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Who here Skates? I can do an olllie, pop shove-it, kickflip, Backside and Frontside 180, pop 180, 50-50, 5-0, Salad nose grab, and manual.
Skateboarding... lol!

I could Ollie, Kickflip, Heelflip and 180. Grabs don't count as they're a piece of piss.

When I was about 15 I realised that, for some reason, most skateboarders are dickheads. Like, Tony Hawk isn't as much anymore, but seriously, some of the guys you see are proper twats.

Therefore I gave it up. I can probably still Ollie and Kickflip, but I don't really care anymore.

There you go, that'll be one of the few people who actually posts properly in this topic. So I thought I'd get it out of the way now. :lol: I can just see this failing so badly.
the biggest wussy is ryan sheckler. he cries about what americans go through.
I did buy a skateboard a few years ago but it was hardly ever used. I did learn to ollie which was pretty simple but I got bored of it after the summer... and sold it
I could Ollie, Heelflip, Fakie Shove It (but not standard shove it for some bizarre reason). And that was it. Keep meaning to try it again but I never put huge effort in the first time round.
LOL I can't even skateboard straight down a sidewalk or road without falling, so I definitely can't do any tricks :p .

I am probably the most uncoordinated person most of you will ever meet, so skateboarding is a big no-no.
I used to skateboard, then I grew up and kinda grew out of it.

In saying that for a laugh I had a go on my mates skateboard for a minute or so the other day .. it was brutal.