stuff printed on it, but it costs $5 so yeah, that didn't happen. I always seem to get stuck behind some idiot whenever I go on these things. This was no exception. This old woman 2 cars infront was seemingly incapable of pushing a pedal. Even her husband who was also stuck behind her clearly thought she was a retard.


I went back to see if Star Tours had re-opened. It hadn't. I the used my Space Mountain fast pass. Next I headed for the castle, stopping to look at some of the gardens and stuff on the way.




Look who just happened to be sashaying past



Ariel was just merrily chatting **** to herself. She was fab <3

So, we've already established that the castle is TINY. It's still fab though, and somehow suits the park. I think I was really conscious of the fact that it was the first one, so it sort of gets away with it, if you know what I mean.


Inside is sleeping beauty stuff. It's more exciting than the inside of the Paris one, but I adore the windows there, so kinda prefer that. Although, there are some awesome Maleficent scenes. (my camera really does fail at life)

Maleficent <3

The Snow White dark ride was walk on. Meh. Next I headed for Toon Town. The Roger Rabbit ride was walk on. Meh. Gadget's Go Coaster had about a 10 min wait. +1.


I then started zig-zagging across the park in a really retarded way to try and chase the shortest queues and find stuff I'd not done/was desperate to re-ride. I also kept getting lost.

Star Tours was finally open again. I didn't wait long to get on. Lets start by saying that I have absolutely no interest in Star Wars whatsoever. I've not seen any of the films, and have no desire to do so. Despite all that, the ride was quite enjoyable. The update really has given it a new lease of life. Paris desperately needs to sort their lives out and update theirs, as its so dated now it's laughable.

I think it was at this point that I got an ice cream from the place on Main St. Maple & Pecan. OMG, it was **** amazing. Anyway, yes, back to the rides. Indiana Jones re-ride next via the single rider queue. I love it <3

Next I did Splash Mountain as a single rider. There was a fair queue even for that, and we'd been stood there in the station area for 5 maybe even 10 minutes. Eventually, one of the idiotic girls infront of me turns round to her mate and says "Oh, that's what single rider means. We won't be sat together", which garnered the reply "What? How are we going to get our photo done then?" *facepalm* As it turned out, they were lucky and did get together afterall. That made me cry inside. Just because I'm really spiteful, I wanted to see them get split up. Anyway, the ride. I totally wasn't expecting the whole dark ride thing. You get halfway round and all these rabbits start singing at you! haha! I read somewhere later on that before it got built, some other dark ride about rabbits got spited, and that the models in Splash Mountain "look remarkably similar" to the ones from that. Haha! Yeah, apart from the rabbits of wtf, it's an unremarkable log flume.


The "canoes" had no queue. It was pleasant enough, but the imbecile infront of me couldn't paddle and kept splashing me in the face </3

I then took the trip on a raft over to Tom Sawyer's island.

There's some things to look at and climb on.




There was half a dead fish.


Once I got back, the Columbia was about to set sail, so I jumped aboard





It also had the ultimate themed bin! LESSTHANTHREE

You see stuff on the bank as you go round. This was my favourite

Once I got off, I re-rode Big Thunder Mountain. I got off in time to go and stake out a spot for the Soundsational Parade. I must be the luckiest person there, but I somehow managed to find a spare bit of bench in the shade with no more than 15 mins to go before it started. The song is still stuck in my head.









It was fab!

I re-rode Matterhorn Bobs again next. Now, to explain what Jake was on about. I was only earlier THIS WEEK that I ralised that there's actually two sides to this, and therefore it's TWO creds. I liereally had no clue whatsoever at the time! I know for certain that on this run I did the right hand side as you look at the platforms, but as I have no idea which one I did on the first run, and didn't realise they were different, I'm only going to count it once. How honest of me. The mountain climbers are quite fab, but a little bit pointless as you can barely see them.




I popped into Innoventions next. I missed the Asimo thing sadly. The rest of it was a bit meh. I hate it when you can't get away with elbowing kids out of the way to have a go on the touch screen stuff </3


After that, I decided it was time for an afternoon break, but then got distracted on the way out. The Disneyland Story was quite fab (in a really goony way). There was some interesting information, and some cool models.




I then had a look in the Disney Gallery. They've currently got an exhibition about all of the parks' castles, featuring an awesome model of Paris'.

I then headed back to the hotel for a short while, and went for a quick swim. While I was there, I witnessed something that would've had Marc wetting himself for a week. This girl (probably about 11 year old) had arrived at the pool with her family, and was about to jump in. As she walked backwards to take a run up, she tripped over a plant pot, and landed flat on her arse, covered in mud. It was literally one of the funniest things ever. Definitely would've been worth the £200 from You've Been Framed if anyone had caught it on camera.

