I'm now 99% sure that this will either be a Sitdown-Looper or a Floorless coaster.
First: It's way to small to be a Dive Machine coaster, so that will rule that out.
Second: And then some pieces show that this will have inside looping elements, which rules out the Speed coaster (unless they are going beyond vertical, which is highly unlikely, it's B&M we are talking about).
Third: It's all in the track-ties.
Pictures from RCDB
Only the sit-down and the stand up have straight ties on the underside, which rules out both inverted and flying.
Final: I'm pretty sure that it won't be a stand up, since no one have built any of them for years, but then again it's is a tiny possibility.
First: It's way to small to be a Dive Machine coaster, so that will rule that out.
Second: And then some pieces show that this will have inside looping elements, which rules out the Speed coaster (unless they are going beyond vertical, which is highly unlikely, it's B&M we are talking about).
Third: It's all in the track-ties.

Pictures from RCDB
Only the sit-down and the stand up have straight ties on the underside, which rules out both inverted and flying.
Final: I'm pretty sure that it won't be a stand up, since no one have built any of them for years, but then again it's is a tiny possibility.