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Most Intense Ride/Rollercoaster For Under 1.4m's/54"ers


Mega Poster
I'm over 1.4m, and I'm sure most of you are as well. But I remember being just below it, and having the best ride-op in the world on Dynamo (formerly in Forbidden Valley at Alton Towers) who kept measuring me until I had "stretched" tall enough. He said that they should have a wristband system, and nowadays the park does, and I never see him operating rides anymore, I like to think he got promoted, but who knows?
Anyway, being under 1.4m/54 Inches with a hunger for thrills is a real pain, so if you had a little brother/sister/cousin/friend or whatever, and they were desperate for something intense, but not tall enough for the "Biggies" what would you suggest?

I have to say "The Ultimate" at Lightwater Valley, considering it could very possibly be the most intense ride I've ridden anyway, I must suggest that, which comes in at 1.3m height restriction at the moment.
Black Buccaneer...

The amount of people who end up being **** scared during and after it is amazing...

And the minimum height restriction is 0.9m... Which I think is the main reason why people's minds make it seem less scary (plus it's at Chessie)...
Technically you could count every coaster in the US and other countries as being under 1.4m as usually the highest height restriction is 54" (1.37m). So that leaves quite a large choice. :wink:

I'm pretty sure Millennium Force has a 48" height restriction, so judging by the scale of it, that could be a contender. Most woodies are under 1.4m as well so you have T-Express, Boulder Dash and El Toro up there as well.
As Rush said.. not many have height restrictions over 52".. so you could name dozens here in the states.

Personally.. Dragster and KK.. some of the most intense few seconds you can experience on a ride.
Heck X2 have a height limit of 48" (122 cm)!!
Which is the just above the limit to be able to ride Lisebergbanan by yourself :shock:

Eejanaika and Dodonpa both have 130 cm...
Dragster/Ka, without a doubt.. I've seen tiny kids going on them, kids young enough where they should be playing in Camp Snoopy or something.
Rush said:
Technically you could count every coaster in the US and other countries as being under 1.4m as usually the highest height restriction is 54" (1.37m). So that leaves quite a large choice. :wink:
Damn! *Quickly scuffles to edit first post and name of topic*
I'm sure Rock 'n Rollercoaster is minimum 1.2m; from what I remember that was a pretty intense ride :p

Apocalypse allows 1.2'ers to ride sit-down seats too, which is by far the scariest ride in the park by my opinion.
Blue Fire is fairly intense and only has a height restriction of 130 cm. It's in no way as intense as eg X2 that has already been mentioned, but still a pretty thrilling accelerator/looper at the lower end of the intensity scale that even smaller children can go on.
Re: Most Intense Ride/Rollercoaster For Under 1.4m's/54&quot

I reckon mine is a tie between chessington's Black Buccaneer and Rush at Thorpe Park as it is 1.2m I think. On Black Buccanneer I really wasn't expecting it as it looked like another old pirate ship, but nope. And Rush was just amazing and strange, but very intense at the same time, so yeah, those two. :)
Nemesis Inferno said:
Black Buccaneer...

The amount of people who end up being <img> scared during and after it is amazing...

And the minimum height restriction is 0.9m... Which I think is the main reason why people's minds make it seem less scary (plus it's at Chessie)...
After doing Thorpe, me and my mates thought yeah we can do anything now we're hard nuts - til we ****ted ourselves on the Buccaneer
Haven't been on X2 as I've not been to that park, but Ben, I'm sure you're right. :)
Rethinking the poll a bit here but Apocalypse at Drayton Manor is 1.2 and you can stand up!! I know somebody said that already but it bears special mention.
coasterC said:
Rethinking the poll a bit here but Apocalypse at Drayton Manor is 1.2 and you can stand up!! I know somebody said that already but it bears special mention.

You can't stand at 1.2.
you can try dragon khan.It is 1.4* but I was 1.35 when I rode it.
X2, Top Thrill Dragster, Colossos, El Toro, T Express, Millennium Force, Bizarro, Expedition GeForce, Goliath (Walibi Holland), Stealth, or even just a simple Crazy Mouse coaster. It ranges in opinions on most intense coasters in the world, and most of them are under 54 inch height requirements.
How deep down did you have to dig to raise this baby from the dead? :p

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