Nicky Borrill
Strata Poster
We’ve taken advantage of this a couple of times in the last month or two… I honestly had no idea it was a ‘new’ thing, or I’d have said something… :/This has been a thing for a few weeks now, but all of Plopsaland De Panne will be open year-round during weekends, Wednesdays, and holidays. All rides will be operating, weather and temperature permitting (Ride to Happiness for example will be running as long as it's no less than 5 degrees Celsius outside). The indoor areas are currently closed due to covid restrictions but are set to re-open by next weekend, and will be open 365 days a year going forward bar the occasional private event.
Opening times
However, I’d be very surprised to see it continue forever, there were more staff on park than guests on Wednesday!!! Until after 3pm when all the obviously local pass holders / enthusiasts started turning up after school / work.