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MJ is still alive...?


CF Legend
May as well make a topic of this seeing as no-one else has yet.

http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20090826/twl ... d0ae9.html

"A short video that allegedly shows Michael Jackson stepping out of a Los Angeles coroner's van after his death is doing the rounds on the internet."

Watching the video it does look like him but there's no telling for sure. So either his death was a stunt and he's still alive or the people who filmed this have done a stunt of their own.

What do you think?

The video can be found here:
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20090826/vid ... 865_1.html
The police bringing homocide charges will look silly when they try to bring it to court :lol:

"Well your honour, we DID have a body that had been murdered, but it appears to have moon walked out of the morgue" :lol:

^ Because people want to continue hyping it and hyping it some more, whether it means trying to pretend he is alive based on a blurry picture or not.
Stupid conspiracy theories...

If MJ was still alive, I think he would have made himself more known than in a dodgy video filmed in a car park...
ciallkennett said:
If MJ was still alive, I think he would have made himself more known than in a dodgy video filmed in a car park...

But... if he really did fake his death... :?

I think it's a harsh thing to conspire with, because he was a great man, but there will always be people conspiring about things

I saw somewhere someone thought that the rainbows created by mist were evidence of the government putting mind control drugs into our water...
There is no way he would put his kids through all that pain.

People claim Elvis is alive etc. Maybe Diana is still alive as well and Henry the 8th :)

People should let go and just get on with it.