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Gulliver's Warrington to receive Codona's Crazy Train

Yes, you need a child to enter. Although they're really good to enthusiasts. Simply infiom them of your visit in advance and they'll take your money, accompany you to the coasters and kick you out.

Hopefully this will open in May so I can do it at the same time as the Blackpool Live.
Ian said:
Yes, you need a child to enter. Although they're really good to enthusiasts. Simply inform them of your visit in advance and they'll take your money, accompany you to the coasters and kick you out.

Hopefully this will open in May so I can do it at the same time as the Blackpool Live.

I wouldn't call that being good to enthusiasts....

And yes, that can happen, along with some Southport action.
I too am in the "hoping for May opening" camp... Especially as I'm actually up in Haydock that week for work...

Is it that much of an arse to email them? I assume one just emails the general enquiries one for any of the Gullivers places?
When we did it we just said we wanted to ride the coaster (didn't pay) and they were fine with it, and when we arrived they were like 'oh the enthusiasts are here', like, they KNOW. They get it. It's fine.