LiveForTheLaunch said:
Well Snoo, most people I know have a decent IQ including myself, and we all thought it was going to be creatures living in the ruins, instead of killer plants. You also wouldn't be able to tell from the trailers that only one girl lives.
In a nutshell it was probably the best you could make a film involving killer plants.
Well cheers Taylor! You could have made it clearer there were spoilers in there!!!
Fortunately, my IQ is over 90, so I worked out what it was anyway beforehand
Ben said:
No. Little Shop of Horrors will always be the best film about killer plants.
Absolutely, but now you've ruined the film for Taylor - she knows it's about a killer plant from outers pace called Audrey II now. Though she doesn't know is a musical comedy starring Steve Martin fantastically over acting as the evil dentist!
Anyway, I've watched, erm, a couple of films anyway in the last few weeks.
First up was
What a mixed bag this was - it's pretty hard to really get a grip on, but I think if you put it in the 'mindless entertainment' category, then it gets an 8/10. If you put it in any other category (story led film, good acting, good direction, animated, etc) it fails pretty miserably.
Obviously the story has aged, it is over 1000 years old after all, but it's still a ripping yarn, and the original poem is pretty epic (yes, I read the book first, but I'm not going to let it ruin the film

However, the film suffers badly in a few areas (I'll bullet point to make it easier for people to argue with me

- Voice acting. From pretty good, to absolutely dire. It just feels like the film is a bunch of people in a studio doing voices, not people acting (most animated films at least make you believe that people are really there, even The Polar Express). I don't know if it was the subject matter, script or what, but it just didn't seem to work.
- Animation. At times it's superb, at others atrocious. Like the voice acting, the inconsistency is grating. You start to believe it all and get into the film, then some dreadfully wooden animation happens and you're dragged back into the reality it's an animated film.
- 3-D. 3D films use very specific camera tricks and angles to make the 3D effects good. When you're watching it in 3D, it's a bit of a gimmick and good fun. When you watch it not in 3D, it looks awful. The camera angles are bad, and the bits of long pointy objects (and gratuitous wobbling breast shots), are too long and unbearable. You can't make a film which works as a good 3D film, but also a good film in general.
- Gratuity in general. The film just generally seemed gratuitous for the sake of it. It was simple violent or sexual titillation - which is fine in it's place I suppose, but I could never work out if the film was meant to be a great film, or just simple entertainment.
I think the problem is that the film is full of contradictions. It wants to be an epic, but never gives enough - and covers it's short comings with cheap tricks. There's lack of consistency in the film too, right across the board, which means your interest waxes and wanes. You really want to enjoy it, but it just never quite delivers.
It's not a bad film, but it's hardly great either. I guess it's one of those films you'll either love for it's own particular style, or just not get along with. I loved The Polar Express, so was expecting a little bit more from one of my favourite childhood legends by the same team.
Next I watched the made for TV shocker
Stephen King's Desperation
I still don't know why I watch film versions of King books - I think it's just the masochist in me. Or maybe it's the eternal optimist in me, I live in hope that one day, one may be good!
This didn't fail to disappoint - despite a promising start. The cop was just comical rather than menacing, which ruined the atmosphere at the start. Then it actually got good in the middle, with some really good high tension scenes. Then it went all cheaply and badly made - the story and dialogue became dire, and it just kind of whimpered out at the end.
Why do I do it to myself??? 4/10