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I'm never usually one to be a sheep but I'm gonna have to agree with everyone else here. Dude, just donate all that money you made to the aid agency, not on flights.
Ahh feck this Ive trie to be nice Ive tried to be informed and polite delete this topic please I seriously cannot be arsed if this is the veiw members on this forum are going to take.
Where's the glory in donating £1300-£1500 if there's nothing in it for Steven? Isn't it much more sensible to donate a third of that & for him to get to travel to Japan to see some of the devastation for himself? What's the matter with you people & your sensible suggestions? :roll:
And there's no way in hell we're deleting this topic just because no one is jumping on the 'Yay you go boy!' bandwagon. That's not how things work here. So next think about what you're posting & the 'sensible' replies it might get beforehand.
Also second bit I was not looking for the you go boy I just wanted some where to post without arguing over something or getting trolled or bullied (Dave your comment). Also perhaps give you a first hand account as well. I don't mind questions but it got out of hand like it always does. That's why I wanted it deleted. To end it.
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