Re: Scw55's Share Thread; Internal Conflict
My Duelling Wingrider
How did I do it? How do you build two Wingriders adjacent to each other's station so they're syncronised when departing trains? Answer is that you
Mind blown?
Let me explain how I did it.
Firstly I started with two stations for Wingriders with a tile apart. So it looks like 0|0|0.
I found it helpful colour coordinating the other track and its trains so I could tell the difference when building.
Build your layout.
Then you have two choices:
1) Keep it like that, two separate Wingriders that aren't synchronised at all, and you have to manually start running them separately.
2) Deliberately cause one coaster to 'crash' into the oposing station. Then assimilate the previous layout with the other layout. I.E. use the other layout as a 'guide' or 'tracer'. Eventually you'll have
one Roller Coaster Layout with two parallel stations that duels with itself. I strongly don't recommend using Block-Mode as you cannot control where the trains start. I.E. impossible to allow self-duelling.
Only flaw with this option is that if one route is a smidgen too fast, the difference in time will slowly be more apparent over-time. Means you'll have to periodically reset the Coaster. Much less than if you had two separate Coasters.
Right. The story I have in mind. I am going to play off the fact this Coaster technically is self-duelling. I am going to create a story that this Coaster is a sentient life-form found on the planet. It posses two brains and two
personalities. As a result it is in eternal conflict with itself. The internal conflict has boiled onto surface and into the real world. As you can see there have been attempts to 'restrain' this creature. But it has been tedious thus far. Not all attempts have succeeded.
This isn't the final scenery. Tonight I outlined the 'footprint' of the Coaster and built some structures.
The blue supports symbolise the creature, a different shade for a different route. The bronze supports symbolise the attempts to restrain the creature.
The creature itself is very odd. The majority of it lives under-ground. Its colour is that of the rock it lives amongst, but it posses strange 'filaments' that is used to anchor itself that is also Bio-Illuminescent. The light attracts prey. On the surface you can see strange fleshy ribbons. Along these strange 'claw-like' biological structures travel. Their job is to catch prey and to carry it to a mouth. Another purpose is to battle against the "enemy claw". Recently, the creature has been using these in self-defence against restraint.
Lets get to the screenshots.
Lift-hill with teaser of my B&M Mega
Top of the lift-hill
First drop. I'm not sure why there is a slight disruption with the synchronisation. Is this a result of a double station?
First interaction
Converging into the SW7 Interlocking Bat-wing & Cobra Roll element. Note the strategically placed broken glass
Interior shot of the two Coasters duelling. On the PoV it's quite intimidating seeing the other train coil around yours
Using Glass
One curves round a tower
Whilst the other curves round theirs in a glass containment
Vertical Loop Duelling Element. The appearance of this element to the rider and from the on-looker is of drama. It appears both trains collide and then rise upwards and peel away. They regain their posture and charge past each other. Ripping off the Duelling Dragons
One braves the depths
The other prefers circling another tower
Return fromthe depths
'That' element over the station
Into the break run. See *almost* perfect synchronisation
My plan now is to fill a lot of the empty space in the fence area with rocks and stuff. I hope you enjoyed what I did.
No Clipping.
Sadly I had to cut inter-locking corkscrews.
The Cobra-roll has a straight bit of track between the corkscrew and half-loop to avoid clipping. In reality you can customise the dimensions more of track. As a result it may not be realistic in real-life, but the problem is easily avoided in real-life. As a result it counter balances.