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London Christmas trip 2009 reports


CF Legend
Had an awesome day and most of it went according to plan (yay!). I won't post a full trip report now but I just wanted to post a few highlights:

- The majority of peeps turning up!
- Nandos!
- Christmas crackers at Nandos!
- Galaxy chocolate bars...lots of them
- Marshmallows being thrown around everywhere on the underground
- Bowling times
- Toy train!

Once again, thanks to everyone who turned up to make it a great day. :D
I had a great day and enjoyed the company of everyone as usual :)

Thanks to Peep for organising it and getting the amazing presents which included the 'Kung fu panda' bag and the Christmas tie!

I shall post a proper report tomoro along with a few pics
Thanks for organising the trip Peep! I had a good time and enjoyed the company. Sorry I had to leave so early, as I had a birthday to go to that afternoon/evening.

Once again, thanks a lot everyone! :--D
Awesome trip...

John deserves much applause for this trip first and foremost...

The highlights for me...

- Stone Cold's early morning quote!
- Inverted Wild Mouse of Doom!
- Galaxy Chocolate!
- General Public's introduction to Vadge!
- Going Crackers at Nando's!
- Bohemian Dodgems!
- Presents by the Christmas Tree!
- Toy Train!

Brilliant fun day... Great to see people properly for the first time since Thorpe in Feb... Excellent excellent times...

I look forward to the videos :p
Bloody trains. It took me 2.5 hours to get to London yesterday which meant I missed Hyde Park, the bit I most wanted to do!

I didn't rate the dome and I have to admit I'm bored of the Namco place now.

Nandos was ok. That's twice I've eaten there now and twice I'm been underimpressed with the food. And was so so macho about the "Macho Peas"?

Cheers to John for suggesting it and the crackers!

I had a great time and went home very drunk.
Had lots of fun. Here are some things that happened:
-Got overexcited at seeing Bradandryan and Darren in Loughton Station car park.
-Ate too many sweets. Marshmallows and Galaxy and Cherries and White Candy Sticks and Cola Bottles etc etc.
-Hyde Park fair was win, I wish I could have had more money to spend. The Inverted Wild Mouse of 'omfg wtf!!!' was pretty awesome too.
-My feet were cold, note to self, buy more socks.
-We were loud on the tube. People looked at us.
-We went to the o2. There was a bit of a rubbish fair. Father Christmas was there. People got excited. We dance.
-Nandos was win, as always, I ate it far too quickly. Me, Brad and Ryan had a 'who can make the most of the free refills' game. Brad won.
-Crackers happened at Nandos_meal. We then proceeded to have a cracker fight, this resulted in being scolded by management. Lol.
-Then we went to Namco. It was pretty cool. I went on the DDR Machine LOTS. In the Namco centre I also kicked Wills arse at air hockey and played bowling. I came 3rd, yay!
-Will and I left Namco to venture down Charing Cross to find other CFers for Wetherspoon times.
-Ed was very very drunk, this lead to bad times.
-RATM got Christmas Number 1! We celebrated loudly once again drawing glares from the general public.
-Brad Pitt was also in Wetherspoons.
-Erol arrived!
-Me and Will went home.

And so was our day in London. Thanks peep for organisation etc and double thank you for presents, was a very lovely surprise =]
Very awesome day to say the least. And to think I was considering to NOT bring all those Galaxy chocolates!

Peep, you officially MADE my Christmas, those Poundland presents were the best ever.

Memorable parts of the day include:
-Me phoning Peep at Hyde Park despite us being directly opposite each other.
-Stone Cold almost getting hit by a car
-Stone Cold repeatedly stepping in the muddy holes of doom at Hyde
-My hat almost falling off on the Black Hole
-Loud times on the Underground
-The cracker fight in Nando's
-The staff getting most angry about the cracker fight
-The man opposite me on Snow Star at the 02 shouting at me to put my arms down because it was making him ill and he thought I'd fall out
-DDR times at Namco
-The bowling alley ultimately failing
-Massive enthusiasm about the 'intense' darts game on TV
-And last but not least...THE BEST PRESENTS EVER!!

Would also like to thank everyone that attended for being awesome and not complaining that the chocolates were in fact out of date by about 3 months :lol:
what a day of massive awesomeness. Much alcomohol was consumed, and many, many funny times were had. MASSIVE thanks to Peep for the fantastic organisation, and to everyone there for being awesome! Bring on the videos!

Hurrah :)
ffs! CF lied and said my post hadn't been posted... which, clearly, it had. Bad times! Please delete this!
Awesome day. :)

The fairs were quite good, although overprices. Really pleased to get on an inverted wild mouse since that's something new to me, even if it was crap.

Best part of the day for me started at the bowling, dodgems, and then followed by the Christmas tree and present times (Thanks Peep!) Got a nice pile of sweeties, and many laughs from Martyn's make up set (or whatever it was), the Toy Train, bubblegum etc. We need a whole video devoted to those few hours on its own. :lol:
Namco and Whetherspoons.

Way too much Tuborg. My apologies to the traffic cones.
Thanks for a great evening :).
Well if you saw the bad news topic you'll know that the photos taken at Nandos didn't come out. Did anyone else take any pictures?

On the other hand, I've just looked through most of my footage. There is some hilarious moments in there and I will be editing it at some point and it will be online at the latest, 31st December.

Simply watching the footage back has made this the Best Christmas ever! :p

Also, Brad, hope that £5 HMV voucher goes to something awesome so you can relax over the Christmas period while drinking something nice in your Muppet's mug and enjoy eating those festive friend biscuits :p
Had a great day. Was lovely to see everyone again. Cheers guys and Merry Christmas to you all. x