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Questions about Madrid, Barcelona, and Paris


Slut for Spinners
Ok, I'll start with the beginning of the trip. I will arrive in Madrid on April 3rd, 2009. On April 4th, I plan on going to Parque de Atracciones. I don't have much time here, or any park on this trip, so I want to make the most of it. I want to get on all the coasters and any other rides that are worth it. When does the park open and when does it close? How much is it? What is the easiest way to get there using public transportation?

Moving on, here's where I need to make some decisions. On April 7th, we're taking a train to Barcelona. On April 9th, I will have a free day, but I would need to be back in the evening to catch an overnight train to Paris. This will be a crucial factor in deciding whether I do Tibidabo or PortAventura. Is it worth taking the train down the coast to PortAventura, or with the time restraint should I just do Tibidabo? What are the prices of each parks, when do they open and close, and what's the best way to get there via public transportation? I would really like to do both, but unfortunately, I can only make one choice and you guys can really help me out on this.

Lastly, on April 10th, We arrive in Paris. On our last full day in Europe, April 11th, I plan on going to Parc Asterix. The only thing about this timewise is dinner, we have to be back and eat with the group. Pretty much the same info; when does it open and close, what is the price, and what should I ride? I already know about an RER line to the park, and I'm pretty good with the Paris Metro. My mom is also fluent in French, so public transportation will be no problem with this park.

That's my trip. In short, I need answered for all four parks:

1. When does each open and close?
2. How much does each cost?
3. What should I ride, and what order?
4. What is the best way to get to each by taking public transportation?
5. Considering the time constraints, price, and accessibility, should I do PortAventura, or should I go to Tibidabo?

Hopefully you guys can help me. I know a lot of CF members have been to these parks and it would really make my trip better with your advice. Maybe I'll even meet some of you at these parks. Thanks in advanced for everything.
Parque de Atracciones is open from 12am-8pm.
According to the website a wristband costs 27.50€. The easiest way to get there by public transport would be taking the metro (dark) blue line and the nearest stop is Batán. You have to just go under the track turn to left and follow down and stay on the right side and you will come to the park and I think there was some signs, I just don't remember.

I think you would want to run to the left when you enter and ride Tarantula and then the nearby Abismo and Tornado (the main coasters) first, after that I don't really know.

Hmm.. I think you should probably rather do Port Aventura, especially if you don't know whether you would visit the area in a long time or so.
There was a direct train to the park, running every hour (the trip took about an hour) from the eastern main train station in Barcelona. However that was in early july, so I don't know if that applies for April. I couldn't find any entry dates for next year, apart from January on the site. The entry cost was stated 42€.

I think you'd want to stay on the very right side of the park and do Baco and then go to "China" ride Dragon Khan and then continue "north" do Hurakan Condor if you like droptowers and then continue around the park. The flumeride is good too. (imo)

That's all I can say though, I hope it helps a bit. Surely some people can fill up with more info.
I think Tommi has covered most of the details for Madrid and Barcelona there. You will only really be able to get the opening times once the websites have the new dates up.

In relation to Parc Asterix, I went last October and the park was open from 10am - 5pm so it should be the same for around April time out of peak season.

You need to get one of those RER trains from Central Paris to one of the Charles de Gaille Airport railway stations (takes about 45 mins) and then you can catch a shuttle bus from there straight to the park. Its only about 15 mins from the airport stop. They do a park and bus ticket for around €30 as I remember.
For Parque de Atracciones, you'll have no problem getting everything done. The three biggest attractions (Abismo, Tornado & Tarantula) are all very close together, and nothing had more than a 30min queue when we were there in the middle of July last summer, so in April, you'll have no trouble.

In terms of the Barcelona leg, Tibidabo will no doubt be easier to do, and you'll have much more guarantee of getting all you want done, but you're not going to have the same calibre of attractions as if you went to PortAventura. The problem I found with PA is its just so big, we struggled to do everything in the time we had, and we were there until midnight. The queues were a bit longer admittedly, and a lot of rides did die on us, but it is a very large place with a lot of stuff worth doing. If you're willing to risk missing a couple of things to get to some better rides, then go with PortAventura.
I haven't been to any of them but Parc Asterix so I can't give you information on the others. At Parc Asterix the rides worth doing are Tonnerre de Zeus, Goudurix, Trace du Hourra - the three biggest coasters and Menhir Express, Le Grand Splatch and Oxygenarium - some great water rides. When I last went it was open from 10am - 7pm if I recall correctly.
Thank you very much for all your info on these parks. It's really helping me as I plan my trip. I guess I'm set for Parque de Atracciones and Parc Asterix. I have decided, unless for whatever reason I decide not to, that I will go to Tibidabo instaed of PortAventura. As much as I want to go to PA, from what everybody's saying about the amount of rides and size of the park, I think I'll wait and stay on the resort in the future with friends or family for a few days. Tibidabo is just going to be a lot easier to get to and it's going to take less time to do the park, plus they're opening their new coaster soon. If anybody has anymore advice, please feel free to share. It's greatly appreciated.
rollerdude said:
Tibidabo is just going to be a lot easier to get to and it's going to take less time to do the park, plus they're opening their new coaster soon. If anybody has anymore advice, please feel free to share. It's greatly appreciated.

