For the sake of being dull... 
I can see where UC (et al) are coming from with Nemesis. Though it's really an odd one.
I rode it with UC and it was the first ride on Nemesis for about 12 months. In fact, it was pretty much the only coaster I'd been on this year (Sonic and 13 being the other two earlier on, so they don't really count).
The two runs I had with UC I really, really enjoyed. I came off it buzzing a bit and just really enjoyed it. I didn't think "that turn stalled and ruined the flow", I was too busy just having fun.
Now, I rode it with Taylor and Brad, then again on Friday night. I can say, almost certainly, that it was running faster on those runs than it was when I rode with UC. The first "stall turn" flew by and it didn't kill pacing at all, the drag as it pulled you through on the way down into the pit for the loop was incredible. The pacing was all there, and even the second turn still had some pull to it.
I didn't enjoy it as much though, because now the ride is boring again. I've been on (and other coasters), so the thrill is gone and the dullard enthusiast thing is taking over again. That's just me, but the fact I was looking out for the extra pull and speed and everything lessened the experience.
Alpengeist, I loved. I loved the huge drop and massive inversions. I then sat back and really enjoyed the rest of the ride. I thought it was fast (or gave a good impression of speed) and was fun. I loved the kind of pretend ski run section you sped through. It was fresh, exciting and appealing. It stepped away from being a standard run of the mill "invert". It added a degree of impressiveness with the scale, then fun. It wasn't all intense and elementy like Batman or Talon. It was just a coaster I enjoyed.
I don't really care about inversions, g-forces, flow or pacing. I just care about if I come off a ride and I'm smiling because I enjoyed it. Yeah, you can micro analyse the reasons for it, and you certainly will have a definable "coaster taste" - but it's all about how much you get from a ride.
Yeah, after four or five runs on Alpengeist, I'm sure I'd feel the same way I did on Friday on Nemesis. I'd be a bit bored and looking for "the highlights". I've no doubt about that at all. I'm always quite careful about over riding coasters, and I just don't think Inverts stand up to it well at all. Pity Dragon Khan is the only sit down B&M I've done, but I'm with Marc here that they seem to have the distinct edge.
Oh, and Oblivion... I'll never get bored of that ride :lol:

I can see where UC (et al) are coming from with Nemesis. Though it's really an odd one.
I rode it with UC and it was the first ride on Nemesis for about 12 months. In fact, it was pretty much the only coaster I'd been on this year (Sonic and 13 being the other two earlier on, so they don't really count).
The two runs I had with UC I really, really enjoyed. I came off it buzzing a bit and just really enjoyed it. I didn't think "that turn stalled and ruined the flow", I was too busy just having fun.
Now, I rode it with Taylor and Brad, then again on Friday night. I can say, almost certainly, that it was running faster on those runs than it was when I rode with UC. The first "stall turn" flew by and it didn't kill pacing at all, the drag as it pulled you through on the way down into the pit for the loop was incredible. The pacing was all there, and even the second turn still had some pull to it.
I didn't enjoy it as much though, because now the ride is boring again. I've been on (and other coasters), so the thrill is gone and the dullard enthusiast thing is taking over again. That's just me, but the fact I was looking out for the extra pull and speed and everything lessened the experience.
Alpengeist, I loved. I loved the huge drop and massive inversions. I then sat back and really enjoyed the rest of the ride. I thought it was fast (or gave a good impression of speed) and was fun. I loved the kind of pretend ski run section you sped through. It was fresh, exciting and appealing. It stepped away from being a standard run of the mill "invert". It added a degree of impressiveness with the scale, then fun. It wasn't all intense and elementy like Batman or Talon. It was just a coaster I enjoyed.
I don't really care about inversions, g-forces, flow or pacing. I just care about if I come off a ride and I'm smiling because I enjoyed it. Yeah, you can micro analyse the reasons for it, and you certainly will have a definable "coaster taste" - but it's all about how much you get from a ride.
Yeah, after four or five runs on Alpengeist, I'm sure I'd feel the same way I did on Friday on Nemesis. I'd be a bit bored and looking for "the highlights". I've no doubt about that at all. I'm always quite careful about over riding coasters, and I just don't think Inverts stand up to it well at all. Pity Dragon Khan is the only sit down B&M I've done, but I'm with Marc here that they seem to have the distinct edge.
Oh, and Oblivion... I'll never get bored of that ride :lol: