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My Senior Year

So Homecoming was last night. We arrived at my friend's house for pictures at around 6:00 and left at around 6:45.


We were one of the first groups to arrive, even though we showed up fifteen minutes after the dance started. We found a table by the bar, got some pitchers of pop and water, and waited for dinner. The dinner was acceptable, but didn't blow anybody away. The salad was literally bought from Costco two hours earlier(which isn't a bad thing, it was delicious) and they didn't serve dessert, but food is food. Many people(basically everybody who was already drunk) didn't even eat and went straight to dance. So once we finished eating, we went to dance for a solid two hours. We were the last people on the floor. We went back to my friend's house and stayed the night. We watched Waterboy and threw glow sticks at eachother. Overall, it was a very fun weekend.
I told her to wear pink. She didn't listen!

They have recently completed a new fitness center at our school. It's pretty cool, yet a joke at the same time. I'll have to take a photo sometime soon and post it.
Here's a photo of the new fitness center the school built. It's just an empty room with carpet that you put on your front porch. It's a shame that they couldn't spend three million better:

From what I heard, it's supposed to be for 40 yard dash, but they only left eight yards to stop. They're supposed to add suspended batting cages, but I can still see an accident waiting to happen since there are windows all around the room. I also think that the wrestlers are going to lay out the mats in there and have practices in there. Lastly, the robotics team will be secretly testing our robots on the carpet since we compete on carpet anyway. ;)

We had a pep assembly today. Personally, I think they went over the top, but it was pretty fun. It was basically a glorification of football, so yippee. ESPN was there to record it and I guess it will be on ESPN-U or one of their other affiliates. Either way, our upcoming football game against Catholic Central is a big deal. It's our school's 500th football game, and it just happened to be against our biggest rival. It is being played at Wayne State University in downtown Detroit and over 10,000 spectators are expected. You know I'll be there.

By the way, here's a photo of the pep assembly. The stage, lights, and all the posters really weren't necessary:


BTW, if anybody is wondering, that's in our gym, which hasn't really changed since the school opened in 1960.
Haha, that is a SAD fitness centre, three million on that? It doesn't even have equipment in it or anything! Then again, the fitness centre at my highschool was a bit jokes, but at least it had stuff in it. I like the Indian theme in your gym :P .
^The equipment is in another room right next to what they just built. They pretty much put a roof over a courtyard and expanded our weight room, which isn't shown because it's behind a wall(obviously). Also, it isn't Indians, it's Warriors.

Today was an event filled day. A local radio station has a radio show host that graduated from Rice, so he did a live broadcast from our school. Some companies supplied bagels, fruit, and coffee while we listened to the broadcast in the gym before classes started:


We were on a half day schedule today, so classes ended around 11:00. Next up was the Great Debate, which was a debate tackling the question of how to save Michigan. The debate was led by another famous Rice grad, Chris Hansen of NBC. The idea of having a debate was pretty good, but it was held at the end of the school day at the end of the week in a very hot gym. There were many people that actually fell asleep. From the little that I picked up from it, both sides that were arguing agreed that education should be focused basically on engineering and tech based classes to prepare students for engineering and tech based jobs. Now I have another argument when somebody makes fun of me for being in robotics.


A few hours later was a mass of re-dedication. It was a once in a lifetime mass, so I figured it would be a good idea to go(you guys who have been on a live with me know I'm not very religious, but I do have faith, and I did say earlier that I did not want to miss one event this year). Overall, it was a great experience. It really showed what my school is all about - that it isn't just about sports and that it's about so much more. It's one of those things that you can't see at first; you really need to dig deep and experience it for yourself to truly understand, in this case, what it means to be a Brother Rice Warrior:


So yeah, there's my eventful day. Tomorrow's the U of M verse Michigan State game, so you'll definitely be hearing something about that.

Lastly, PLEASE don't turn this into a religious discussion.
Looks like a nice day. If your school is based around it (which almost all private schools are) and you believe in it.. I don't see why someone would have a problem with it.
The U of M verse Michigan State game was quite a fun game. The game was excellent overall - the Spartans came out on top, but the Wolverines put up a good fight. Denard was passing the ball more than he was running, and even though many people didn't like that and have been using it as an excuse to rip on him, I actually liked it. It showed that he can do more than just run the ball and it also showed that he is a team player. Almost all of his passes were spot on too.

I'm not upset that State won; they are the better team. I just find State fans obnoxious and whiny about the games. If they win, like this time, they're always trying to rub it in everybody's face. If they lose, they constantly bitch about how "Michigan got lucky" and "State should have won", etc. To me, Michigan is the better university, but this is football, not in general. State has the better team this year, and either way, both teams have great records. They're both representing Michigan, so I'll be rooting for both when late December/early January comes around.

Here's some pics:

Welcome to beautiful Ann Arbor:

The game started with a parachute demonstration that involved a lot of spiraling drops:

He landed perfectly on the X:

The drumline, like all drumlines, is absolutely fantastic:

The drum major is too legit:

The student section was louder than ever. There were quite a lot of "You Suck" chants throughout the game:

Denard before he gets pushed out of bounds:

Lastly, a panorama of The Big House. Facebook is retarded and changed the transparent background to black. Oh well:

More tomorrow from the Brother Rice vs Catholic Central game. It's going to be a madhouse, especially if we pull off an upset!
Oh, well sorry about that, they looked kinda like Indians to me, but same diff. Sounds like you've had an interesting week at school and everything, though personally I'd hate to have to go to mass on a regular basis. Could be because of my lack of religion, but still :P .

On the other hand, I need to go back to Ann Arbor, you're always on about how nice it is but I don't remember it being anything special. Actually my fondest memory of it is passing the sign and Marcus giving it the finger :P .