I decided to spend the evening in California Adventure. I popped in to check out the Mad Hatter's T Parts. What. The. ****?! Seriously?!


Then this band appeared, and they were just as mental. The fab old dyke on guitar <3

The area is a bit sparse and industrial, but they do have these fab chairs

Then I found these, which, being a total Gaudí fangirl made me squee

Tower of Terror had a big queue, so I decided to go and see how busy Cars Land was. The way they light the rocks makes it look even more spectacular! The way they've done it really is so clever



The single rider queue on Racers looked to me to be 30-45 mins, so I joined it. About halfway through, there was a breakdown. I'm guessing it was "just" a reset, but with the number of cars they have out there, it takes ages to get it sorted. When I did eventually get on the ride, I got the paint shop this time! Yay - one of each! When Lightening said which one we were going in I actually let out an audible (Napoleon Dynamie style) "Yessssssssssss!" :D By the time I got off the ride, it was probably just over an hour since I joined the queue.



That left me with time to grab a hotdog and head for the last showing of the night of World Of Colour. Now, through my piss poor planning, this was my absolute last opportunity to see the show. It then became apparent that I might've cocked up. I hadn't bothered to get a ticket for it, because I didn't appreciate how they organise it. When I asked a cast member (well, actually 3 - the first two gave me conflicting information) I was told that, to stand anywhere near it, you need a ticket. WTF? She did say though that if I stood outside Little Mermaid and waited until just before it started, they might let me in once everyone with a ticket was in position. PANIC! So, anyway, I did as I was told and waited outside Little Mermaid. I watched lots of people waiting by/trying to sneak past the ropes, and getting told to bugger off. Eventually, I noticed some people that weren't geting told to bugger off, so went and hovered next to them. Now, I don't know if we were legitimately being let in, or if they were being allowed to cross the path, and I took a wrong turn, but anyway, I got in! YAY! There was still LOADS of space, so it didn't do any harm. But anyway, the moral of the tale is that it's probably worth getting a ticket. In the end, I got a nice spot right in the middle, although it did turn out there was a massive spiteful lamp post in the way that I hadn't noticed.


Anyway, the show started...




OMG, it's SO awesome! I've barely heard a bad word said about it, and for good reason. It's so spectacular, and goes on forever. It's also impossible to imagine just how enormous it is until you see it for yourself. If you go to the park, you really can't afford to miss it!

As the show finished, Little Mermaid was walk on

Which left time for just one more ride before bed...


Ride/Attraction count:
Space Mountain (back row)
Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters
Space Mountain (back row)
Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough
Snow White's Scary Adventures
Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin
Gadget's Go Coaster
Star Tours
Indiana Jones Adventure
Splash Mountain
Davy Crockett's Explorer Canoes
Tom Sawyer's Island
Columbia Sailing Ship
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Soundsational Parade
Matterhorn Bobsleds
Disneyland Story
Disney Gallery
Mad Hatter's T Party
Radiator Springs Racers
World of Colour
Little Mermaid
Tower of Terror
Re: SoCal: The Forever Alone Tour July 2012 (More Disney add

Phuket, going to keep rattling these out whilst I can be arsed, otherwise I'll probably never bother

Day 8 - 12th July 2012

I went to Knott's. I got a bus. It took forever, was full of weirdos, and got me there stupidly early.


Once it opened, everyone ran round to Silver Bullet. I though the clever thing to do would be to ignore that, and go round the back to Xcelerator. I got on the 2nd train of the day. I love Stealth, so have always wanted to ride this to see how it compares. The launch was fantastic and the top hat was great. Now, I never thought I'd say this but actually, the rest of it is a bit unnecessary. I know everyone always moans about Stealth being a "one trick pony" and suchlike, but I think the fact that it's so short means that you concentrate on the intensity of the launch and tophat. It seems to be a bit diluted by the time you come back into the station on Xcelerator. That and the fact that they were so inefficient at batching that they were stacking the cars for aaaages.




Next, because it was there, and was walk-on, I did the drop tower thing. It was turd.


Boomerang was there, was empty and was working. +1. Good job I got on it early, as about an hour later, it closed and I don't think it re-opened for the rest of the day.

Pony Express next. This was alright. I think I prefer the Zamperla restraints to the Vekoma ones. There seemed to be a lot of 9ish yr old kids around the park who were in love with it. A fun family coaster.

Montezooma's Revenge. Yes, it's just like Thunder Looper <3 I'd kinda forgotten that these are launched! So fab!


Most things had a burdenous queue now, so I went to see the Wild West Stunt show. It was a bit lame, but alright.

