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Harbour Lake - Ryuk competition


Hyper Poster

Here at merlin entertainments we have made a recent investment into a themepark in Florida named Harbour Lake. Before we started work on the park there was only a small kiddies coaster. It has been 4 months since we started work and renovation so most of the theming is incomplete and some of the supprots are yet to go up, but we are proud to introduce you today some of our rides we have started to construct. First of all we would like to introduce King Cobra, a launched eurofighter.

Here is the Layout of King Cobra:

Here is the exit station and fastpass entrance:

The next ride we wish to show you is vendetta:

Here is the shot of the entire ride:

The next area is nearly complete, at the moment it is called wild waters, the first ride we will show you is Docking Distress:

The next ride is "The Octopus Garden":

We now wish to show you the renovated ride "Barmy Beach":

Now we wish to show you Harbour Trading:

Here is the beautiful entrance for harbour lake:

And here is a bonus shot of the entrance for King Kobra:

The signs you see in this bonus shot will be put up later. Next update we will introduce our parks sponsor and we will introduce atleast one new ride.

Oh yes there will be blood!

Merlin Entertainments.
Your park and storyline is quite appetising. Keep it up.

Things I would encourage you to do;

- Change the first section of the Eurofighter and use more theme
- Terrain your park a little more, easier to do before you add
- Your doing well with your architechture, I would advise to try and add more buildings.

By the way your invert is pretty good.
It's starting to look like a pretty good park!
Just one thing I'd do - If that rides called Octopus Garden then add more plants etc. to make it look more like a garden
Merlin Enetertainments would like to thank the generous comments made about Harbour Lke and will take all suggestions into work. Unfortunately our cmaeraman is away for the weekend visiting chessington to check out the past benoland site, so for this weekend there will be no more pictures, but work will continue!

Many thanks Merlin Entertainments.
Her at Merlin entertainments we apologise for the lack of updates but due to an unforseeable accident we have been left without our camera man. He was last seen entering one of the new atractions for the park but never came out. It is understood this may cause some concern but we promise the new atractions are safe. But we will warn you haloween is coming and with that our official opening. Strange occurances are happening and we are unable to stop them. Be warned. The next update will be tomorrow at precisely midnight. Remember you have been warned!
As the nightime hours arrive, the crypt keeper arrives and opens the gates into our terrifying mazes. Screams will be heard from miles around and blood will flow. We will anounce two mazes tonight and two tomorrow. The first is based in an unknown prison where the owners conducted horrific experiaments into how much pain the human body could endure. Now the spirits of the tortured and the tourcherers have been awoken once again. But this time you will be the test subject. The building is yet to be completed and the inside themeing is nearly done.

The second attraction is Saw: The Ride. Saw takes you on a journey into the depths of jigsaws lair.

Now for the updates of the park. King cobra has had some building work and is nearly completely themed.

The next is a new intamin drop tower called cult. It shares the same dediation to themeing as King cobra, and the same story.

Due to our dedication to listening to our fans we listen to their suggestions and have improved octopus's garden

Finaly we would like to announce a new coaster. It is a B&M dive machine named pickaxe. This ride is similar to saw the ride in which it has a inside section before the main ride.

Here is a prieview of the next update.

The track for next years coaster has arrived and construcion is proceeding. In unrelated news work has started on the horror themed area next to pickaxe.

Finaly we wish to introduce our new partner in business. T-Corp is a green energy suplier and provides us with the electricty to power our rides. Infact we have just had planning permission accepted for a powerstation to be built behind vendetta.

We thank you for viewing this update and we hope you can't wait till tomorrows update.
We are sorry to announce a delay in the opening of Pickaxe. Due to the lack of planning permission we have had to remove the end section of the ride. And with delays in the building work we are afriad the ride may not open till next year. But with this awfull news comes great news. The intamin track we announced last post has gone up and was completed on the 24th. The construction of the station and the surrounding building has started and we expect this ride to be open with the opening of the park! Now the announcement you have all been waiting for! What intamin is this you ask. Well at Merlin Entertainments we are proud to announce our new intamin is a next generation Aquatrax! The next gen aquatrax features tri-track and brand new cars! We are excited about this project and we promise to show immages tomorrow morning!
Once again due to the lack of a camera man we were unable to provide immages from the two new horror mazes. The names of these mazes are "The greatest show on earth" and "Necromancy". Necromancy is based around a haunted victorian mansion and the greatest show unearthed is themed around a circus that mysteriouse from the ground. Tomorrow is the official opening of the park and everything is being set up. The asylum has been overthrown, the circus has been erected and the mansion is being rebuilt. Prepare for the terror tours!

