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Scw55's Thread. Planet Coaster Calls (18-11-17)

Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

You don't use them. They replace ALL wooden supports in-game.

Step-by-step installation instructions:
-Download and open with an extractor
-Open C:\Program Files [possibly x86]\Atari\Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum\Supports
-Rename the two folders "ts2" and "ts3" to "2" and "3" respectively.
-Drag DasMatze's "ts2" and "ts3" into the folder.
-Close, load, and enjoy your sparkling clean woodie supports.

Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

Thank you very much.

I have a plan in mind.

In the mean time, another teaser;

This is practically complete. Just, I'm not sure if it is entirely.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

It appears you are getting quite good with custom supports....perhaps you should look into trying out footers.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

Oh there are footers. They're just hiding in the grass and water.

I really can't be bothered with footers on angled supports.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

Hmm...well the point of footers in the water are to keep the water from contacting the metal...just sayin' ;-)

I really like how this is coming along though.
Re: Scw55's RCT3 Thread; Skylark & Bonus Screens 11/3/13

They're literally "a few inches" just above the water.

I didn't plan the 'ruined look'. It's just with the available assets I had, the station would have looked lame.

I used the in-game hedge to soften the artificial nature of the building.
The building scenery used is Atlantean because the floors matched the paths I am using. I do need to be wary with some pieces because they have a 'sea motif'.

(PS I find it amusing no one's remarked on Set's Inverted Launch; mainly remarks of how unrealistic/uncomfortable it might be.)
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser


When you see a good idea; steal it.

So nice to use grass texture.

My challenge is; guess which direction the train goes along that track.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

I'm going to guess it's an upward helix. Nice to see you've gone with the DasMatze kit. :)
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

I'm impressed that it managed to have enough speed after the water splash to crest that hill.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

So am I :P
When I was constructing the layout, I deliberately formed this lake and waterfall mid-construction.

I was prepared to sin (to me) and use a second life-hill. But no.

I guess it creates a sense of dread/thrill that the rider is pessimistic about making it over the hill.


Anyone got a good European Woodland/Forest Scenery mod or know of one? I'm finding it hard to theme this park with an American's opinion on what European deciduous trees look like.
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

I agree with Derek about your improvement on custom supports ! Your wingcoaster's colours look great :)
Re: Scw55's Share Thread; 2 POV + Teaser

I used swarm as reference for support work.

I realise the benefit of supporting twists when the track is vertical (as opposed to inverted) because the support work is less visible. Also saw that support-work is very sparse.

My problems with support work was that I thought it made the site look like a Pin-Cushion. Now I see I can make the Supports subtle. Especially with an appropriate colour scheme.

I haven't been playing RCT3 recently since I've been having to put more attention towards the future of my career. When things are less whirl-winding I hope to do some more progress.



I was going to screenshot Skylark being completed, but was called away. Have a teaser instead.
Under working name "Kestrel". However, Kestrels rarely dive into a cave, so I'm not sure if the name fits.

Situated on the side of the same mountain.
Re: Re: Scw55's RCT3 Thread; Skylark & Bonus Screens 11/3/13

Meet Skylark

I posted a few teasers of this Wingrider. I even spoke about it a bit. Well, here's an onslaught of screenshots. As a reward for scrolling past them all, you will even get to see some progress on other projects.

The idea for this coaster came from my desire to build a life based Wingrider. I thought there were quite a lot of Sci-Fi/Technology/Death themed coasters. You can see there is a lot of plant life in this area.
I also wanted an interaction element with the station and the layout. I have tried this before with my Flier Djinn; but the element looked too rough. This basically steals The Swarm's station fly-by. Quite a bit of this layout is heavily borrowed from The Swarm.

Screenshots now and a bit of talkiness.


The station theming idea came organically with no fore-planning. Atlantean floor was the only 'title' scenery I had that worked with my chose path. I wanted to use walls with a hole/arch in it which wasn't the Arabic because I felt I utilised that too much previously (it does make a welcome return with a another ride you may see later).


Lift hill
I like building hills for lift hills. The geological hill isn't as tall as I would like. But I wasn't in the mood to wrestle with the terrain controls. The supports are built so there is no turning back.




I placed half of the layout over a small pond because there was a demand for water on my last projects. Also Swarm has a pond. Also it makes this near-miss look pretty and deadly.


