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More from rides like Thirteen?

I reckon what would be cool and unexpected if it was themed to a block section. So you've got fake track going ahead in front of you and then you drop down. :p
Winjas does something similar where you're going along and the track bounces and you think the track just snapped. :p
Cheers Ollie - I was looking forward to the "surprise" element of that coaster in the summer. You ****ING bastard!
Ollie said:
I reckon what would be cool and unexpected if it was themed to a block section. So you've got fake track going ahead in front of you and then you drop down. :p
Winjas does something similar where you're going along and the track bounces and you think the track just snapped. :p

Ollie... dude... seriously uncool...

TRy to avoid posting spoilers like that. That is one of the main features of the ride and take it from me, when you know about them the novelty very much wears off and leaves the ride, well, meh....
Nah it's not each one has a bigger unique surprise that I'm not going to say. And beside I thought most people knew about it anyway. Why moan at me when loads of people have revealed around the forums what happens inside 13? :p
This isn't a topic about Winjas though! I'm so ****ing pissed off at you, you smug little ****ing twerp!
This topic is about rides 'like' Thirteen. And a section of Winjas is 'like' Thirteen. So it is on topic. And besides it's been mentioned in other topics about the comparison between the two and noone had a go then.
This reminds me of Slayed getting a ride ruined for him 5 mins before getting on it in Germany same park. I remember how pissed off he was at the time.
Ollie said:
And beside I thought most people knew about it anyway.

My dear boy, a phrase I love will come in handy here

"Assumption is the mother of all **** ups!"

Now lets not have a WWIII on our hands over this please people.

Ollie, please be mindful that not everyone has ridden what you have. The 13 argument is invalid. Those that didn't want to spoil the surprise stayed out of the topic! There is a big difference from posting it willy nilly in a topic that it has no reference to. Its not like there are that many coasters out there with these unique little surprises in there, so it shouldn't be too hard to avoid spoiling the surprise.
Ollie said:
This topic is about rides 'like' Thirteen. And a section of Winjas is 'like' Thirteen. So it is on topic. And besides it's been mentioned in other topics about the comparison between the two and noone had a go then.

Shut the **** up will you? I would take the shovel away from you to stop yourself from digging a hole - but I couldn't give a **** about your well-being if I'm perfectly honest!

It says NOWHERE in the topic title or the first post ANYTHING about Winjas - so you haven't got a pebble to stand on!

So ****ING annoyed - I was looking forward to what I was told was a "special" little ride; but you've now ruined the whole ****ing thing! Now I only look forward to a pair of spinning coasters. You absolute COCK!


edit - thank you Mark, I'm done raging now
Winjas is 'like' Th13teen in the same way that cake is 'like' concrete...

So, the lesson? Don't read Ollie's posts ;)
I think he was refering more to a single element Ben...

But anyways, moving on...
I agree with Ollie, there is a section in Winjas like Thirteen, I don't get why anyone would get so wokred up about that :? Anyway, can we move back on topic... well you are but... you get me :p I think this concept needed to be thought through a bit more before it was constructed, I don't think it works well as a stand alone element like it does on Thirteen, It needs inversions and maybe a few other crazy elements, and the reliability needs to be sorted out, apparently they are pushing it round some parts, or else the park might as well buy a drop tower. :lol:
i wasnt overly impressed with thirteen, the worlds first element was ok and i quite enjoyed going backwards in the dark. but the rest of it i found pretty average compared to the hype it received. if it was higher and faster it could have been a good rde, i cant see there being many more of there though