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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

Avatar: 1/10 DEFINITEALY full homo ;) (just kidding)

Sig: 5/10 it is sort of cool looking but it is just tigers and lions.

6/10 for your whole set.
Avy: 4/10 - Bunch of random men.
Sig: 2/10 - I see an angry man, another guy but can't see his face, and a woman smoking who looks like a prostitute.

Average: 3/10
Avatar, not a bunch of Random Men, is the ensemble cast of Reservoir Dogs.
Sig, not an angry man, another guy but can't see his face, and a woman smoking who looks like a prostitute, is the main four people in Pulp Fiction. Do you seriously not know who Bruce Willis is?

Avatar- 1/10 weird.
Signature- 3/10 it's pretty but I've seen it
Avy: 7/10 - for some reason I kind of like it
Sig: 5/10 - not a big fan of the way the images are arranged

Average: 6/10