Catch the funicular railway up the hill to Tibidabo. We decided to climb it before we realised quite how high it is :?
You might want to double check Tibidabo's going to be open, it should be because that's the Thursday before Easter, which should mean you're fine. I'll double check with Oriol/push him in the direction of this thread.

Also, I'd say for sure do Tibi. I doubt you'll have time to properly do PA, and Tibi's a great little park anyway. OK, it's no PA, I'm not gonna lie and say it is, but, it's a good second option which I think a lot of people tend to miss when they go to PA. You'll love the quirky 'European'-ness of it all, lol.
rollerdude try and avoid DLP at the weekend. If you are staying in a Disney Hotel you get let in the park at 8am so you get 2 hours extra ride time on a number of attractions.

Also make sure you get to the Studio Park 30 minutes before it opens and head straight for Crushes Coaster, the queues for that after opening are 2 hours +.
OK. That's the thing. If you want credits then head for PA. If you want a selection of quirky, original yet old rides (a bit like BPB) and a new credit, go for Tibidabo.

On one side, PA is a safe bet since it's a big park. Almost everyone would prefer spending a day there rather than going to a small park like Tibi. There are several thrill rides at PA although the lines can get pretty long if the weather's warm.

On the other side, Tibidabo is just a family park. Meaning, you won't get many thrill rides (a top spin, PNDOL -Fabbri AirDiver) and one of the best non-paying horror walk-throughs. On top of that you get the park with possibly the best backdrop. But it's just that, a really charming park not aimed at thrill-seekers.

As for prices. Tibi will be at 25 €uros next season and PA is increasing its admission fee up to 43,50 or 44 € next season.

If you have to catch a train to go to Paris at night, then you should time everything in order to fit what you want to do (note: PA is about 2 hours away from BCN by train) and Tibi is a bit of a bitch to get to.
Southend_Marc: I'm not going to DLP. I'm going to Parc Asterix.

Thanks for the info Oriol. You actually answered my final question about Tibi's price. I've heard that It's a pain to get to, but I guess I just have to find this funicular. The train is one reason I chose Tibidabo over PA. I just won't have the time to do PA to my satisfaction. I'm sure I'll enjoy Tibidabo a lot though. I really like the old Coney style parks here in the states, so I don't see how it could be much different.
Resurrecting an ancient topic...

I leave Friday, and I have just one more question before I go. I'm pretty clear on how to get to Parque de Atracciones(dark blue line to batan) and Tibidabo(take the bus from the main square), but I'm still not clear on how to get to Parc Asterix. All I know is that you take the RER north. Does anybody have more specific directions for me? Also, how far of a walk is it from Batan station to the front gate of PdA? Is it something that's a few hundred feet, or is it hidden and a half mile away?

Thanks for all the help you guys have given me so far. This is going to be a pretty fun trip.
All I can answer is about PdA: It was a bit less than half a mile from what I remember, to the (nearest) entrance, which I think was the 'eastern entrance'. There wasn't any huge signs, but I wouldn't call it 'hidden either', as when you walk down the road you'll end up going right beside the park, so it would be hard to miss :) . The main entrance however, was even further away, maybe another 400yds?, I'm not too sure on the numbers, but most importantly, you can easily walk there from Batan in 10-15 mins, give or take.

Have a good trip.
It's a lot less than half a mile to that side entrance of PdA! You literally exit the station, cross a road, and you're there!

The main entrance is a little bit further though, but, I don't think you have to go round there to get in...? I know we did, but, that's because we were early and wanted to be closer to Abismo <3

Trust me, there's not a lot of advice to give, because it is JUST there when you leave the Metro. Believe me when I say I've been to a lot of parks, and not one has been as easy to get to as PdA xD
rollerdude said:
but I'm still not clear on how to get to Parc Asterix. All I know is that you take the RER north.

You get the RER train to Roissy Charles de Gaulle 1 stop. From there you can get a return shuttle bus to the park. Its only about 15 mins from the stop. You can buy a park and bus ticket from there.