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Scw55's Thread. Planet Coaster Calls (18-11-17)


Hyper Poster
Hello. I've been a reader of Coaster Force for about 10 years as I've always been a fan of Roller Coasters (in an artistic sense). But only recently (in the scheme of time) I have become active in this small community of RCT3 players. So welcome to a thread dedicated to me sharing my wares.

My approach to RCT3 seems to be different from other users. Fundamentally I share the same ideas and aims as other users. Examples such as Exciting Theming, Exploiting Terrain and Landscaping to enhance Coaster Layouts, and aversions to Helixes of Deaths and stupid bends.

Where I am unique is that I have no regard for realism. Mainly due to that I've never ridden a Roller Coaster (riding a Junior Pirate Ship ride when I was 6 had made me have a fear of Airtime for years). I could have ridden Air, but the school person (who I pittied as he was a billy-n-mate and had no one to go with round Alton Towers on a School Trip) didn't want to go on it. Ironically he was eager to ride Corkscrew, so I have no idea why he was more scared of a Flying Roller Coaster than a traditional one that gives you more whiplash than a woman with a...

Due to my disregard of realism, it means my track layouts tends to be more, imaginative or intense. They also occasionally could kill you from brain trauma. I like being innovative with track-element sequencing. The most extreme example to date is the Corkscrew Drop. A sequence of Corkscrews and Inverted Corkscrews spiralling down to the floor.

I'm starting to ramble on. I said what I needed to say. Properly introducing myself and stating what I am about.

I've started this thread to share what I've made. I feel like the contests aren't quite right for me as my design Philosophy clashes with the majority of participants. I can never compromise with the realism aspect.

The first media I shall share are screenshots of my Intamin entry that got corrupted by who knows what. Enjoy/squirm :D [before I added custom supports and made the area better]

(I'll be using a different hosting site from now on so I can embed images.)

http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream

P.S. What I constitute as Realism is: Replication of reality. I.E. fiddly elements added like hyper realistic supports. Or Impulse Coaster can only exist in one plane.
I still make sure that when you ride the coaster via POV that you don't feel agony on behalf of the rider or get your head chopped off by the floor.

I also have the mentality of being time efficient. There's no point making a perfect creation if you spend 6 hrs making the perfect tunnel. If the benefit of doing it properly isn't worth the time, then I won't do it. I have other more enjoyable things to do. At the end of the day, RCT3 is a game. If you're not enjoying playing it then don't.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

scw55 said:
At the end of the day, RCT3 is a game. If you're not enjoying playing it then don't.

Is that the fundamental difference between rct3 and nolimits?

Anyway, I admire your creativity and imagination in creating some of your exciting, but frankly crazy coasters. I like your Intamin invert though, if a little too much volcanoes and lava, but still, reminds me a lot of Volcano-The blast (theming and type).

Your underground coaster seems to literally "spiral out of the realms of reality", and I like that. :--D I appreciate that it might not be finished, but it seems to be lacking everything but the coaster (station, natural looking terrain etc.)

And,your new coaster concept on flickr...already been done. :wink:


Very strange....

Keep up with the good work! :--D
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

Isn't that a forwards tilt? My concept was for a backwards tilt. I have the philosophy that people are more afraid of the unknown than the known.
Therefore knowing you're going to drop down vertically backwards (especially if the track tilts) will be a worse sensation than being able to see the drop.

I think if a B&M Dive machine would have reversed cars, then the holding breaks pre-drop would need to be removed as it's pointless. The sensation of laying on your back might be nice and all you see if the sky. A gentle roll over the edge backwards would be more thrilling.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

Ah, I see...

Now that would be both thrilling and seriously scary! In the dark too???
Essentially its the Vekoma Tilt coaster model with reversed trains. You do know you can make them on rct3 too?
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

I didn't know. My next RCT3 endeaver was to explore that.
I just have nitty gritty scenery-ness to do around a Glider I've build (Supports were hell to do).