Jaguar next. I queued for what seemed like ages, and there were these really loud annoying kids infront of me. +1


I went and joined the huge queue for Silver Bullet. There was this proper special guy about 6 people behind me in the queue who kept shouting at people if they left a gap in the queue for more than about 3 seconds. He also kept trying to start conversations with people who would either just ignore him or just kind of grin awkwardly. Anyway, about an hour later, I finally got on. I've decided that this can best be described as "Katun: Inferno". It's huge, has all the ingredinets for a great invert, and is quite forceful, but just lacks... something. I can't put my finger on it. Don't get me wrong, it's a good ride, but it's nowhere near being a great ride.



Windseeker didn't really have a queue, so I took a deep breath and gave it a go. It's so much less terrifying than a star flyer. The proper restaints, and rigid supports make all the difference. To me, that was a relief, but I can see why it would bore some people.


I went on Calico Mine train next. There was a deaf couple infront of me. The guy insisted on feeling his missus up in the middle of the queue. It was **** disgusting. As for the ride, if Blackpool's Gold Mine this is a cred (which is blates is) then so is this.

During the day, I couldn't understand why their Screamin' Swing never had a queue. Then I realised that it's an upcharge attraction! WTF?! haha!


Needless to say, I didn't bother.

The Snoopy Ice show was about to start, so I thought I'd give it a go. OMG, it was **** terrible. Like, actually awful. The single redeeming feature was a 30 second appearance by "Justin Beagle" who was amazing.



That still left me with one cred to get. Sierra Sidewinder. From off-ride this doesn't look like it spins at all. Then you ride it, and realise that that's bollocks.


I was suffering from a severe case of CBA by this point, so went for a ride on the Calico Railroad. Spoiler: Bandits get on and take the piss out of people. Eugh.

If anyone's wondering, Ghostrider was very closed. Does this ever open? Everything I saw gave the impression that it's basically SBNO at the moment.



As you can tell, the weather that day was relatively crap. By about 6pm it started pissing down, so I gave up and buggered off.

I know everyone always slags Knott's off, but it's not *that* bad. Some of the theming is actually quite good. See!


There's still a hell of a lot they could do to improve it, but it wasn't half as bad as I'd been led to expect. I know it's a lazy comparison, but it did remind me a fair bit of Thorpe. They have some similar rides, felt like a similar size, and both get a lot of flack from enthusiasts. Whilst neither of them are even close to being perfect, they both have their redeeming features.

In the evening, I went to Downtown Disney.


I don't know where this goes, but its fab!


The Lego store is AMAZING




Anyway, the main reason for going was to go to the cinema to see Brave. Because of how the times worked out, I ended up seeing it in good old fashioned 2D. I've posted a review in the "Now Showing" topic if you're interested. Anyway, the funniest thing that happened was when the woman next to me dropped all of her MASSIVE bag of popcorn all over the head of the person in front. I actually couldn't stop laughing for about 5 minutes! haha!

Ride/Attraction count:
Supreme Scream
Pony Express
Montezooma's Revenge
Wild West Stunt Show
Silver Bullet
Calico Mine Train
Snoopy Ice Show
Sierra Sidewinder
Calico Railroad
Re: SoCal: The Forever Alone Tour July 2012 (Cars Land added

Nic said:
OMG, it's SO awesome! I've barely heard a bad word said about it, and for good reason. It's so spectacular, and goes on forever. It's also impossible to imagine just how enormous it is until you see it for yourself. If you go to the park, you really can't afford to miss it!

Its rubbish, boring, incoherant and dull. Theres 4 bad words for you!


Great report so far BTW, fun to see these places that I've been to "solo" (a few times) also being done by someone solo... SRQs FTW! :-)

(and I like Knotts too... do they still run the cheesy 80s pop music everywhere though? Really out of place walking around the western-town area.)
Re: SoCal: The Forever Alone Tour July 2012 (More Disney add

Nic said:
I don't know where this goes, but its fab!


Lol, it's a tram to the car park XD

Also, I don't know who told you that about the Splash Mountain rabbits but I believe that to be ****. The ride is purposely themed around characters from The Song of the South so I doubt they reused old animatronics (I might be horribly mistaken though.

I didn't think too badly of Knotts either, although it was definitely a LOT busier when we went and Xcelerator was spiting </3
Interesting, I suppose Disney does have a general style when they draw rodents which would allow for that kind of thing, sneaky ;]
Pretty sure I read it in a display in The Disneyland Story. I thought it was interesting because in a company that I associate with a "money's no object" attitude to theming, it wasn't the kind of thing I'd expect them to do.