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How many meals do you have each day?

Number of main meals for me is...

  • 1 - Just one gluttony session - a baked bean on a crumb of bread

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2 - Usually skip breakfast, but like my lunch and dinner/supper

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • 3 - The main three.

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • 4 - Every day needs afternoon tea as well.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5 - And brunch

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • 6+ I'm essentially a cow and spend all day grazing

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Other - for those with eating disorders, etc.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Pretty simple :)

I know some people often skip breakfast, but other than that, how many "main meals" do you have each day?

I always have breakfast and always have. I'm quite a morningy kind of person though so can manage it where others seem to struggle. Then it's always lunch and dinner too.

When I was a teen living at home, I also used to do supper too with four main meals a day :)
Dinner is a necessity, but otherwise I just tend to pick and snack all day, unless I feel like making myself some toast or crackers for lunch. I'm never awake for breakfast, unless I'm on holiday where it's been pre-paid for.
I like the routine of having a breakfast, lunch and dinner so thats how it is for me. Plus a small snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
I once went to a banquet that was 7 three course meals in a day. That hurt - constant food coming at you and as much beer as you could drink. OMG - everyone should try it at least once :)

Usually, I snack through the day too on fruit :)
Because of my low blood sugar (which occasionally causes me to faint), breakfast of some kind is a necessity. Be it a bowl of cereal, toast, a cooked breakfast or just a cup of tea and something snacky to eat, it's a must.

Since being at university, lunch has gone out of the window, mainly as this is when lectures tend to fall or I'm too busy to have it. Snacking as and when comes into place for this period.

I have a good dinner almost every day though. Cooked myself, pub grub or substantial ready meal, I do like a good dinner.
I have clicked three...but it isn't 'the main three' as you say.

I skip breakfast. No time for such nonsence. But then by 22:00 or 23:00 I'm hungry so eat more then...
I always have breakfast, lunch and dinner if I'm working.

If I'm day off then I just have lunch and dinner as I'm not usually awake before midday.
Generally, three. Things sometimes shift around a bit though.

I'll always eat a good lunch and dinner. Sometimes I'll end up skipping breakfast if I'm not getting up early enough. Other times I'll feel hungry late on an evening, and resort to snacks. If I've got a long day at work, I'll often stop for snacks mid-morning to help keep my energy levels up, but if I'm not at work then I won't bother.
None of the above haha.

Basically it depends if I'm working/what time I'm working. If I do a PM shift this means I start at 5. This means I leave the house at 4.30pm, meaning I try to eat a fairly big lunch at close to this time as possible so I'm not tempted to eat food at work (which is what a lot of people who work there do, but obviously there are consequences of eating deep fried crap every day). On these days I'll usually have a bowl of cereal or muffins/crumpets if we happen to have any when I wake up, usually between 11/12.

On my days off I tend to get up around the same time, maybe a little earlier and will do the same for breakfast. Usually end up going out for lunch somewhere, sometimes go out for dinner too. I don't keep a lot of food in the house because my schedule is so different each week so it also depends on what's in the cupboard.

Very rarely do breakfast, lunch AND dinner though.
Im the same as Jordan.

I just kind of eat when I eat, never plan and never tend to have wholesome meals unless I set the time aside. I don't eat much as it is (as I'm sure man6 of you are aware) however when I do its mainly snacking.

I am, however a BEAST when I decide I'm hungry. Vacuum everything!
Re: RE: How many meals do you have each day?

Typically lunch and dinner, but breakfast is my favorite meal so I typically swap breakfast food for another meal. Past week it's been 3 meals/day which has been amazing.
On average it´s four, breakfast+lunch+snack+dinner. However if I´m staying up late for a football game it can become 5-6 meals.Nothing beats a pizza topped with lots of meat and beef and rooting for your Chargers :P
On Weekdays, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack after school

On Weekends, breakfast and dinner plus lots of snacks