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RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Sorry, I know i'm not part of this, but are you scoring your own tracks? As in, giving the track YOU made a score...
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Quite a hard thing to score when you use a coaster and make it do things it doesn't do in Real Life.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Well, might indicate a little bit about what you should score it for track realism. But honestly it doesn't matter that much because even if everyone overrates themselves it will even out in the end.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Scores will be posted here on Wednesday, might get a cheeky park visit in tomorrow. :)
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

I'm choosing to make my rankings public :

(This is the MP I wrote to CP10, layout and Realism weigh twice in my calculations)

Uncharted : Drake's Fortune (reddude333)

Layout - There's a genuine Intamin-at-their-best feel with a top-hat, airtime hills, twisty turns, an EGF turn and damn good intense helixes. Very varied, well-paced, very unique, and the dark ride section was a welcome pause between two thrilling coaster parts. 10/10

Realism - Almost perfectly smooth. Excellent work on support. The launches (and especially the second) could have been smoother, possibly using a faster chain lift. Too bad magnetic brakes and LIM/LSM haven't been used or are not visible enough. 9/10

Theming - A fantastic, immersive experience, cool use of fireworks emphasized by the music & sound effects. The jungle atmosphere is very well reproduced thanks to a smart utilization of trees, some water pools, rocks. The indoor section building was pretty well detailed. Two flaws prevent me from awarding the perfect note, though : I felt the foliage lacked some bushes at ground level, and above all... the station sucked compared to the rest of the ride, too basic, and lacking some CS like a station cover. 9/10

Surrounding Area - Some pretty good ideas such as the restaurant. The slide and the river raft match the jungle surroundings. The queues lines were too 'in-game' to my taste - a shame since path extensions were obviously utilized otherwise - and the river raft wasn't entrenched into the ground. I also downgraded this mark in comparison with scw55's effort. 8/10

Average : 9,17/10


Winter's Palace (scw55)

Layout - I liked the downwards launch. There's good airtime and forceful G+ as well, vertical drops and climbs are awesome. Very unpredictable despite its square shape, it makes almost the maximum potential of this in-game coaster. Only (big) shortcoming is the slow section at around 0:18. 8.5/10

Realism - The vertical turns were damn smooth actually ! Noticeable bumps on some hills, and more importantly, lack of a sufficiently brake section before the station are the flaws to correct I've detected. 8/10

Theming - It's rather good looking, not eye-blowing BUT it interacts wonderfully with the ride. Exiting a tunnel or a building with great speed upwards is very enjoyable. 8.5/10

Surrounding Area - It's actually an entire park, hourra ! The lake/sea/ocean surrounding is a brilliant idea. The park is full of rides but doesn't look overpopulated. The Arabian scenery in snow was truly cool and arguably quite pretty for a non-CS effort. Only thing I significantly disliked was the bobsleigh's layout for the section over the water. 9/10

Average : 8.42/10


Sandy Bay's Scorching Thrill (Jammyband)

Layout - Well-paced and pretty varied : airtimes, helixes, twists. Like CoasterCrazy, it makes me think of Desperado and that's a good point ! The station flyby at 1:28 was cool and really impressed me the first time. 8.5/10

Realism Smooth ride overall except for the turn at 1:10 which was too violent to my mind, maybe some camelbacks were too extreme as well. The turn at 0:40, albeit very smooth, is likely to deliver excessive lateral G forces, it is really un-realistic in any event. The supports and catwalks are bizarre : you should use SteelJungle v2 only for the higher parts of your ride and go for v1 otherwise. The end, brakes and then chain lift also puzzled me. Tree collision at 1:20, too. 6/10

Theming - The hills 'spikes' were unrealistic. Orange trees were a weird choice but the vegetation was decent in general. The station is a bit too simple. There are fences for the park limits that should be removed. 6.5

Surrounding Area - The architecture highlights the limitations of in-game scenery. This area lacked one or more landmark rides. 6.5

Average : 7.17/10


Main Test (addy2503)

Layout - Insufficient pace. I found it dull and rushed. Some good ideas (re-launch) 3/10

Realism - Oddly, the launch was more realistic than Uncharted's. Some turns were really violent. The end was... too much brakes. 5/10

Theming - Inexistant. The few buildings were too blocky and simple. The terrain texture was a good start and that's the only element I liked. 1/10

Surrounding Area The other rides could have made a great section of a park, if it had been way more themed. 2/10

Average : 3.17/10


Eridan (portemine)

Layout - It has great pace, is full of airtime and contains two turnarounds full of G+. I love how it alternates between hills and turns. Probably it doesn't goes off the beaten track a lot (except for the Phantom's Revenge-inspired debut) though.

