Over the past few weeks I’ve made my way through the Harry Pottz films. I remember watching them all on release (as an overzealous hateful fanboy) and now, quite detached from the books (as an overzealous hateful man), I find myself having quite different views.
As a youngster, I resented (quite heavily) any side-stepped / curtailed plot, as if the films were somehow ‘missing out’ or suffering from the absence of granular detail. Now, I recognise that what works in a book doesn’t necessarily work in a film. Actually, the absence of such laborious storytelling can make a tale more demanding of attention.
Overall, Radcliffe, Grint and Watson are brilliant - they could not be better cast. Grint simply IS Ron.
Also, Alannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn….. (10 second pause) Rick-mannnnnnnnnnnn, is sensationally hilarious, especially in the first few films. I’m particularly fond of his “………… up to something!” tirade in the first. Brill.
Philosopher’s Stone - Surprisingly one of the better films, by far the most charming and ‘magical’. A lack of budget on some scenes, notably the wizard’s chess section, is rather unfortunate, but overall better than I remembered. Good Dumbledoor is ace, shame he got replaced with crap Dumbledoor later on. Oh, anyone else notice that this is the only film/book with a flying lesson? 7/10
Chamber of Secrets - The longest film of the whole set. Somewhat mixed as it contains some jarring ‘dark’ moments with twee nonsense (such as the flying car). Notable for having Mr. Malfoy about to bust out the killing curse on Harry in Hogwarts before being stopped by Dobby - salty! Dobby can do one though, annoying as. 6/10
Prisoner of Azkaban - One of the more satisfying books, but one of the most nobishly directed films. Yes, there is a ****ing bridge. I have seen the bridge. I know it’s there! Stop showing me the ****ing bridge!! And yes, there’s also swinging pendulum. I get it. Also, the whomping willow. I ****ing get it! Stop it! Plus it’s bookended with the stupidest start (lumos in the bed - expel that ****) and ending (Harry farts during a broomstick freeze frame). Frustrating, but the stronger plot carries it. 7/10
Goblet of Fire - Probably the most well balanced? Starts getting saucy with the hormones. Oooo to be young! New Dumbledoor goes full on ****-mode at one point pushing Pottz around like nob. Moaning Myrtle, horribly cast, makes another terrible appearance, this time perving on Pottz’s wand and not even hiding it, wtf. Sirius appears in the fire with mad face effects. Death eaters should have got the Vic rub ready for when Volders comes back, he is super congested. 7.5/10
Order of the Phoenix - Most people have mixed feelings on the book because it’s needlessly long and poorly paced. The film adaptation is rather good. Umbridge is super menacing. The pen scenes are super creepy. Cho Chang scenes are mad awkward. Sirius appears in the fire again but looks like ****, what happened there? I’m sad with the lack of brain jellyfish (from the book) but all things considered…… I think maybe the best ‘film’? Certainly improves on the meandering book. During a ‘nightmare’-sequence towards the end, Volders makes a really funny ‘MEP!’ sound and I lol-ed. 7.5/10
Half Blood Prince - Mixed thoughts on this because I really like the potions book / Snape plot developments, but even at the time of reading I found myself deeply annoyed with the ‘out of nowhere cupboard reveal’. In the film, that is heavily hinted at upfront and throughout and that actually makes it a tad better. Lake scene cool. Not all that bad. Potions class scene is great. Slughorn can chomp a ***** though. Glad to see ‘crap Dumbledoor’ finally get the Kadavra treatment - Hurrrghn!!! 6.75/10
Deathly Hallows Part 1 - lol Hedgwick, take that ya ****ing owl!!! I mean, Hedgwick was just mean. Man, my face when reading the book, it was like ******** **** for the first time - the child in you just dies. Good amount of teenage mooding in this one. I swear Pottz is making moves on Hermione in the tent. Not surprised, I’m in love with Hermione at this point. 7/10
Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Meh, ‘battle fatigue’ kicks in. Just too long, overwrought. Die already. 6/10
I’ll end with this majestic description of Order of the Phoenix on Now TV: “The boy wizard and his homies expected their fifth spell at Hogwarts to be tough... but this is riddikulus!”