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Rate the Person Above


Staff member
Social Media Team
Coaster Ollie said:
SnooSnoo said:

Posts WAY too much trash.. :)

How comes 9/10 times on this forum your posts are always directly after Tays? :?
Do you stalk her and get ready to jump in and post as soon as you see her post count goup by one? :lol:
I think it's correct terminology is playfull banta.

OR bullying.


CF Legend
When I saw that you had posted last in this topic I KNEW! that Tay would have posted before you. :lol:

9/10 because you pissed me off (aparantly). :lol:


The Legend

Rated Ollie 8 times too high.

But.. normally.. 9/10.. well.. if you'd get rid of the 'mod only' set.. :)

Uncle Arly

Strata Poster
Your post count has gone up like a hundred in a day!

Your'e either incredibly bored or have no life! :lol:

Erm, an 8, don't really talk to you off the forums.


CF Legend
UncleArly said:
Your post count has gone up like a hundred in a day!

Your'e either incredibly bored or have no life! :lol:

111 actually, and counting. ;)

UncleArly said:
don't really talk to you off the forums.
Then send me an e-mail then. :roll:

Anyway Mike gets a 10. :D

Uncle Arly

Strata Poster
Screaming Coasters said:
I'm gonna give you a 10 because of your nipple shirt hehe! Not only that, you seem like a genuinly nice guy!

Well what can I say, i'm just a bit amazing arn't I!

I jest.

Mike, you seem quite cool so 8/10

I'm just whoring this topic a bit today! Oh well, other people do it!

Posted at the same time as me Coaster ollie, but yeah 8/10 for you, nah MSN much better!


CF Legend
Hang on, this is messed up now, Arly was meant to rate me, not Mike, and Mike was meant to rate Arly, not me. :)

We just post too quickly don't we. ;)
Mike gets another 10/10. :D
Eight but I think it might go down considering the amount you've been posting things that are even more garbage than my posts, especially in the happy and sad topics, or whatever.