Realism - The ride is almost perfectly smooth with maybe some slightly bumpy camelbacks after the second overbanked. There are significant diagonal sections. G forces are realistic, supports as well. I even added magnetic trim brakes. The station was, I think, the most realistic of the 5, with its gate and platform. I forgot about some details like wheels lift after the end brakes but except for that, I felt I really made the coaster credible. 9.5/10

Theming - Although it was a bit rushed, the vegetation make this coaster quite immersive. The coaster plays subtily 8/10

Surrounding Area The zone may not be full of rides, but the twister and the shop are well integrated. The queue line offers a nice preview of the coaster without revealing too much. The paths use varied shapes (diagonals, curves). 8/10

Average : 8.5/10

Took me about an hour to write this (even though I rushed a bit because I'm pretty late), pffiu again.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Only thing I significantly disliked was the bobsleigh's layout for the section over the water.

I admit the Bob-sleigh coaster I went rather Classic-RCT. Sod to realism, I want an AWESUM COASTERS (says the 9 year old).
I had no idea what to do with it. I like the pretend it's ok and that it's an example of humanity staining natural beauty *cough* excuse *cough*.

Only (big) shortcoming is the slow section at around 0:18
The reason why it's like that is that when I build a Roller Coaster I don't have a plan in mind. It's often the first draft and I make it up as I go along. It slows down there because I tweaked the launch speed so that the Coaster will make it around the track just. Reason being, as I've never been on a Roller Coaster I had to assume that the launch downwards could be too intense if too fast. I was also concerned that the vertical twist in the last section and hills-bumps could be too extreme if the coaster travels too fast. As there was no section to sneak in a break to moderate the speed, that was the best solution.
I personally like elements like that in layouts. It's a nice breather after the shock of being accelerated down-hill. It also has an element of doubt whether the train will make it over the hill.You're torn between going down a vertical twist or failing to carry on. Other riders might just find this boring/pace killing.
I'm progressively becoming better at strategic placing of breaks during construction so slow snail pace crawl sections are less.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Hey guy`s. Firstly I really want to thank you all for taking part in my first competition, I know it`s been a long ride for whatever reasons, but I really think we have 5 really nice creations, that have been born over the last few weeks.
The scores are all in, tallied up and we have a winner. I`m going to post the results tomorrow as I have the time to write a review for each.
So thank you again guys for entering and taking the extra time to vote and give your opinions on which I have really enjoyed reading.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

5th place - addy2503 - Main Test.


Firstly welcome back to our RCT3 competition world, glad to see you back competing again.

Before we go onto the reasons behind your taking of fifth place, there`s a few things I wish to commend you on. The layout and realism of your actual track was actually pretty good I thought. The first section of the ride were really well executed I thought, the height was just right and the transitions are smooth. I also quite liked you`re launch. (This got a mixed review online, I liked it) The only problems with the actual track, was a couple of the 90 degree turns were far to forceful and the last hill before the final brake run was extremely forceful.
Now the reason you didn't score higher was your theming and scenery, firstly let me say that I get your theme, I think its a hard theme to work with, but I get it, and for what your theme is, you have worked it ok, but where do you really go with a theme like that? You could have made an actual car park (It can be done without CS) but its definitely was a hard choice.
Its the surrounding area that really let you down though, both in my estimations and online. The large vacant grey area in the center of the layout is not a good look, its too in your face, and too much grey is never good and it damaged some of the other great work you done on the layout, its hard to ignore all the grayness, apart from the station area it was just too constant . I did however like your drop tower.

There are positives you can take out of this though, I`d like too see you save your layout and use it again with a different theme, this ride would look good ripping around a forest or a section of park. Apart from the choice of theme and hence large section of grayness, I pretty much liked everything else.
It`s also great to see you back competing again. I hope to see more from you in the future. :)

CP10 - 36/60 ONLINE - 19/40 TOTAL 55%
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

4th place - JammyBand - Sandy Bay`s Scorching Thrill

http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg801/sc ... es=landing

Welcome once again, glad to have a new competitor in the ranks.

