I understand where you are coming from, as listening to the tune is very difficult if you don't already know it. Most jazz players play their own version of the tunes and stick only loosely to the sheet music. I think that the main problem with modern jazz these days is that because most of the audience plays or listens to a lot of jazz, this approach is acceptable because most of them already know the bare bones of the piece and can see the added ornaments as clever and interesting, but if you've never heard the basic tunes then it can be confusing, I agree.
That is why jazz in its early stages hada broader appeal - nobody knew the tunes and so they were played a lot more cleanly. When I try out some ballads later I might try and add less stuff to them. I hope I've explained this well
That is why jazz in its early stages hada broader appeal - nobody knew the tunes and so they were played a lot more cleanly. When I try out some ballads later I might try and add less stuff to them. I hope I've explained this well