This is a PoV of a small concept coaster I build 2 years ago.

You can easily see that I've always been good at layout and ambition for park building, just not so much theming.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

Built a concept for a Tilt Coaster. Had some issues with the train exploding itself due to how AWESOME the layout was, so I had to replace the element with a similar one (I think hiccups with clipping).

I need to experiment with speeds to make something shorter and place some boosters where appropiate to accommodate the extreme change in finale. I'll post a screenshot by the end of the day.


Basically it starts with a Launch. Then winds itself all the way to the top, where it tilts into the station.

Started a lot more ambitious. It reverse launched, then did the route. It then reached a tilt lifted. I had issues where the coaster magically destroyed itself at the base of the lift.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

Whilst I work on my Sci-Fi jungle, here's some screenshots of a duelling coaster concept. This is a scrapped layout for the Duelling Coaster contest. I didn't use it as there weren't as many interactions as my duelling insects. Turns out that didn't matter for some entries cough.




It's a Duelling Inverted Boomerang Coaster.

The aim was to create a two reverse lift hills that felt like two great behemoths were stepping backwards in preparation to charge at each other. Sadly on the PoV you don't feel like you will collide . That's something I need to figure out.

The next interaction were two Vertical Loops next to each other head-long so in theory you'd get the Duelling Dragons effect and at the bottom of the loop before entering,the illusion that both trains would collied (PoV). Didn't achieve the PoV effect but at least from afar it looks impressive.

I failed with the key aspects I wanted to achieve, but I succeeded in creating a beautifully aesthetic design. At least from afar, you do get the intended idea that the two Coasters are battling.

The problem of Boomerang Coasters is that the track can never be too long. You need enough velocity to make it around the track and the return trip, but not too much that some elements are agony to experience (to make up for the distance needed to travel).

One complete success was the short pre-reverse lift hill element of a reverse launch up a half loop that turns into a half "corkscrew". It's as far as I know unique to Boomerang Coasters (excluding the more complex boomerang coaster layout).

I might import it into my Sci-Fi Jungle park and theme it around a Nemesis like back-story that it's an alien organism that was discovered yadder-yadder. It's a species that consists of two entities that normally lives in balance. However the human presence has disrupted the balance, and now a very visible conflict between the two halves of the creature can be visible. Blah blah blah. I find that inventing a back-story for a coaster when I built it helps me theme it and colour it.

I think that the two Vertical Loops look like eyes.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

scw55 said:
Turns out that didn't matter for some entries cough.
I sense some bitterness... lol

I actually really like the concept though.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

Here's some screenshots of my progress so far for my Sci-Jungle.


I wanted to build a flying Coaster that had interesting and complex elements. I tried the CTR version of the B&M Flying but I had problems of the trains drowning test-riders and colliding with itself. In my demoralized state of destroying an hour's work, I tried a different coaster type; the Glider. This allowed me to build a more concentrated layout as the inversion elements were smaller. This worked out better. You get a better sense of flying around the treetops with this coaster as the default trees are much smaller (still haven't plucked up the courage to try my CS tree sets). The forest of black supports makes the POV feel very intense as you feel caged in.
The 'story' behind the ride is that it's testing flight vehicles. The vehicles zoom around the trees being nimble. I'm proud of the scenery. It combines what I wanted to achieve of a strange combination of Sci-Fi and Rainforest. In the top left you can glimpse my unfinished Splashboat ride. Its layout is done. Just building up the scenery around it.


This is my Goliath Coaster. I enjoy building a massive beast of a coaster in the part entrance area. I think of it as a huge statement. It has about 26 inversions so realism is out of the question. It's exciting to ride POV. It's just meant to be machine that explores the canopy. Sadly I have no trees as high as it so... yeah. The track is meant to be leaves. The Supports are branches. The station is in a Green-house to keep the naturalness of the ride high. The only thing I wanted to stick-out as artificial would be the Coaster Train which is coloured Black and Yellow. As with the Glider Coaster, the density of the supports makes it a very intense ride. Adding to that is constantly diving between underneath the trees and far above them. The Coaster is also built onto a hillside so you'll often have elements where the Coaster hugs the ground and goes up a small hill, but the decent is much-much longer on the other side as a result of the hillside. Next screenshots are elements of note.


