I would love to have even one fiftieth of your enthusiasm for Oakwood.
I don't know how you do it...
Do you know what? I've never had a bad day at Oakwood. Even when everyone else is utterly miserable, I still really enjoy a day there.
I have no idea why. I do love Megafobia (even though it's nowhere near the great coaster it was almost 20 years ago - or it is, but the goalposts have moved A LOT in that time), but the rest of the place? It's all piss poor. I still love it though. Rain or shine. I don't understand it.
I eve met up with a friend (non-enthusiast) who was at uni in Aber. She described Oakwood as slightly worse than "Craggy Island Fun land" from Father Ted. I can't even say she isn't wrong, but... It has a charm that just appeals to me.
Thanks for the report and for being on my side of the mad-fence Matt N