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lwv new in 2015


Roller Poster
EDIT by Ian:
This is also news, from Euro Professional Amusements mag.
I can't help but think that this isn't really what the park needs.

I have no idea what it needs, but still...
If the theming of the Vintage Cars is as good as Raptor Attack and Skeleton Cove, then hurrah. I assume the dinosaur golf course will replacing the tatty one by the entrance?

Maybe we'll get something for the big boys and girls to play with in 2016.
I don't even think its necessarily a thrill ride that they need, they just need more fun stuff to do. Like a good re-ride-able ride.

The place majorly lacks rides that I want to go on. And it needs brightening up, everything's too dreary.
When was the last time a Vintage Cars ride was made?!

It's good the park is investing in new rides, as it shows the owners still care somewhat, but whether Vinatage Cars will be a success or not is anyone's guess really.
I guess getting hold of a second hand vintage car ride is probably the cheapest way at attempting a outdoor style dark-ride.
Hopefully it's Flamingo Land's and they won't have Vintage Cars loosely themed to 'Little Monsters Wacky Races' any more (when I say loosely, I mean not at all).
Lightwater already has a vintage cars they'll no doubt reuse, it was placed next to hungry harbour, think it closed maybe 3years ago. No doubt it's been dragged out of storage?

And wouldn't a dino themed crazy golf course randomly at the entrance weird? Hopefully it's a new build somewhere near raptor attack. Hope it's not on the skate karts...
It would only make sense for it to be by Raptor if they remove the one by the entrance. I know we don't any details yet, but I hate it when parks add "new for....." and it's a pay per ride (as such).

How come Valley Mania is no longer online?
^ I know Nathan (Mackem Lad) used to run it in his spare time when he was at uni but had to hand it over to someone else when he got full time work. Maybe the new lad didn't have the same passion for it to carry on?
Great news, new rides is the way to go, however, I fear this is not enough and won't attract crowds to drag the park to where it should be, but with a bit of luck we will start seeing investment at last.

The marketing needs to be something spectacular, and I mean Merlin over the top spectacular to get people visiting for a Vintage Car Ride.
I just read this in Euro Professional Amusement magazine.

How come this hasn't been announced, or did I miss it? Simworx are fab <3 Now that is exciting.