Lifthill->Zero G Hill

You have your lift-hill, but as you approach the top, the track twists into a Zero G roll. The roll then drops down. The drop after it is curved to carry on the twisting. The Zero G Roll would look weird if it was a straight drop. I'm interesting in odd and new ways of starting off a coaster layout. The official use of the Barrel Roll -> Half Loop in real life (Swarm) has made me hungry to find a new special start. I would be seen as 'copying' otherwise.


Half Overbanked Turn -> Barrel Roll -> Half Overbanked Turn (maintaining the rotation direction).

I don't know how unique this is. I discovered it myself a few months ago when playing with the Wingrider CTR and I liked the shape of the Coaster Train as it went through the elements. Here I applied it to a Floorless Car and with Small Overbanked Turns. I have watched POV of other people's creations and they do 2/3 of this. They have only one Overbanked Half and a full Barrel Roll.

But yeah, that screenshot shows what I am about with Coaster Track Layouts. I like to carry on through the direction of rotation of the track as far as possible (without going into Helix Hell). I believe it makes for a smoother POV experience. The only time I break this philosophy is when I forget, I have to, or I'm trying to align the Coaster Track in a certain plane.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

I really like that last element...but you gotta get some variance with the trees...it's kinda an eye sore with giant blocks of all the same type of tree.

And for the record, I marked you highly for the dueling aspect and every entry in the contest had fairly good dueling qualities. Dueling doesn't necessarily have to mean that the tracks literally are next to each other the entire time...
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

Light and Dark duelling concept has been implemented into Sci-Fi-Jungle Park.


I am basically doing my own Nemesis. In less I am able to create a convincing monster with scenery, the 'creature' will consist of many tentacles. The silver supports are like with Nemesis meant to be pinning down the creature. That is why the fake track doesn't have any supports at all, as they're loose tentacles.
I had so much trouble doing the custom supports for the vertical lift hill as nothing seemed to work. By chance I tried the supports for the small vertical loop as a desperate chance, and it kind of worked. Looks very bold so I need to find a way to make it stand-out less or fit better.

It's not finished at all, but I have reached a mental roadblock. Any advice for what I can do to push is more towards 'alien creature being restrained' would be good. CS/Default scenery.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

Another question.
I really want to make a 'Kiddie/Junior' Roller Coaster but I want it to be using an Extreme normal Coaster type. Sort of, amusing irony/potential something genuious.

Something along the lines of "Kiddy B&M Inverted" or "Kiddy B&M Wingrider". Not necessarily B&M, but I hope you know what I mean.

I would prefer not using a CTR as the high polygon counter makes my performance drop significantly, especially when I want to build a humongous park with many rides within it.

What coaster type do you want me to try using?

Also what height do kiddy coasters have at most?
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

Mini Inverter Update


Lift Hill


First Drop


First Drop


View from the hillside looking down onto the river past the Ride and onto the other side of the bank


Night-shot of the tilt finale of the Tilt Coaster with Expedition Everest inspired fake track section.[/i]
I really cannot be arsed putting up custom supports for this, but I will have to at some point.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

I built a small scale Swinging Inverter Duelling Coaster because I though the effect could be awesome. One track would have UFO themed cars and the other Parrots. The Theme would be Terrestrial Vs Extraterrestrial.

Sadly the effect was mediocre. There's like a huge clearance around the side of a Swinging Inverter track so Duelling and interaction with corners is very hard.
Re: scw55's Unconventionality Show-Off thread.