Firstly I want to commend you on your layout, there was one or too things I didnt like, such as the first drop, the turn was a little too sharp for my liking, also there was one or too tree smashes, this is once of my pet peeves, if the train contacts any object it immediatly loses realism. (This was also noticed online)
Now for the things you did well, layout and reasim of the track was incredibly good, I really enjoyed the pace of the ride, and most of the transitions were quite smooth, also I commend you on one or too elements such as the station flyby and the over the lake sections I found really exciting.
Your theming and surrounding area got a mixed review, both from me and online, your choice of trees and supports were debated, but the main thing was the mountainous section, now making something like this can be hard to get right, so I commend you for giving it a go, its never good to leave the tops of the mountain as a spike, its just not very realistic. Without this. the rest of your theming and area are genrally good, the lakes are good and I though it generally looked like a sandy bay.

In conclusion, there`s a few of us here (including myself) that wernt really expecting much here, but we were pleasantly surprised by your work and really look forward to seeing more from you in the future.
Also is worth noting that you were quite harsh on yourself in the voting, don`t be, your entry was good, most people on here are honest in their voting, so in future don`t be so harsh on yourself :)

CP10 - 43/60 ONLINE - 27/40 TOTAL 70%
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

3rd place - scw55 - Winter`s Palace

http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream

Wow. what an improvement from your last entry.
There are a couple of things I want to talk about before talk about all the good work you done.
This whole entry has a sense of yin and yang about it with one section being awesome and the other not so good.
So why on earth did you choose this coaster type? I understand the whole "its never been done" aspect, but by choosing this coaster to work with you really hindered yourself from the get go (a view echoed in the vote). I must say there are one or two things that where good with the ride, the turns are actually mostly not too bad, and I like the start of the ride, but then it starts getting a bit too forceful around the middle, a lot of the sub ground level and tunnels were ugly and yet again a brake run would have really helped. The general consensus here with most people is that, you worked well with want you had, but you restricted yourself from the start with your coaster choice.
Now what you did do well is the surrounding area and theme, I loved the island, as did most others, really well executed. it looks really good, with the surrounding rides, the snow, even the white supports look good, basic, but real nice. There 1 or 2 things people noted that they didn't like such as the bobsleigh, but in general the whole island park, is astoundingly good, especially compared to your last contest entry.

Overall this is a really good creation you should definitely be proud off, especially as you created it quickly as you had issues with your other one, and I think this would have been better then that one so perhaps its a good thing you had your issues. Choice of coaster was interesting, not the best but certainly different I have to give you that. I look forward to more forward progress in the future as I have not seen such a large jump in quality between two coasters.
And you didn't kill anybody this time ;)

CP10 - 41/60 - ONLINE - 33/40 TOTAL 74%
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

First and second will be up tomorrow at some point as this whole proccess has taken longer then I expected and I`ll do the last two at the same time, but I`ll leave with some food for thought, there is but 1% difference between reddude333 and portemine.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

1% ! I never expected this battle for first to be so close...
I'm looking back at my review and see I gave Derek a 6.7% lead. Seems that I underestimated myself - probably because of Virtù's development hell. That's fascinating anyway, another narrow win or loss after the Dueling Competition :o
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

I chose the Impulse because the other option was a "sitty down" ones. I know technically they are all different.

But me being different is good. I will always be different and I don't care :D If you don't try to be different you won't innovate. You'll stagnate. Yo.
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

Haha, you're killing me Colossus :-P just kidding, its all good. I appreciate the full reviews.

And yeah, we like 'em close!
Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

2nd place - portemine - Eridan.


So portemine, your second competition here with us and I have to say I`m really impressed. You knocked this up what seemed like five minutes, something I don`t think any of us can do, not this well anyway. Its a shame we didn't get Virtu, but Eridan is certainly a great substitute.
So the main thing I have to say I like is the realism. the track is smooth and aesthetically beautiful to look at and the ride is near faultless, good speed, good transitions, good height, an overall really enjoyable POV to watch. I also like the mystic of the ride, the whole castle type area was really cool and the piece above the ride entrance is a really nice touch, the whole thing even the name has a certain romanticism about it. Even the rain I thought added to the whole presentation.
If I had to point out problems with this it would be really hard and slightly nit picky. Maybe a little colour difference in the grass, nothing major. There are no negatives in Eridan, shes yet another portemine masterpiece, Perhaps Virtu would have won first place? But if you had finished Virtu finished for the comp perhaps we would never have got Eridan, so I think we`re all a winner in that sense.
You and reddude got exactly the same score in my ratings (not intentional) and I know that your going to win many competitions to come, you truly create wonderful work, the passion in your rides is clear to see.
I look forward to the day when you reddude and myself face off in a competition. :)

CP10 - 57/60 ONLINE - 34/40 TOTAL - 91%