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Scary Footpath In Spain


CF Legend
You would never ever get me doing this walk. It is a long video but worth a watch.

Mountain Trail in Spain

The entrances for this trail are closed but not policed. It was built in the 1920's for hydro workers. There is no rail but there is a chain to hold onto but it doesn't hold much weight and several people have fallen to their deaths. This is an amazing walk! This should have you on the edge of your seat possibly feeling slightly dizzy. It's 6 minutes long and should be watched till the very end.

To intensify the experience, click on the full screen button (middle button that looks like four arrows on the lower right hand side of the screen when the player comes up). It's enough to make you nauseous especially when you consider that it was filmed by someone who made the hike carrying a video camera while he did it.

http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligen ... _path.html
I watched that a couple of years back with my heart in my mouth for most of it. Stunning path and utterly terrifying.

Having said that, I've had to do a few very dangerous stunts when I used to go mountain walking when I was younger. Hanging off overhangs into empty space and free climbing sheer cliff faces to get up Crib Goch being the most memorable. Incredibly tough to do if you have an acute fear of heights like me.

I'd not deliberately go there to do it, but if faced with it as the only real option to continue a wlak, then I probably would...
A couple of my mates who are really into climbing went along paths like that (if not that exact one), when they were climbing in El Chorro.

They said it was pretty terrifying, especially the bits where only the steel cables remained. I'm sure he won't mind me showing his photos here:








I've never had to do anything quite that dangerous straight out. Some of the crevasses on the mountain in Peru were pretty sketchy, but all the ropes and kit made it feel much safer than it probably was. Still, it's the sort of thing I'd like to do to say I'd done it, but I am saying that sat in this chair typing away! Nah, I think it would be pretty exhilarating.
^ Im pretty sure that is the same one Hixee, your mates certainly have some bottle!

I have seen this before and its still as amazing as I first watched it. I would never do anything like that, I like being alive too much. I admire people that have the courage and confidence in themselves to do it though.
I don't really have a problem with heights; only with the idea of falling from them, but this...
Hixee said:
looks ****ing terrifying. I think I'd probably do it, just not sure I'd enjoy it all that much!!
I don't have a fear of heights but I hate the feeling that I'm about to fall like that would give off.
Saying that I probably would do it (I'd be bricking it though). There were walls and stairs like that in a couple of the castles I've been to in Wales and I've walked across them. There was a spiral staircase up one of the staircase that didn't have a middle column so it was just a big drop and I climbed up that and wet along the wall which was really narrow in place.

That path may look scary to walk. But imagine having to build it. :shock:
I was like, omg, no way.

Then I saw you have a harness, which I'm fairly sure is cheating.

I'm not saying I'd LIKE the parts with just the steel left, but, I'd do it I think. The parts with all the path left wouldn't really bother me.

And Phil, Crib Goch well aint that bad. You wimp.
Ugh HELL to the no. I had problems standing within five feet of the edge of the Grand Canyon, nevermind something like this! And where only the steel bars remain? Definitely not. Even with a harness, you never know, the weight of your fall or something could break the structure. It doesn't really look that sturdy.

Putting myself in stupidly dangerous situations is not my idea of fun. Skydiving? Sure. Parasailing? Sure. Putting my life at risk to walk on a trail? No.
Ben said:
And Phil, Crib Goch well aint that bad. You wimp.

We got lost in the fog and ended up well off the path. It wasn't an "official route" up the mountain. Hence having to hang off boulders into space (literally under the boulder and along and out before kicking over onto the top) and literally a 300 foot sheer face free climb (we didn't expect to meet a wall so didn't have climbing gear).

I've been up Crib Goch a dozen times, but that was the only time we ever hit those obstacles.
Holy crap I would NEVER do that... like furie said, my heart was well in my mouth the whole six minutes. ESPECIALLY when the camera went over the edge as he walked.
I probably wouldn't do it, I'd be the ****er who dies. I'll stick to bungee jumping and skydiving for my not-100%-risk-free thrills!
Wow, is all I have to say about this. I'd Probably be able to do that if I wanted except the bits where all thats left is the steel bar.
Reminds me of this video. Be sure to watch in full screen:

Marvellous :D
Uhh... As clumsy as my ass is, I'd be the first to go. I'd end up tripping over my own feet. Mhmm... Goodbye to Angel :shock:
Ploddish said:
Reminds me of this video. Be sure to watch in full screen:

Marvellous :D

Couldn't pay me enough money in the world to do a job like that. It woul never... Ever get done. I can't even watch it without feeling like I'm gonna fall.