When you say there was a huge clearance do you mean that the game made you put the tracks far away or that you were dealing with collision issues? Regardless, your stuff is getting better and I like your creativity.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; **Winter's Grasp Update**

I have hit a rut with the initial project. Combination of CBA doing custom supports for an ambitious Tilt Coaster, Mediocre Concept Coaster Layouts, Unable to find the scenery I want and general lack of space. In till the time being, that project is being suspended.

However on a positive note, I've started a new Park Project. Like the previous one, it will combine two themes that doesn't instantly fit, but at the same time do. The themes are:

Snowy Horror

The park will be a Halloween/Horror theme park in a winter's setting. It came from wanting to do a snowy themed park and deciding what building theme I would use for the station. Glass was too limited. Arab I had already done. The other theme that fitted that wasn't dully realistic was Stonework. After considering all available stonework types, the Haunted Castle offered the bizareness I wanted and room for being inventive with theming and story-lines.

I am pleased to say that I have a Roller Coaster to share with you. The name is Winter's Grasp. It is a CTR B&M Flying Coaster. Highest drop is 60ft (like my contest lol). I wanted to build a low-flying B&M Flyer that was short and sweet but was exciting to ride and was supported by landscape and theming.

I normally start new parks with a "Statement" Roller Coaster. A coaster that summarises the whole park and is the first one you see. I think Winter's Grasp sums up everything I want to achieve nicely.





Overview from behind


Overview with first drop


Station Building I wanted it to be understated but still slightly interesting.


Lift-hill. The train is dragged up a hillside over the grasping hands from the earth. Literally "Winter's Grasp".


First drop I hope you appreciate my inventive use of supports.


Half 'Loose Corkscrew' out of the pool and into a Barrel roll


Barrel Roll past a Haunted House; going into the Flight position


Near-miss ground skim. Rises up over more grasping hands


Banked Turn past a Watch Tower



A combo of a Half-Corkscrew and then a banked downwards-bend to form a 'Turn'. It also 'crashes' into another Watch Tower nestled between two ridges.


The end. Don't worry, there are breaks in the building. You should be more concerned about idiots waving their arms around being amputated.

I hope you enjoy this. I would post a PoV but some of you know that my Laptop is rubbish.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; **More Cold, with Warm Teaser**

I did some more.


Spinning Wildmouse.

I wanted to build a coaster type I don't normally use but could in theory do the support work. First bit came to pass, the second statement didn't. I didn't want to destroy it due to my incompetence, so i just left it with default supports. I wasn't sure how to theme it, so I, um, made it up as it goes along.

I think the theme is that this area used to be a small holding that grew Pumpkins. However, the resident was forced to move away due to the bitter winter that never past.

The souls of the pumpkin plants that never flourished became twisted and consumed by the Gremlins that plagued the land shortly. In a symbiotic relationship, the Gremlin and the Pumpkin souls torment those who dare enter the building.

*Tip* If you set the Spinning Mouse to 'Block Section' and add enough cars to the circuit, you can achieve an 'Oblivion' or any other B&M Dive Machine effect.

Do what I've instructed above and have on the 'brim' section of the first drop; The ""| bit; a lift hill section. When a car must stop so a car ahead can go past the next block section, the car will stop on the edge, hanging there. An extra bonus is that the car will turn back-wards (due to the physics). When the car is released, the car will plummet backwards down a vertical drop.

I don't know how many of you know of this.


This is the Default Skinned Spider Topspin to fill the gap. This Spider survived the throttling cold by consuming its own children. It is said that the souls of the children still spin their webs in the undegrowth nearby. Yes I did just pull that story out of my arse.


Teaser of what to come.

What's this? Why is there not much snow here? Something wicked comes this way. Something else has stirred.


reddude333 said:
When you say there was a huge clearance do you mean that the game made you put the tracks far away or that you were dealing with collision issues? Regardless, your stuff is getting better and I like your creativity.

