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Lakeside Gardens Park


Mega Poster
Ok, I've decided to start a new park that I will post my progress on. This park is called Lakeside Gardens, and is set in the country, alongside, (shock horror) a lake. At present I have no downloaded scenery, so I'm just using what I have on RCT 3. I will also piont out that I have yet to build any rides. Im trying to start with a realistic terrain and situation, which is basically a country park addapting into a theme park.

So, here are some screenshots:


The very small park on the other side of the lake. (The house in the right corner is the home of Farmer Bob, the local... farmer.


The small area that is the park itself. The park contains a small slide, miniture Railway, boats, greenhouse and resturant.


This is a large country home adapted into the resturant.


The information centre and toilets. (Former grounds keepers outhouse)


And finally, a close up of Farmer Bob's house.

Any comments very much appreciated,


Uncle Arly

Strata Poster
I quite like it, and can't wait to see it develop, will it be a all out park, or just a small quiet park, with the odd thrill ride?
Not a bad start, and it definitely looks good, especially for Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 (I find parks in 2 and 1 look nicer, but that's just me). My only beef is that one white building in the second screen. Not sure if it's white, but the roof is, and it's a bit of an eyesore.

Keep it up though, this looks promising. I'll be keeping an eye on it!


Mega Poster
^ I forgot to mention, that is supposed to be a greenhouse, and rct 3 causes the see through glass to look very white and reflective, but I'll probably end up demoliting that building when I need space for rides.

UncleArly, I intend to keep this a fairly small park at first, as im going to try and keep it realistic, begining with fairground rides, and eventually expanding out more.

Thanks very much for the quick responses. :--D


Mega Poster
Update: (sorry for double posting)
Ok, after a couple of years as a fairly standard park, management have decide they need something to draw more people into this little counrty park. Therefore, the decision has been made to pirchase one small roller coaster and a cheap flat, aimed at families, to boost the park numbers.

So, story out of the way, here are some construction photos;


The advert for the upcoming coaster!


Here you can see the ride area, a slight amount of terrain alteration, and a train and few sections of track that have already arrived.

Just over from the construction site of Jet Star 2, a fresh new chairswing attraction has arrived from Zierer.


The chair swing ride, named Jungle Twister.

In the meantime;
Jet Star 2 is now finished!


The layout of the ride. (Addmitedly, not my best recreation ever. After looking at it this moring I realised I've missed a corner out :oops: )


As you see it from the path.




And finally, an overview of the park showing it's first two real attractions.

The park have now installed a cheap family draw, a Reverchon Wild Mouse. (badly) Named Tree Tops Coaster, this will complete the parks line up. In the future, there will be more development. (Next development will be next week, and just to let you speculate a bit, the park is going to expand a little more into the thrill market.)


The coaster's location.


Looking quite popular!
(I made that recreation myself :) )

For now, thats it. Next update will be sometime next week, when I have access to this computer.

Again comments much appreciated.

Thanks, Rob.


Mega Poster
Rob, you know I'm gonna say this, but your buildings need to have a shape to them, not just a box.

You strive for realism, right? I'd like to show me how many buildings in an amusement park/theme park are completely square.

I do have to say I'm rather liking that Spinning Mouse coaster though. It has a nice charm to it.
Not bad, not bad. All of the close up screens look pretty nice if I'm being honest!

As for the coaster layouts, you're right about Jet Star needing some work. I think that the turn after the big drop is sort of tight, but other than that it looks alright. The Wild Mouse is really good though, and like Trav said, has a kind of charm to it. I like the layout and the surrounding area.

Keep it up.


Mega Poster
Ok, thaks for the comments, when I get back to my dads computer, I will alter my Jet Star 2 layout a bit, and try to make my buildings look a bit better. The problem is, they are supposed to be fairly square. The large building is mean't to be a former semi detached home, and if you look at many semi's, you'll see that they are pretty square/rectangular. Any who, I will take all this into account when I start to create my first themed area.


(200th post!)


Mega Poster
That's not an excuse in the slightest. They might be slightly rectangular, but then they will usually always have bits where the windows stick out.

And Semi's would never have rooves like that (With two pyramids). You'd be better off just giving it a roof that goes like:

/\ instead of like:

//_\\ (So just like an upside down V instead of a pyramid if the drawings make no sense.

