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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II


Mountain monkey
Staff member
Hey... the coaster looks nice, even though it is an SLC. Somehow, the red and terracotta in the foreground works great with the sky. too bad that you can see a dangling leg in the sig. Still, I'd say it's a 10. Out of 10.


Giga Poster
^^ Which SLC is that?

^ 10 for the avatar. It's unique but I don't really get it.
10 for the sig. Very nice. Goliath is also quite a picturesque coaster.


Mega Poster
^ 10 for the avatar. Van Halen OMFG!!!!! <3 :p

8 for the signature, I don't really know what to sat about it, but Its not too bad xD :lol:


Mountain monkey
Staff member
10 for both. Awesome set. Blue, red and white, without any unnecessary stuff. simple and stunning.

madhjsp said:
It's unique but I don't really get it.
It's a warning sign telling drivers to look out for moose. You propably have similiar ones in England, like "sheep crossing road" or something. And believe me, it's much worse to hit a moose than a sheep. Those signs are common all over Norway, at least south of Trondheim.


Giga Poster
^ England!?! Like I'd want to live there... I'm from the US of A, sir! Never seen a sheep crossing here, but there are millions of deer crossing signs, and I have seen alligator and bear crossings as well.

^^ I concur, Van Halen is simply amazing :--D


Mountain monkey
Staff member
Avatar: 10, it works so well. Had been hopeless if it didn't show he entire ride, though.
Sig: 10, too. Not much to say there but 10.


CF Legend
Ava: 8/10 Too far out, and the ride doesn't stand out enough.
Sig: 10/10 For a fellow Ice Hockey fan. :p


Mountain monkey
Staff member
Both are worth a 10. Best shots of MF I've ever seen, crowned by a blue sky. Beautiful.


The Legend
I made this set like.. a year ago.. good man.. ;)

Ava: 8/10.. picture could be a better angle, and font could be better, but still nice
Sig: 8/10.. Same as ava

My style has changed over time, IE my set, but I still enjoy the classics.. :lol: