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Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster?

Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

During an employee event at 6FGAm, I'd been on Batman the Ride about 20, 21 times when someone sat near me or in front of me who was wearing WAY too much perfume. Yeah. That did it. After lap 25, I had to leave or I was going to hurl.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

I've never been sick on any rollercoaster or flat ride - probably because I've got a strong stomach for them. Nothing makes me nauseous but I have come off rides feeling dizzy :)

Central spinning arms like a Twister and the carriage systems on the end rotated like a twister too. then the seats also span on the Y axis inverting you. So you had three spinning motions and it was set intense.

Sounds like a KMG experience to me Furie? - they are very intense but I like them in a strange way :D

Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

I generally don't get motion sickness, but when I do it's more a feeling of dizziness than nausea. I don't think I know of any time where I've wanted to throw up on a ride (coaster or flat), but I've had several times where I've wanted to sit down afterwards as I feel a bit disorientated. That being said, I generally avoid the really spinning rides, cos I don't enjoy them, so maybe if I tried them I'd be sick! :P

I've never had any kind of car sickness or seasickness either.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

I was suprised with myself when I started to feel sick on Air.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

I was puked on while riding Mantis lol. I was on one end of the row and this guy on the other. I got sprayed a bit and didn't even realize it till the ride was over. I felt bad for the other three people that were closer to him...it was messy to say the least.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

I was quite close on Expedition GeForce. No not because it was that crap and overrated.. Something I ate didn't agree with me. Worst 24 hrs ever.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

Lucy said:
Sounds like a KMG experience to me Furie? - they are very intense but I like them in a strange way :D


Yeah, that's the badger :)

It was quite good fun for a while, but it cycled for like five minutes or something and was just far too much.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

Not on a coaster, but I once came extremely close to hurling after three consecutive rides on Maelstrom at Drayton Manor.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

Felt a bit ill during the ERT session on Skyrush, although this was more of a headache due to it being so rattly and bouncy. Hopped off the train, waited for the next train to arrive about 30 second later and then hopped back on again.

Flat rides - teacups make me feel ill, so I tend to avoid them. A KMG flat made me feel quite ill once, can't remember its name.

Other than that, I'm fine!
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

I've never chundered on a ride so far. I came close in Maverick's line in June, but that was due to sunstroke. Thats the curse of being ginger-blonde/fair skined. Burn with even a hint of sun...

I have watched plenty of people create spectacular horror scenes over themself or on ride cars though. The worst I've seen probally involved X. At one point where 2 of the trains rarely cross over each other, someone chucked. You could just imagine the devistation... And Zodiac, well... catherine wheel much?

I don't actually get motion sick though.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

In the Saw cattle-pen queue line. The heat was so intense and with little shade in that queue!

On the actual ride...never.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

SpinSpider at TusenFryd is quite fun, but near the end of the cycle, I always get kinda dizzy and slightly queasy. I usually have to take a 20-30 minute break from rides after riding it.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

I never threw up, but I've been quite dizzy and ill feeling. It's not uncommon, just need to drink water and eat something bready.

...I did get thrown up on by my then girlfriend on Flight of Fear at KI.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

Nope, I have not been sick for about 17 years, although some flat rides make me slightly queasy, but not sick
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

i didn't almost puke, but once i rode the dominator at KD several times in a row with out getting out of my seat, and my vision got fuzzy and my head started hurting. so i got off.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

The Zipper at a Carnival :shock: . :oops: I couldn't walk in a straight line.
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

X:/NWO, have run fro the exit very fast many a time on this beast, so glad it will now be going forward, Vortex has ha me close as a flat, I do wear sick bands occasionally, if I feel unsure, until I know I am ok, as I did with Mraws the other day first time backwards, just didn't want to be the first to give staff essential cleaning, especially as I know the word would spread very quickly as to my embarrassment...
Re: Have you ever puked (or was close to) on a Rollercoaster

Nope - I usually have a stomach of iron and get upset neither by coaster or flat.

Having said that, 6 re-rides on Katun (with a hang over and the oppressive atmosphere of an oncoming thunderstorm) was pushing it...