Oh, and get on msn pleash.


Mega Poster
I get what your saying.

But, If you have a single pyramid roof, the roof becomes ridicoulously high, and looks like... a pyramid. I will alter it when I get back to my dads.


Mega Poster
Which is why I'm saying get rid of the pyramid rooves altogether, and just have an upside down V roof.


Mega Poster
Ok, update time.

Firstly, my updated Jet Star 2. It is a lot more like the actual layout of the real Schwarzkopf ride, and I think it really captures the compact feel of the real life rides (its a major change and is meant to look fairground esque) ;


And from behind;


Any who, management have made an amazing profit from the two smaller rollercoasters and single flat, and have so expanded into the thrills market. Their decreasingly popular miniture railway has been removed, and in its site is the parks first themed area, Cariba Cove. Themed around a caribean town, it has two major thrill rides, one coaster and 1 flat.

So, to introduce the area entrance;


And, the first ride, a Zamperla Disko, named Tornado;


And from a different angle;


Now, the star attraction. This is a recreation of a real ride. It meets most of the real life limitations, has matching G forces, layout lenght is very close to the real life version, and top speed is only fractionally faster than that of its real life counter part. I feel this is one of my best recreations.

Over 50 MPH, exerting riders to 4.7G's,

We give you Typhoon.


(aka Magnum Force :D )

For anyone who hasn't seen magnum;

Another screen;


And a shot of the station/shops building;


And finally, over view of the expanding park;

Hope you like it!

Comments and improvement suggestions appreciated.


Uncle Arly

Strata Poster
I like the New Jet star, alot better than the original and really nice colour scheme.

The cariba cove could do with a bit more of a caribbean feel to it. Place some palms and where the lake is near the new area, make the bank sandy, to make it look like a beach, it'll incorporate well.

I did the same with my park, it doesn't take away from the rest of lake. it enhances its appearance.

I like Tyhoon aswell, but could you not have it on mud grass to make it fit the theme more, the concreate underneath takes the theme away from it.

Other than that I really like. the lake is so blue in the middle, so lush! How did you do that?



Mega Poster
^I shall ajust the scenery more now, and I will try and give it a much nicer feel.

Typhoon is on a concrete site because the real ride is a portable ride, and on a non solid base the ride could potentially sink/slide away etc. I'm trying to be more realistic than good looking, but I do understand what your saying.

My lake is so blue because I have all the settings to high. Its just because this computer is so powerful it can run rct 3 almost seemlessly at top detail, even if your park is completely full of scenery and rides. Its no special skill or anything lol.


Mega Poster
^ I should be able to make the station of the Jet Star 2 even, and yes, I would quite happily give you them for download. (I have also made a pretty accurate Looping Star) Would you like me to email them to you?

(Also, for anyone who would like an update on the park, I will most probably be posting new screens next week)


Mega Poster
Ok, after an evenings work I have a taken your advice and improved my park.

Firstly, for people like you trav, I have altered the roof on the front building. Unfortunatly I havent got a screen, will include one in the next update.

Secondly, I have improved the general area look, and added tree's, following UncleArly's advice.

Also, my Jet star 2 now has equal lenght platforms. (No screen, sorry)


Firstly, the improved look Cariba Cove.


And now, to introduce a brand new set of attractions installed new for this (virtual) season. The park is becoming a resounding success, and so large profits have allowed for large investment. There has been land infills, a new coaster, and a new flat, so, to intoduce;


Surf's Up - KMG afterburner
Black Ray Stinger - Custom Intamin Accelerator


The full accelerator.


And from a different angle.

Hope you like :--D



Mega Poster
OOO nice.
Some more Themeing would be useful in The area in Picture 3. Just around the KMG afterburner.
I like the Launch Coaster; the colour scemes good ;)


Mega Poster
^ Whats unrealistic about it? It has acceptable force ratings, it is longer than most, but you do get the likes of Maverick and Stormrunner, which are longer and more unique. Ok, for a small park it would probably be too expensive, but, as you dont pay in one lump sum (in real life), over time the ride would be able to be payed for.

Anywho, I finished at 1 in the morning last night, and couldn't be bothered to add loads of themeing, so expect to see a launch room and extra themeing in the next update :--D .