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Ollie said:
The Evil Dead:
It was a really funny film. It was so fake and predictable. But it was so bad that it was good and really enjoyable to watch.
6/10 :)


Saw Transporter 3 with Peter and the cousin.

I love 2 things about this series: 1) You can jump in at any time and enjoy it and 2) A hero that doesn't need guys to kick ass. Seriously, can't get better.

The movie itself was mind blowing. Action scenes were fast past and the story was great. What is also surprise is the deadpan humor. At one point I missed a line of the movie because I was laughing so hard. My 2 biggest issues were only in one category: filming. At several points I got confused about what was happening with some bad camera angles. There was also several transition shots where it didn't go smoothly. IE The guy is grabbing the girls wrist, and where he grabs depends on the shot: both above and below her bracelet.

Overall-Action packed with comic relief,but some bad filming angles.

kimahri said:
Ollie said:
The Evil Dead:
It was a really funny film. It was so fake and predictable. But it was so bad that it was good and really enjoyable to watch.
6/10 :)



Yes... And then refuse to watch Evil Dead 3 - which is utterly lame.

Was it the uncut version Ollie with the full rape scene? I had to watch it on pirate back in... Well, couple of years before you guys were born :p

The film was only released in cut form in 1991 I think, sometime around then anyway...
I watched Igor last night at the cinema and despite all expectations of a rubbish film, it was actually pretty good!

There was plenty of sarcasm and the usual 'we're a children's film, but lets stick in plenty of humor only adults will appreciate' jokes

Mind you with a cast with the likes of Eddie Izzard, John Cleese, Steve Buscemi and John Cusack it was always going to be....

Overall worth a watch, especially since it's really the only children's film out at the moment... and if your taking children then you have no choice :p
furie said:
Yes... And then refuse to watch Evil Dead 3 - which is utterly lame.

Was it the uncut version Ollie with the full rape scene? I had to watch it on pirate back in... Well, couple of years before you guys were born :p

The film was only released in cut form in 1991 I think, sometime around then anyway...
I'm not sure which version it was. I missed about half an hour in the middle because I had to go out and film. I watched up until they got into the house. And then came back when they had just locked one of them in the basement. I'm going to have to search for the bit I missed. But I was told by my friends what happened.
Watched Wall.e last night on blu-ray.

Its such an excellent film, everything about it is just perfect.

Rating: 5/5
Saw two similar films recently, one on Tuesday, the other just now.


I knew I was in for the goriest one yet, but the traps that I was told were absolutely vile, weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. Anyway, I just loved the traps in general, and were far more frequent and consistent than those in Saw II. Saw II seemed rubbish compared to this. The ending was pretty cool too, better than the second's, but not as good as the first's.


Just now, I watched Se7en.

Well, I started watching it last week for about 45 minutes, and I was a bit tired, so I got bored. I watched it through today, and what I watched last week was better today, and the rest of the film just got better and better. I loved the ending. Haven't been on the edge of my seat like that in ages. Kevin Spacey was a great surprise! Had no idea he was in it! Portrayed his character brilliantly.

Overall, a great film, if not consistent all the time. I much preferred Fight Club.

Watched Next last night on Blu-Ray. Nicholas Cage in another terrible film - excellent. It was such a great premise, but the writers clearly didn't know what to do with it - so they just kind of botched something roughly together. Also Cage drools more than Steven thinking about his next GhosterForce costume, and is a poor choice for a lead character with a speaking part.

Worth watching for the cool idea, but once you've got it (after about half an hour) and realise the plot is holier than the Titanic - switch it off and save an hour of your life :)
The Producers (2005)

I was at the Bargain Shop the other day, which I go to like, literally four or five times a week before I go to work, but I just realized that their movies are really cheap. Like, they had new releases and everything for like, ten bucks, so I was looking through them and came across the Producers, which I heard was good, so I bought it for seven dollars.

The movie itself was pretty good; I liked the fact that it was a musical with good songs, but didn't have song after song after song. The characters were extremely likeable (Ulla <3 ) and there were a lot of funny parts as well. Overall, not my favourite musical, but up there for sure. Gotta love all those little old ladies!

2005 version sucks compared to the original :p

All about Eve last night.

Not expecting anyone to be interested due to the fact it contained superb dialogue, great writing, acting, sublime characters and a story. There wasn't a single explosion, nobody swore and there was no colour - but it had nothing to do with pretence ;)

Superb film, and part of my quest to watch all top 100 films. Well worth watching if you actually enjoy good films, rather than entertainment :)

Finally got to see Donkey Punch after various failed attempts to get to see it in the cinema it has finally been released on DVD yay!

Ok, so I mainly wanted to see it because of the funny name (if people would like to learn more about a 'donkey punch' visit http://www.urbandictionary.com)

Probably the best thriller I've seen in a long time with some unpredictable and gruesome deaths and unwatchable scenes, I really really enjoyed it. Plus it's a British film which makes it ten times better than all this other Hollywood nonsense.

Watch Jumper

It was alright, I like the whole idea behind it of being able to 'jump' from place to place. But the story really lacked and the visuals weren't very impressive.

Also it was filmed a bit in Ann Arbor, Michigan, so more points deducted.

Overall, enjoyable for maybe once or twice, but not worth buying.

Ghosts of Mars:
Caught most of it on TV. The aliens looked like Goth rockers after a drunken fight. The acting was awful and the whole film was shot in ravine area with a red gel over the lens (pretending to be Mars).
Just finished watching City of god (Cidade de Deus in its native language)

It was one of the most shocking films I've seen actually and its apparently a true story and the stuff that went on during it is probably still going on now as well.
Get Smart

Although I dozed off a few times in the first half hour or so, I caught the rest of it, and I have to say, for being an action/comedy (which, if you've read any of my other reviews you will know I am not a fan of action movies), it was really funny and enjoyable! It didn't seem to drag on like a lot of movies do, and it had a good mix of comedy, action, and romance in it.

Overall, I liked!

Quantum of Solace: I didn't have that high expectations for this, as all the reviews I had seen/heard said that it would be worse than Casino Royale. Well, it was worse, but totally not as much as I thought it would be, so it actually surprised me in a positive way.

Things I didn't like: SPOILER: I didn't really like the first action scenes, as the camera moved too quickly, also it looked more like Spiderman than a Bond film IMO, however luckily that soon ended. Also I haven't read the books so I don't know, but I think there was a bit too many deaths. /SPOILER

Still I liked it quite a bit, there was good acting in general and I liked the villain, and it was cool that I understood everything they said in Spanish with my self taught Spanish (except for one word, I blame it on the accent). Oh and the other chick, Gemma Arterton was much hotter and better at acting than the Ukrainian. 7.2/10

The Godfather: EPIC, more violent then I expected, well made and acted, can't really complain about anything really. 9.5/10

Trainspotting: I liked it, it had more to do with (hmm, the film is a bit "old", buy I'll put one anyway) SPOILER:drugs than I expected, not that it really mattered. Interesting, good and at times, bit disturbing, well made, also I liked the Scottish English. 7.8/10
Saving Private Ryan

A real classic for me, as I'm a war movie fan.. especially a well made WWII flick.

^ You've reviewed that like how many times now? :p

But the first twenty minutes of that movie or whatever are so chilling, and it's really upsetting since it has been considered the most realistic part of any war movie, ever.

I so wanna rent Prince Caspian tonight.