Re: Re: Scw55's RCT3 Thread; Skylark & Bonus Screens 11/3/13
Meet Skylark
I posted a few teasers of this Wingrider. I even spoke about it a bit. Well, here's an onslaught of screenshots. As a reward for scrolling past them all, you will even get to see some progress on other projects.
The idea for this coaster came from my desire to build a
life based Wingrider. I thought there were quite a lot of Sci-Fi/Technology/Death themed coasters. You can see there is a lot of plant life in this area.
I also wanted an interaction element with the station and the layout. I have tried this before with my Flier Djinn; but the element looked too rough. This basically steals The Swarm's station fly-by. Quite a bit of this layout is heavily borrowed from The Swarm.
Screenshots now and a bit of talkiness.
The station theming idea came organically with no fore-planning. Atlantean floor was the only 'title' scenery I had that worked with my chose path. I wanted to use walls with a hole/arch in it which
wasn't the Arabic because I felt I utilised that too much previously (it does make a welcome return with a another ride you may see later).
Lift hill
I like building hills for lift hills. The geological hill isn't as tall as I would like. But I wasn't in the mood to wrestle with the terrain controls. The supports are built so there is no turning back.
I placed half of the layout over a small pond because there was a demand for water on my last projects. Also Swarm has a pond. Also it makes this near-miss look pretty and deadly.
Vertical Loop with a nice view of the rest of the park. You can see 4 other coasters. On the left is a Wooden Wildmouse.
Mid Break
Token over-banked turn over water
Horrify the guests in the station
Zero-Garden Roll
Lady of the Lake
Near Misses with vegetation.
Entering the break-run.
Bonus Screenshots
Well-adorned Top-Spin.
The reason it's taking me ages to theme this B&M Inverter. Caves take a long time to build as you need to avoid clipping issues. If they arise, then it's troublesome resolving them. You also need to make the cave as organic looking as possible.
- Smoke? Eggs? Bones? In a British countryside themed park? What could this mean?!
Out of the Frying Pan, and into the Fire
Great Orme's station
Waterfall section decorated
Teaser of a new Project.
What do you get if you combine two previous ideas into one? You get the Duelling Inverted Insects who make the Anglesey Knot.