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No Limits Competition VIII- Spinning Challenge

Error said:
Hixee said:

RobJackson85 said:
One question though, you say the station can be moved, but what about the length? Can that be altered?
Dave said:
Yes, otherwise your going to have a small station for the Mack Spinner.
Reading, such a great human talent.

Can I help it? I'm from Michigan after all.
My bad.

Are we allowed second lifts? If we needed them?
Spinball doesn't. ;)

Nah, I was just checking really.

Oh, are we allowed to add structure to the lift shafts?
I'm gonna try to join in... but don't expect me to be any good because I've never done a competition before and most of my coasters are bad. But if you can score me and give me constructive criticism and how to make better rides then thanks loads. I'll see what I can do.

By the way, we aren't marked on using objects or terraforming are we? My terraforming is worse than my coasters, and i completely do not know how to make objects apart from supports.

EDIT: I've just looked at the file. I'm guessing that you cant build anything through the middle cube, and you can't go above the ceiling even on the bit where there appears to be no ceiling (between the middle cube and the sort of outer bit) am I correct?

And slow launches allowed?
^Just think about it before you post. The structure on the map represents a building. Look at it from the side view, it's like a building. You're not allowed outside of the box, in any direction. I don't know what you mean by the middle cube. You're not allowed to go through the lift shafts that are in the map. They're purple in the sim.

And no, I wouldn't imagine slow launched are allowed. Due to the statement:
[quote"RULES"]- No Launches![/quote]

You'd be allowed transport to move trains around etc, but NO LAUNCHES. ie. the transport section cannot accelerate the car.
There goes my great idea then... I was going to have lots of short sections of boost tyres so that the train could just drop out of the station and never slow down. In fact I may now make two coasters, one to illustrate my idea and put it on a different topic. I'll have to think of something else original. I didn't see the no launches bit because I read it late last night so yeah...

EDIT: Ok I just saw it in the sim for the first time. Yeah the purple cube is what I meant by the middle cube. The boundary I'm wondering about is how high you can go between the purble cube and the light blue building, because he hasn't put any poles between them. I'm assuming it's just up to the height of the orange pole but I just wanted to check.

EDIT(2): Ok I'm not allowed to accelerate the train, how do I get it out the station? I'm assuming that I can have a fast chain lift, so can you just define the boundary between fast lift hill and slow launch? For example, I could have a 15mph tyre driven lift hill, and that would be a lift hill right? But if I did the same thing horizontally, would that suddenly become a launch? I wasn't intending to have a stealth style full-on launch, just a boost here and there so that it doesn't need a lift, and still makes it back to the station.
Ingested Banjo said:
EDIT(2): Ok I'm not allowed to accelerate the train, how do I get it out the station? I'm assuming that I can have a fast chain lift, so can you just define the boundary between fast lift hill and slow launch? For example, I could have a 15mph tyre driven lift hill, and that would be a lift hill right? But if I did the same thing horizontally, would that suddenly become a launch? I wasn't intending to have a stealth style full-on launch, just a boost here and there so that it doesn't need a lift, and still makes it back to the station.

A *launch* can be efined as a rapid acceleration change, such as going from 0mph to 30mph. Going from 0mph to something like 6mph isn't technically considered a launch.
^Why not? The train has accelerated. Technically it has launched.

Ingested Banjo said:
EDIT(2): Ok I'm not allowed to accelerate the train, how do I get it out the station? I'm assuming that I can have a fast chain lift, so can you just define the boundary between fast lift hill and slow launch? For example, I could have a 15mph tyre driven lift hill, and that would be a lift hill right? But if I did the same thing horizontally, would that suddenly become a launch? I wasn't intending to have a stealth style full-on launch, just a boost here and there so that it doesn't need a lift, and still makes it back to the station.
Use common sense. Of course you're allowed to propel the car from the station at low speeds and you can push it off brake runs with tyres. Just think.
^ I think they're meant to be solid columns like lift shafts.

I wasn't going to have 0 to 30, but can I have more like 30-35? It's only a change of 5mph, I just want to make a track that doesn't lose speed, almost like a powered coaster...

Just so it has great pace, makes it back to the station and never loses speed... I guess I've told you all my idea now so it's not even gonna be a supriise... I'll think up something else with my aweomse imaginy skillz...
Err, no...

Do you want me to write patronising rules for you all since you don't get it every ****ing time.
Are we allowed to modify the colours and thickness of the template supports, because I feel there really intrusive.