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Saw with ERT! 21st March


Strata Poster
Yes! ERT!

I'm going to write a short TR now, followed by a longer one later.

Ok, got my AP today, saw a girl faint badly in AP queue. Waited 1hr for Martyn and Peter to get off Saw. Went on Saw. Went on Saw again. Inferno next. 20mins + 25mins cleaning up sick which shut the whole ride when we were next train. Erm, things get confusing here. Rapids, lunch, X:WTF, more Saw and others followed...

Then we got ERT on Saw! Andy for RCCGB said at last Thursdays Coaster Club session to Me and Martyn that we could pop along to his ERT session today, so we did. He's a very, very kind chap and it was a pleasure to meet him again.

Anyways, an hour of night riding on saw and there we go.

Ride Count:
6x Saw (7 for Peter and Martyn)
1x NI
1x Rumba Rapids
1x Flying Fish
1x X No Way Out
1x Depth Charge (My first time and now only 2 flats to go before completing all Thorpe rides that I can fit on :P)

Erm, I think that was it :P

As I said, more detailed TR later.

Here are my pictures: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=83961&id=731231904&l=1803932716
Yes 'twas a fun day. And I actually rode something!


Peter looked like that Candy woman


Sunset from the Saw queue line.

Ride Count:
Saw x 7
Inferno x 1
X No Way Out x 1
Rumba Rapids x 1
Flying Fish x 1
Depth Charge x 1
Rocky Express x 1
Yay for finally getting on Saw. At least now I don't have to go back to Thorpe for quite some time. :P

For once, Thorpe actually didn't fail! All of the rides advertised as open were actually open, with only a few minor breakdowns and stoppages throughout the day. Queues wern't so fun though, with Saw apparently reaching 3.5 hours according to the staff, although it looked more like 2 - thank god for all the fast passes that we managed to get last weekend!

Tagging along with the RCCGB for the ERT was a bonus, so on the off chance that Andy might read this, Thanks. We're probably one of the few people to get a night ride. :)
In your pictures I see Stealth was in operation even if it was just testing. Hopefully It will be open soon.
Peter said:
For once, Thorpe actually didn't fail!....only a few minor breakdowns and stoppages....

I wouldn't entirely agree with that....

I was there all day Saturday too, arrived 930 left 1800, all I did was queue and ride, no faffing around at all....

Saw first up, obviously straight to Saw once I'd fought my way into the park thru the rugby scrum at the gates. Joined the queue at ~950, to their credit they told us it was still testing and would be another 1/2 hour...BUT it did not start running until almost 11, by the time I had got through it was ~1140.

So thats 2 hours queing for Saw to start with.

Worked my way around a few other rides ('bout 1.5 hrs for Colossus) and got back in the Saw queue at 3:15, and rode it at 5:45 (so thats ~4.5 hours in the Saw queue today for 2 rides!!!) - this was not just due to capacity but

1) someone threw up...OK, they can't help that happening, but 40 minutes to clear it up, come on people!

2) then it broke down again, people were stuck on the top of the lift for 10 minutes, others were evac'd from the ride, and they took another 40 minutes or so to get it running again (all the time encouraging people to leave the queue and try something else....)

Fair to the park, it wasn't chav-ganged up (although there were some lovely sights walking about :shock: )... security was pretty visible and were doing stuff... place was pretty clean and all...and frankly it was MY FAULT that I had gone on a Saturday so can't even reasonably complain about the queues too much.

What I will moan about is the slow-queues because of the upcharge-Fasttrack priority - thats just a money making scam which is OK if your park can work with it, but Thorpe just doesn't

and I'll moan about Stealth not running...come on its the start of the season, you've had 4 months to get it running, no excuse.

and I'll moan about the length of time it takes the to clean up someone's lunch... 20 minutes on N:I after I was sat on the train (around noon) and 40 minutes on Saw.... not good enough.

So Thorpe is probably OK on a quiet day, but it just can't handle capacity well (it handles it by filling up the queue lines). Rubbish park layout, fair selection of coasters, good range of flats, but there is just something FAIL about the whole place!

Suspect it might be another 5 years before my next visit there!

(I'd only gone 'cos I was in Woking with work on Friday so stopped down to play on the new (to me) rides Saw/Stealth, but as we know that was down so have not got that credit* :-( )

* have been on Zaturn tho' :-)

(sorry, that was all a bit of a rant!)
Sorry but all you did was que and ride.
I had a really good ride count yesterday, we stopped for KFC etc.

I got on in the order.

Rush x1 (walkon)
Nemesis Inferno (walkon)
Nemesis Inferno Front (5 min wait)
Storm in a tea cup
Flying fish
Loggers Leap
Tidal wave

And the park was quite busy.
Decided not to do saw first, and whore a few things before going and doing saw. At least we only qued 1.5 hrs for saw.
Had a great day, hardly any ques. Maybe it was because we did the sensible thing and ride everything else first.
Yep I know, but the whole point of going for me was to play on Saw (& Stealth but no win there) so didn't really want to have happen what happened to all the poor lot who went the previous Saturday!

For the record I did in order...

Saw (2h)
N:I (30mins)
X:No Point (15mins)
Rush (15mins)
Colossus (1.5h)
Saw (2.5h)

Thats the lot! Never mind tho'.
Mine was a layed back visit, I have rode everything there before, I really wanted to ride saw, but thought as I don't get to thorpe much we would do everything else.
Just found this picture of the 3 of us on Saw, right at head banging moment, during the ERT at night. :--D


Photo by amigasat from RCCGB.
Peter said:
Just found this picture of the 3 of us on Saw, right at head banging moment, during the ERT at night. :--D


Photo by amigasat from RCCGB.
Don't we all look like we're having fun? :roll: