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iPod Touch Problem

Jools as I said it does sound like you need the update.

Windows 7 is selling fine btw, it has already out sold Vista.
Phew! Glad you got it sorted, Jools! I was really worried for a moment.
Martyn said:
Screaming Coasters said:
Windows 7 which is also turning out to be a bit of a flop at the moment.

Where the hell have you heard that?

I like Vista because I know how to use it. I suspect I'll like 7 even more...

...but I'm not going to bum it like every Mac owner bums their Mac, because I'm not that sad. It's a f*cking tool, not my lover.

Where have I heard it?

I use Windows 7 as I didn't have a copy of XP so I had to buy 7 to run the expensive programs I've got... It's lame, granted it's a bit faster than Vista but the amount of times you get a popup saying "oh you plugged something in", "ooh, update", "ooh, you sure you want to do that"... It's far more annoying than Vista, XP and ME put together!

So yeah, it's a flop and at 33GB I think? It's far too cumbersome. Snow Leopard is just 7GB.

Oh and for a review - http://blogs.computerworld.com/the_big_windows_7_lie

Handpicked from Computer World.
I have plenty more √
Screaming Coasters said:
I use Windows 7 as I didn't have a copy of XP so I had to buy 7 to run the expensive programs I've got...

What, the ones that don't run on your utterly perfect, no-faults-at-all Mac?

Any reason you mentioned the fact that the programs are expensive, by the way?

Screaming Coasters said:
It's lame, granted it's a bit faster than Vista but the amount of times you get a popup saying "oh you plugged something in", "ooh, update", "ooh, you sure you want to do that"... It's far more annoying than Vista, XP and ME put together!

So yeah, it's a flop

That sounds like opinion rather than fact.

Screaming Coasters said:
and at 33GB I think? It's far too cumbersome. Snow Leopard is just 7GB.

Yeah, well, it's probably just because it has to do more. And there's obviously all the security rubbish they have to put in because Windows is so popular.

Screaming Coasters said:
I have plenty more √

Lucky you. So do you spend your day at your Mac looking for bad press about Windows to use for your bizarre campaign to get everyone to buy Macs?

Careful, if that works, people will start writing viruses for them and your operating systems will get bigger because of all the security implications.

Oh wait, I forgot, it won't work, because you're not a marketing expert.
I was kinda disapointed with my Windows 7 laptop to be honest, I was expecting somethign majorly different and the new features to be amazing, but was underwhelmed.
Ian said:
Phew! Glad you got it sorted, Jools! I was really worried for a moment.

Ian, your sarky, Jools bashing comments never fail to make me to just burst out laughing, even when I'm feeling totally ****.

Rush said:
Ian said:
Phew! Glad you got it sorted, Jools! I was really worried for a moment.

Ian, your sarky, Jools bashing comments never fail to make me to just burst out laughing, even when I'm feeling totally <img>.


It al satrted with a drugs comment when I was 14 or was it 13 :/
Jools said:
Rush said:
Ian said:
Phew! Glad you got it sorted, Jools! I was really worried for a moment.

Ian, your sarky, Jools bashing comments never fail to make me to just burst out laughing, even when I'm feeling totally <img>.


It al satrted with a drugs comment when I was 14 or was it 13 :/
Yes, the elephant never forgets.

I'd much rather be an Indian elephant than an African elephant as they seem more dynamic. Ok, so Indian elephants aren't as big and mighty as their African counterparts, but they look cooler with thier forward flapping ears and convex backs.
I see, okay I know I was a complete an dutter twatting nieve idiot at the time, I can only say sorry for so long, It won't mean anything to you, it's just words on a screen. Sorry :p
It's ok, I didn't lose any sleep over it. I was probably stoned anyway.
Ian said:
It's ok, I didn't lose any sleep over it. I was probably stoned anyway.

Well I'm glad about that, but Lol, again Ian, where is the like button on CF :lol: That tickled.
For the record, Windows 7 isn't a flop:-

"January 29, 2010, 1:03 PM EST

Microsoft ended a string of disappointing quarterly financial results yesterday, as it announced the numbers for its second quarter of fiscal 2010, which ended on December 31 2009. Fuelled by a strong demand for Windows 7 and well-managed costs, the company saw a 14% jump in revenue to just over $19 billion, while profit rose an astounding 60% to 6.6 billion.

More than 60 million Windows 7 licenses were sold in the three-month period, making it the fastest-selling operating system of all time."

As for Windoze v Mac, I own both. They're just tools; each is better suited to certain tasks, and each regularly cause me to hurl abuse at them.

Doesn't stop iTunes from being gash though :p.
Apple sold 1.4 million or so Macs in the same period.

1.4 compared to 60 doesn't seem to suggest that people are massively jumping ship from Vista to Apple.

Yes, Mac sales are up, but they still only hold a 7.5% market share - Toshiba OUTSOLD Macs int eh last quarter of 2009 - so that must mean Toshiba PC's are now the best as they are increasing market share faster than Mac??? ;)

http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/ ... ps_to_7.5/
This to me says it all.

iTunes store is hosted on SAP, does this run on Mac OS like **** does it its run on Linux lol.

Furie Mac have 5% of the market, Windows 94% and Linux 1%. Linux is actually growing faster than Mac at the moment. Simple reason is you can buy a £300 PC and install Linux for free and run Windows Mac and anything you want via an emulator.

Linux is replacing Unix and in some cases Windows due to how stable it is and the fact its cheap.

How do I know this? Well as some of you know my work is changing their systems at work so have been told this about 6 times now lol.
Jools said:
Screaming Coasters said:
Ollie said:
Cue Erol to say Apple products never go wrong? :p

Apple products with Apple products, never go wrong.
Apply products with PC's, go wrong. :p

Especially Vista whos seems to go "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! IT'S NOT MICROSOFT, WHAT DO I DO!?!? WHAT DO I DO!?!?! DELETEDELETE BREAK?!", or is that just mine?

No, no, that's perfectly normal as far as I'm aware :--D