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Kiddi Koasta at Adventure Island - Launch Invitation


Mega Poster

If anybody who is not registered on CF is interested, please email ian@coasterforce.com and Ian will add you to the list.

For construction images, see page 3.
Hahaha, brilliant!

I'm in! (And will obviously be group organiser.)

If anybody who isn't registered on CF but is reading this, please email ian@coasterforce.com so I know to expect you.
Excellent, great invitation :lol:

Enjoy yourselves, I'm going to be here breaking CF that day!!! :D
Yeah I am in :)

Just a bit worried about how long it will take to get there due to easter traffic :)
That's actually brilliant!

I love the fact that they're acknowledging it as a "Credit" and not trying to hype it up as anything it's not, while still getting press for their new ride.

I won't be able to make it since I'm away on holiday, but enjoy!
If I'm not playing cricket that day, I'll DEFINITELY look to attend this and gain my first new coaster of the year! :)

edit: Oh, isn't the 27th also the day that that special announcement thing was supposed to happen, or is this the special announcement?
Ha! That's amazing <3 I probably won't be able to come because I'll be working but still, yay cred!
Full credit (pun not intended) to Adventure Island's marketing team for that! It's brilliant! Nice of AI to invite enthusiast as well AND give out reduced adult bands to them too, there's always great spirit there and although there has been little really about the coaster on the forums, I'm sure the coaster will be great and a great day out will be had by all who attend.

This is where I say I can't make it due to my normal problem: travel.
Urgh, I'm working but that is one awesome offer. I'm intrigued to see what this coaster looks like so look forward to hearing reports from those that go along that day.
Tempted by this. Anyone (*cough*Ian?*cough*) near to me able to provide a spare seat in the car? My car isn't really up for a long journey until I manage to fix a few things.

How long do we get exclusive use of this coaster? "From 10.30am" suggests that we have it indefinitely after that time. :lol:
I have a wedding reception in the evening to go to, but will be in Kent over Easter, so yeah I'm up for goon times in the morning :D
That's so nice to put open the invitation from the park. When I read "Kiddi Koasta" as the title, I thought someone was being funny with the title, until I realised it's the name, it's great!
^What's wrong with that? Saves having to queue once all the families arrive. That said, how many enthusiasts have been invited/are coming (I'm assuming its other groups as well as CF). If that's the case, the ERT will probably see it with the biggest queue of the day.
I'd imagine that most enthusiast groups will be heading to DMP for the opening of Ben10 on the 23rd, so it'll probably only be about 5 CFers! Hopefully not though, I like silliness.