Sorry for the unintentional 'ignoring' your question. I honestly didn't see it.
Yes, the game demands a great distance either side of the "Swinging Inverter" Coaster so making the awesome sounding Duelling one is incredible restrictive. The end result won't look good either.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; **Gremlins, Spider and Teaser**

Love Winter's Grasp! You did an excellent job with it. POV would help me understand if the forces make sense, but the ride looks fantastic and I love all of the interaction with scenery. As for the supports, while I appreciate your creativity, I hope you do realize there are cleaner ways of supporting that. But for the record, I like the supports...and the theming...and pretty much everything else (although I question if even the train can make it through that hole-in-the-wall).
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; **Gremlins, Spider and Teaser**

It just about makes it. I would imagine in real-life it would be too-close as human beings are idiots and enjoy putting limbs in harm's way. If I do notice any clipping of the in-game models I will edit the holes. It's not a big issue. If the ride did exist in reality, the harnesses would have arm and leg restraints too. Think of it as "for your safety" (because you are a moron most likely).

A PoV could be possible due to the length of the ride. I just need to schedule a time where I have an hour free to watch over my machine.

I'm very lazy so I don't really actively search for footings. The rocks work sometimes but I can understand that it does look retarded having them spammed. I mean, I'm reserved with the trees.

Who knows, I might actually expand the snow so I won't be a hypocrite (I criticised the Skyrim project for having an extreme line between snow and grass :P)

The supports are meant to be clumsily sticking out of the building scenery because:
a) I'm lazy and don't mind/want to bother to resolve it
b) Spin it as part of the story and theme. That you are riding a vengeful spirit of Winter who has no regard to historical architecture.

My one regret is that the Train doesn't hang down over the water which would offer a more thrilling experience... But I really wanted to use that element for a drop and the drop area was the only location that would hold a pool and sit 'right'.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; **Gremlins, Spider and Teaser**

@reddude still haven't done a PoV because I wanted to do it when I've finished my newest development. It could look amazing and it'd be a shame if it look unfinished on Wintergrasps PoV.

Speaking of which, here is a teaser of the latest development:


Bloodshed; Tilt Coaster
Top Speed: 55mph
Length: 1:11, 3490ft
Max +G: 4.88
Max -G: -1.56
0:13 of air time
13 drops
84ft highest drop
5 inversions

The theme is of blood basically. I downloaded a new scenery pack of Nightmare things that included an Axe. The axe had a hole in it and I thought it'd be cool if I could thread a coaster through it. Sadly you couldn't. But I realised you could do a Saw: The Ride and do a drop that goes underneath with a near-miss aspect. The ride developed from that. I did terra-forming and made some lovely pits.

The scenery pack also featured skeleton pieces and I thought it'd look gruesom if I did it so the axe had decapitated the head off a creature (you'll have to see what the skull looks like when I've completed it enough). Oh, I chose a Tilt-Coaster because I thought the mechanism for the drop was very... weapony? I thought it fitted the theme of the axe well. I then threw in some ribs in the pits. Coloured the ground red where the bones are, especially at the spine area to imply bloodshed; lolpun.

The supports were horrid to do, but I did as best a job as possible. Only three default supports remain due to the custom supports intersecting with other sections of track :( Where the supports pierce bone, the supports are tainted red.

I like the creepy-factor of seeing the coaster train rise out of the station building.

I'm far from finished. I also need to find some CS that features blood. I used some before but it caused problems with the file (it was the CS that included lava). So any suggestions for low-intensity blood CS?

By the way, sadly, the likely-hood of ever seeing a PoV of this ride is remote due to its length. Perhaps when I get a new Desktop I can transfer the file over you can take a peek. Also on Wintergrasp I modified the holes so people would be amputated less-often. Also it swoops through the station of Bloodshed before settling in its own. If you see on the left corner and compare to the previous screenshot.

Oh I found some hand scenery in the pack which I ofc added to Winter's Grasp as a sort of Swarmy near-miss effect. Yes the hands are that big.