lukeMONGhan said:
Could you tell us why you think Stealth is better? You know, make a post that isn't entirely inane, for once?
Ok so jake called me 'inane' ... thats coming from a fellow who has his own eye as his avatar
Erm, ok? That was about as relevant as a reliable ride at THORPE.
lukeMONGhan said:
... hmmmm ... anyway, i will explain why i think stealth is better.
Ok... hit me.
So... just because TTD is faster than S:RoS, it means it is automatically better? I didn't think so.
Erm, not exactly. If you meant "taller", it would be a fact. But Rita is longer, therefore there is more track... so Rita is actually "bigger".
Even so, I point you back to my argument that "TTD must be better than S:RoS because its taller"... NO.
Neither really have themeing IMO. Any themeing is EXTREMELY minimalistic, on both coasters. Although, I find Rita has a better atmosphere.
I disagree. Stealth has one G spike entering the top hat, and one pop of airtime into the BRAKE RUN. Airtime of which is KILLED by the decelleration. Rita on the other hand is relentless, with three or four pops of airtime, a MUCH more forcefull acceleration on the launch (fact), And extremely intense positive Gs on the turns.
... let me point out my opinions are usually true.
Your opinions are no more valuble than anyone elses, please pull that carrot out of your ass.
EDIT: I just saw UC's post.
lukaMONG, consider yourself Double-Owned.