Vertical Loop with a nice view of the rest of the park. You can see 4 other coasters. On the left is a Wooden Wildmouse.


Mid Break


Token over-banked turn over water


Horrify the guests in the station




Zero-Garden Roll


Lady of the Lake


Near Misses with vegetation.


Entering the break-run.

Bonus Screenshots


Well-adorned Top-Spin.


The reason it's taking me ages to theme this B&M Inverter. Caves take a long time to build as you need to avoid clipping issues. If they arise, then it's troublesome resolving them. You also need to make the cave as organic looking as possible.
- Smoke? Eggs? Bones? In a British countryside themed park? What could this mean?!


Out of the Frying Pan, and into the Fire


Great Orme's station


Waterfall section decorated




Teaser of a new Project.
What do you get if you combine two previous ideas into one? You get the Duelling Inverted Insects who make the Anglesey Knot.
Re: Re: Scw55's RCT3 Thread; Skylark & Bonus Screens 11/3/13


Re: Re: Scw55's RCT3 Thread; Skylark & Bonus Screens 11/3/13

If you're referring to Skylark then you both "stole" the drop from Annihilator (and I posted that more than a year ago) so looks like you're both late on the bandwagon :-P Actually my drop element is slightly different but the point is, who cares, it's not like it's the most original thing out there ;-)

Regardless, scw55, in my opinion Skylark is by far the best coaster we have seen from you. Graceful elements and a lush landscape that really is unique compared to all other wing coasters I've seen. The use of in-game scenery pieces is brilliant. You used the arches and shrubbery perfectly so as to provide repetition without looking hokey. The immelman element is my favorite. I hope the pace through it is not too fast because it looks like it will transition beautifully into the medium zero-G roll (or as you cleverly called it the "zero-Garden roll"). Adding in a catwalk on the MCBR would be a nice touch as well as on the lift hill (although I can see an issue you will encounter with the start of the lift). And even though you used the in-game scenery really well, it's good to see you slowly mixing in CSOs as well. I think they blend together nicely. The station is a bit scant but I am guessing that is partly the look you were going for and I can respect that if it's the case. Oh, and almost forgot to mention how much I like the keyhole element...looks awesome how the rocks are coming out of the water.

I'm still not sure how that frickin' train is going to make it over the hill on your wooden coaster but I guess I'll just have to wait and see (maybe the water splash doesn't effect the speed much on that CTR, I guess I could just check haha).
Re: Re: Scw55's RCT3 Thread; Skylark & Bonus Screens 11/3/13

Which CS would you recommend for the MBR and LH? As mine only accommodative 30/45 degree inclines which aren't wing-riders. I tried with my Jnr. W.R. as it had a lower lift-hill but it sort of looked... hollow.

Also diagonal motifs for a Lift hill would be very helpful too. As my B&M Inverter goes up diagonally. I've supported that Coaster. It's just I need to fill the gaps with more than my imagination.

With regards to the drop element:

I did a similar with a B&M Flier a year ago.
I think it's a coincidence. Like how Thorpe Park magically 'invented the first inverting drop-thing' despite many people (like myself) had used that element since RCT2 and even before then. It's just a good idea to use a different type of inverting drop.

When I watch PoVs of Wing-Riders what I really hate are forced near-misses. Take Raptor. OK, it goes through a fake swamp so it experiences fake tree-misses. So what's a rectangular steel bubble-wand doing there? I wish near-misses had context.
I feel like the Theme Park industry generally hadn't been using them at all (since most are just Amusement Parks). So when the Wingrider comes along which works very well with making the riders believes they'll die, they're so eager to make those scenarios happen. Without thinking of context.

I hope my near-misses make sense. A rockery in the middle of the pond. Trees. Entering a ruined building.

I agree Skylark is my best creation so far. It is because it is quite a contained layout. As a result it's easier to theme it as there lack of 'spaces to theme' reduces the likely hood of repetition. I used primary in-game stuff because there is no CS things I want. Sure there are generic gardeny scenery, but it's all cut box-hedges and stuff like that. I want my park to be very organic with regards to plant-life. I have 'planters' and as you see some bushes and trees. But overall I lack much tools. It's frustrating. There are no CS for British/European plant life. Only an 'Outsider's' opinion on what they look like.
Shame I'm ignorant about 3D design otherwise I suppose I could make my own scenery. There's so much I wish there was.