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NL Competition 4 2013 - Adventure Time!

^Sure, but now people will know which ride is yours.

Just a friendly reminder that tracks are due on the 28th, so send em in sometime on the 27th!
Has anyone else noticed the problem you run into with AutoSupports in a terrain setting, with the supports going below the ground, all the way down to water level? I'm trying to go underneath the terrain and take out as many of them as I can, hopefully cutting down on the file size and saving frame rate, but I don't know how effective it will be.
For auto supports, Make sure you have it set to "no wide structure." For whatever reason, Wood Magic can calculate the length for vertical beams, but not any of the batter bracing.
It's because wood magic was made after the terraformer, so can't figure out changes in terrain heights.

Anyway, I didn't manage to finish my layout, let alone the supports :(
It's getting close to last call. It seems like I'm only waiting for Ashley and Rich to send in tracks. Once they get theirs in, I'll put up the rider's choice. The new contest will be released tonight as well.
I've sent mine in - just under the wire getting it done by midnight! - but after I compressed the file I couldn't get it to load in as an attachment for some reason, so I had to send you the "straight" version. Hope you got it!
No biggie, Ashley. There's plenty more contests to come!

The rider's choice will be up soon. Sit tight, guys!