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Nightly visits to the chamber.

Do you flush?

  • Yes, dosen't wake anyone.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, as I fear I may wake someone and face the wrath

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No opinion on this matter, silly poll

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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So over the past few days I've noticed that my housemates don't seem to flush the toilet during the night, not sure whether its because they don't want to disturb someone sleeping. But I always flush the toilet even if its at night and it dosen't seem to wake anyone.

Do you flush the toilet during the night?
It depends. Usually I just don't want to leave my toilet looking nasty so I just flush and I don't give a **** who I wake up.
I very very rarely get up to go to the loo in the middle of the night. I often get up to get a drink, but not to make a mess in the toilet bowl.

However, on the rare occasion that I do go to the loo in the middle of the night, I flush it. My family are quite 'deep' sleepers (unlike me) and, however stupid this is going to sound, we've got quite a quiet flush on the toilet that I'd use. So I'd flush because it probably wouldn't wake anyone.
"If it's yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down."
I don't like to disturb people.
But I always flush the toilet even if its at night and it dosen't seem to wake anyone.
Thats the thing though. Have you asked "Hey, did I wake you last night"?
You may well have done so, and caused them to just wake up but not say anything.
I always flush it. I rarely need a toilet in the middle of the night anyway. The flush at my dads is really noisy though and makes a funny sound for like up to two minutes after the initial flush.
I don't just flush it, I practice my trumpet while on the can in the night! What's the point of doing something half-arsed? If you want people to notice you, do the job properly ;)
Yes, I do flush, despite my parents and my sister regularly complaining.
I blame them for installing such a loud toilet anyway. :)
I always flush as well, although I don't usually go in the middle of the night.

Silly thread. :lol:
Yeah, I do.

Being in my room, (everyone loves that factoid, so, had to drop it in), I can flush without it being heard. My room's sort of seperate from the rest of the house... sort of. Diagram time.

|___| < Toilet
|___| <My bed
|_________| < Where nearest other person sleeps.
Other end of house

So, it's never heard by mother, who is miles away. Although, even when I have people over (which is very rare tbf), we share my bed, so when I get up to pee, I wake him anyway (can't move in my bed without waking the other person up).

Bet y'all were fascinated by that tale.
Always, yes. I'd much rather get rid than leave it there festering. Its only a bloody flush, even if it does wake you up, its not going to kill you. Actually, when we first moved into our house last summer, I considered not doing, because with it being smaller than my parents' house, everyone's so much closer, but I still do anyway.
Of course. I like my toilet not to smell of wee when I get up in the morning. Besides, if I use the toilet downstairs, it probably doesn't wake anyone up.