I think they thought we'd all need two shots or something. I know at least some people does. Still... I guess in the end, some of it will be sent somewhere where they actually need it.
Also, we have some pretty crazy anti-vaccination groups over here who claim that the government wants to vaccinate us all, in order to inject microships into our bodies so the CIA can track us by GPS. Their claims have been solidly shot down by the Institute of People's Health. Whereas most countries are troubled by the "Mercury will KILL YOU!!!1!"-claims, someone here are actually working to spread the facts about the actual side effects. Basically, the people have no reasons not to take the vaccines, so I guess a good portion of the population will be vaccineated soon.
And either way, I'd pity the man at CIA who has to sit staring at a screen saying that I stay on the same spot most of my time. Though, I guess that would generate jobs...