English Coaster Guy
Roller Poster
Dive Machines are majestic things aren't they, and this one looks beautiful, so far. Something about the lift hills angle of ascent and sheer size of track that gives me 'the fizz'.
I would go as far as saying Dive Machines are massively underrated, particularly from an enthusiasts view point. They're superb additions for park owners as well, general park visitors are always stunned by the fact it "hangs you over the edge and drops straight down", they'll tell all their friends and colleagues about it as well, free marketing almost.
I remember my first ride on Sheikra, me and my brother had a train to ourselves. There was something remarkable about being strapped into this MASSIVE machine, on our own, approaching the drop, looking over towards the Serengeti, sun was setting, the smell of funnel cakes from beneath, our parents at the bottom of the drop waving, cameras at the ready, just wonderful. Not many other rollercoasters have the same sense of occasion as a Dive Machine, and I feel like this has been forgotten, to a degree.
In a world of mental RMC's and whacky Intamin double/triple launch coasters, I'm just happy to see another one of these going up to be honest and I'm hopeful that it will deliver experiences similar to the one I experienced above.
Why am I emotional today?
I would go as far as saying Dive Machines are massively underrated, particularly from an enthusiasts view point. They're superb additions for park owners as well, general park visitors are always stunned by the fact it "hangs you over the edge and drops straight down", they'll tell all their friends and colleagues about it as well, free marketing almost.
I remember my first ride on Sheikra, me and my brother had a train to ourselves. There was something remarkable about being strapped into this MASSIVE machine, on our own, approaching the drop, looking over towards the Serengeti, sun was setting, the smell of funnel cakes from beneath, our parents at the bottom of the drop waving, cameras at the ready, just wonderful. Not many other rollercoasters have the same sense of occasion as a Dive Machine, and I feel like this has been forgotten, to a degree.
In a world of mental RMC's and whacky Intamin double/triple launch coasters, I'm just happy to see another one of these going up to be honest and I'm hopeful that it will deliver experiences similar to the one I experienced above.
Why am I emotional today?

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