Here is a sneak peek

With the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
Unfortunately due to technical dificulties with the animatronics and the lights Necromancy is unable to open today but tomorrow I shall be able to do the tour. I have just completed my first terror tour, Experiamental, and I am acctualy petrified! Even though I saw the plans I still jumped at every scare.

When you queue you enter through the exit of the overthrown asylum.

Then you walk down a long hallway to enter the kitchen

Whilst in the kitchen you will experience numerous scares from the hidden actor and the meat locker.

Then you turn out into the locker room. Here another actor is waiting to surprise you.

Then you enter the operating theatre which is the most terrifying bit of the ride!

Inside the theatre three actors wait

Watch out for the actor above you!

The patients are cowering next to the tourcherous implaments.

Then you leave the operating theatre to enter the laundry room, which is pictured in the post above. Next you enter the consulting room.

Then you enter the intense finale. There are two main actors in this room the first runs past the visitors into a bloody container.

Then you walk past numerous cells with disturbed patients and nurses alike.

The second main actor pushes past the visitors on this tour just to stop and stare at the wall.

And when you thought you were safe a patient tries to grab your legs as he gets dragged away under his bed.

The next update may be today but due to my responsabilties with the opening it may be tomorrow. It will include some immages from The greatest show unearthed and from the opening of the park!
Merlin would like to thank everyone who visited harbour lake today and everyone who has posted on these forums. We would like to take this oppertunity to thank Ollie and Rach our skilled graphic designers for creating our wonderfull signs! Just before I post the update I wish to show you our 5 year development plan.

Year 1

. Pickaxe
. T-Corp Powerstation

Year 2

,2 new flatrides
.Wild Waters Revamp

Year 3

.New wildmouse where the greatst show unearthed normally is
.New woodie in forgotten crypts

Year 4

.B&M flyer in new area next to forgotten crypts
.Intamin Rapids

Year 5

.B&M hypercoaster that flys over the lake

We can now confirm the Aquatrax named sephiroth will open in the coming months!
The opening of Harbour Lake was unfortunately short lived. We had major problems with King Cobra which kept on breaking down and was deemed too rough by those who managed to ride it. Vendetta had an incomplete queue and was not open for the entire week. Fortunately the Experiamental proved to be a massive sucess and we are pleased to announce the Terror Tours will remain open all year around! We are also pleased to announce that due to the massive ammount of funding from merlin, most of the rides on the five year plan are being bought forwards so we may reopen the park with many new and exciting rides. Another addition to the park will be a new entrance for the three harbour lake parks one being the main theme park, the other being the terror tours and the other...... well you will have to wait and see!

The final piece of news we wish to give you is the sad announcement of King Cobras departure.
Even though the ride is brand new it had signifiant problems operating so we only had one option.

We promise to bring you an update over the closed season. If we are right our camera man is over at the park now taking pictures of the new rides! The next update will feature one teaser picture from each of the new rides you haven't seen yet!

UPDATE: Our new camera man has just come back and has reported a malfunction in the video tape on the saw ride. A malfunctioning billy puppet appears to be repeating "You think it is over the games have just begun!" over and over agian!

Oh yes there will be blood!
As promised today we will show you three teasers for three of the many new rides coming to harbour lake! Please may I note that none of these rides are completed and are missing scenery in some places! The first ride is a Maurer Sohne spinner named Fantom Manor, which is similar to dragons fury at Harbour Lakes sister park Chessington World of Adventures.

Fantom Manor has a cheeky, childish horror theme that will create scares and laughs Here is the drop after the MCBR.

The next ride is the as of yet unannounced Ryuk. Ryuk is themed around a chinese dragon theme, but as of yet that is all we can tell you.

This picture shows the themed queue to ryuk. The left side is the fastpass queue and the right side is the normal queue.

And finaly the announcement you have all been waiting for Saw: The Ride

Here is a scene most of you will recognise!

That is all for now. We will post back later for two new water rides!
Harbour Lake: Time for a competition.

We have some follow up news on Ryuk!
You fought the wolf, slayed the vampire now conquer the dragon.
The first person to tell us the type of ride will win a sneek preview of Ryuk ahead of the rest of th public!

Good luck!
You couldn't figure out the riddle? Let me give you another

You slayed the Ninja and conquered the eagle, now face the dragon.

Please comment back!
Well done! You followed the clues! ^^

I was reffering to

Big Bad Wolf - BGE
Vampire - CWoA
Eagle Fortess - Everland
Ninja - SFMM

So yes it is an Arrow suspended! You shall be recieving a PM containing the sneek preview soon-ish! I can also reveal that Ryuk is a hybrid of Eagle Fortress and Big Bad Wolf. I hope you are excited!
Progress has been fast on the T corp power station. We hope to have this green energy supplier up and running by next year! We shall post updates sometime later this week!