Pink Cadillac Giga Poster Apr 16, 2016 #41 I don't know about you, but mine was 22 with the Gauntlet at Camelot
Pink Cadillac Giga Poster Apr 16, 2016 #46 14 - The Wild Mine Ride at Gullivers Warrington. I think I only own 2 roller coaster ORP and one is from this.
14 - The Wild Mine Ride at Gullivers Warrington. I think I only own 2 roller coaster ORP and one is from this.
Thekingin64 Strata Poster Apr 16, 2016 #48 39. Galactica, Alton Towers (haven't done it as Galactica yet but counting it as air)
Ireeb Mega Poster May 11, 2016 #57 12, Rasender Tausendfüßler Why did it have to be a kiddie coaster? xD Second try: 28, Alpenexpress Enzian Again a kiddie coaster...?
12, Rasender Tausendfüßler Why did it have to be a kiddie coaster? xD Second try: 28, Alpenexpress Enzian Again a kiddie coaster...?