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Most boring spectator sport

Most boring spectator sport?

  • Cricket (nuf said)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Baseball (rounders played by men rather than girl guides)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • American football (boring version of rugby where in an hour you probably see them play for 5 minutes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Basketball (looks great in highlights - dull as hell to watch all the way thru)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "Soccer" (homer simpson said it's boring - and is played by a load of overpaid nancy boys)

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Other (state below)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Giga Poster
Now when i was in england, i always felt that england had some really boring spectator sports such as cricket.

However, since moving state-side i've gotten to experience the most boring spectator sports ever invented (imho even worse than cricket).

These are - baseball (rounders), american football (rugby with armor where they take a "gatorade" break ever 5 seconds), and basketball.

Now what makes these 3 games even worse (imho) is that they SEEM like they should be entertaining fun games to watch. When you see them being played in movies (or on replays) and you see the highlights of a match they look like they're the most fun games ever invented to watch.

But try to watch any one of these games from beginning to end without the aid of alcohol and you'll be asleep by the end.

I'm not saying they aren't fun to play - just dull to watch.

What do YOU think is the most boring spectator sport ever invented.

(BTW - i was going to add golf to this list - but imho that's not a spectator sport - it's only a spectator sport if you get a whole stadium watching or something).
Yes because I imagine paintballing is ****ing brilliant to watch. Nobhead.

Any American adapted British sport (Baseball, American Football etc) bores the pants off me..... so any silly American sport like that.
Golf! Whats the point in watching a ball being smacked 300 yards away and your not ****ing playing. Seems pointless to me....
^ Yup actually!! Golf is horrid to watch! I wouldn't really watch any of those in the poll by choice, though I'd say "soccer" is the only 1 I could actually sit through outta them all!!
Nadia said:
though I'd say "soccer" is the only 1 I could actually sit through outta them all!!

Same here - but i didnt want the americunz to think i was picking on them
Having sat through a whole american football game at the weekend at a friends house (who was dead into it - and explaining to me what was going on all the time).

I can safely say that american football is even more boring than golf.

The reason they have cheerleaders? To stop you getting bored within 10 minutes (where they've only actually had about 45 seconds of "play" in that time).

I once sat through a few hours of golf one day on tv when i was bored and hungover. I found it infinitely more watchable than american football.
I've got to go with golf or NASCAR...honestly, I think the sports listed are ok, with the exception for cricket (never really tried to watch it, so I have no idea if it's boring) and baseball (it's always been too slow paced for me).
It's got to be Ultimate Coaster having a long winded argument with somebody on the forums... Yawn! :p
Football/Soccer is easily the most boring and over eggagerated sport on earth.

Lawrence Delaghlio got it spot on. Soft and unnecessairily expensive
Having played 4 of the 5 on there.. and having watched all of the above at least once.. EASILY Golf.

And.. to say it now.. this is all based on what you like. I hate Golf, so I find it boring.

But, I could watch Football all day long.. but I played the sport for 5 years of my life.

To defend Football though, don't watch the NFL. That over commercialized **** shouldn't be what it truly is. Try going to or watching a High School or College game. If you actually WANT to get into the sport and watch some action, then I suggest it highly. Thats all about tradition.. the joy of playing.. ect ect. Thats where the sport is pure, away from 'I want more money, so I'm not playing' crap. Had I said that to my coach, he woulda punched me in the eye.

Of course.. I laugh at mrclam.. the gamer nerd himself, criticizing sports.

That just deserves a big lol in it self.
Sam said:
Yes because I imagine paintballing is <img> brilliant to watch. Nobhead.

Any American adapted British sport (Baseball, American Football etc) bores the pants off me..... so any silly American sport like that.

Sorry but why does that make me a nobhead. I could say the same thing about football. What is so brilliant about a bunch of guys kicking a bit of leather around a muddy field. I respect that fact that a lot of people enjoy it.

I enjoy paintball. Both playing and watching. It is understandably fun as people who have done it will tell you.

It's only fun to watch if your team (England in my case) is batting and it's getting close to the end of the overs and they only need a few runs to win.

Aside from that it's effing ****.
Skiing, or any other winter sport, can't stand them. I remember thats all Eurosport would show and they would bore the hell out of me.

Also athletics I find pretty boring too, only the 100 metres is interesting. The rest of the events are dragged out.
Hm, don't get me wrong, I love golf, and I've been playing it for at least ten years now, but to watch it, it's such a snooze fest. If it's the finals or something, my dad will make me watch it if I'm over his house, and it's not boring at all, but when there are so many unknown golfers playing in the early rounds of a tournament, it's pretty horrible.

Skiing, or any other winter sport, can't stand them. I remember thats all Eurosport would show and they would bore the hell out of me.

Are you kidding?! I love watching skiing! It's an awesome thing to do, and to watch on television.

Try going to or watching a High School or College game.

Ehh, I'm still not really keen on watching our high school games. We're like, the best high school team in the city, so a lot of our games are somewhat exciting, but I don't understand it and I can't get into it.

Basketball is extremely boring to watch also.
I'll say golf as well. You play, Taylor? Didn't see that coming. :lol:

Now, I've been playing forever and I love it. I mean, what's better than hitting something as hard as you can with a stick. But when you sit down and watch the pros do it, it loses appeal and gets boring fast.