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Jazz is back


Hyper Poster
As those of you who remember my old jazz topic, I play jazz piano and saxophone. Over the last couple of years I've progressed hugely in both instruments, and my knowledge of jazz theory has increased by a lot. I am going to start putting up videos of me playing standards, contemperary funk pieces, ballads and all sorts. These will mostly be on piano or keyboard but the ocassional piece will be on saxophone (if you're my facebook friend my videos are all of me on saxophone in variuos bands). I will release a fair few this week and in December my school's jazz groups will play at the Bull's Head in Barnes where I'll be on for about an hour and a half. Videos will follow that...:)

Anyway, on with the jazz.....my first video is Spain by Chick Corea.
On a side note on my channel there are also a few arrangements of various pieces for larger groups.
You're clearly very proficient at playing, but I'd definitely like to see more piano and/or saxophone, as I always feel like keyboard loses a lot of what makes jazz. There always seems to be human touch missing.
Jokerman, cheers, and I agree - I much prefer pianos to keyboards but that particular piece (more funk than jazz) sounded better on keyboard. My other pieces will be on piano.

And Neal... :D
New vid: A Nightingale sang in Berkeley Square.....

Much better than the keyboard stuff. Love it, makes me feel like I'm in a cocktail bar. Do you do much improvisation stuff?
I do a fair amount of improvising although I'm not as good at it as I would like - I need more practise.
It's insanely warm and lovely and warm......It keeps me at just the right temperature in the cold.....
Here's another one: Self Portrait in Three Colours by Charles Mingus, one of my favourite pieces. Enjoy!

EDIT: Okay, that didn't work. I'll try and find out what went wrong and get another version up. Think of the first 37 seconds as a trailer....
Ugh. Play something that isn't Jazz so I can tell if you're good or not... Jazz is, I swear, just random notes mashed together with no rhyme of reason. Why is there no tune to it?

Also, burn that fleece.
^ That's because it's not Belgian Jazz! :p

^ You know that there isn't such a thing as the genre of Belgian Jazz? There are Belgian jazz musicians, but Bill Bailey essentially made that up as a genre.....It's just a less agressive form of trio playing.
Joey said:
Ugh. Play something that isn't Jazz so I can tell if you're good or not... Jazz is, I swear, just random notes mashed together with no rhyme of reason. Why is there no tune to it?

Louis Armstrong said:
Man, if you have to ask what it (jazz) is, you'll never know.

Keep it up Tom. I want to hear more & a little music appreciation could do a few members on here some good. :wink:
First sax vid is up. This is a piece called Chatelet by Pete King which is largely unknown and I played it yesterday in a school concert.


And Joey, I think that if I played something other than jazz I wouldn't sound my best. I'm conditioned to play a certain way and probably would sound bad on most other types of tune so it's pure jazz, like it or not. And I definitely don't agree with your jazz definition.
Haha, I'm not expecting you to agree. I don't know sod all about music, but it seems confusing to me that you can't at least see what I mean. In Jazz pieces, there's no instantly distinguishing tune connecting the notes. They seem random.

Watching the vid Neal posted, I think I worked out why. Jazz takes a tune tune that makes auditory sense, slows it down in places and speeds it up in others and adds unnecessary doodly strands of notes in between to make it interesting and clever, when really it's neither of those. ;P
It's certainly clever when Bill Bailey gets his hands on it - I shan't be hearing otherwise!

(But otherwise, I agree :p )