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Going MAD in Madrid 19-22 Aug


Goon of the Year
Some of you have been reading my Twitter/Facebook updates, and knew I have been in madrid for the 2 parks! So lets start where my Ireland trip report finished....


Well this was after a long day at work doing 4 flight, I just needed a beer and some food, a lovely Meatball meal from Frankie and bennys at the airport. Knowing my flight was delayed for about 1/2 hour, it was enough time to relax =] Got on the flight and set off for Madrid airport.

2 hours later I was at MAD airport (Yes that is the 3 letter code for madrid airport). And it was my home for the night...

After only a couple of hours sleep, I felt wide awake, and got some fresh air, instead of the air con

6am strolled along, and the metro system opened. €2 for a journey from the airport to anywhere, not bad =D Oh, they were air conditioned too with full mobile reception =]

I get to Parques de Attracciones about 7, so I had a few hours to kill. Went to local shops, tried my hand at spanish, and failed! I walked round the perimeter of the park which took me a while, and stumbled upon a couple of photo spots.

I heard a coaster chain lift ging, and they were testing!!!


The park opened at 12, i headed to this orange thing


Abismo was ok, I was expecting some airtime on 1 bit where it hit another drop at speed. Was a bit let down.

Next up was Tarantula, the spinning coaster. This was quite a large model and seemed very popular. It was a bit mediocre, couple of good bits not much to shout about!


Next up was Tornado, the only other Intamin Inverted coaster in the world (Yes I know about Volcano, but thats launched!). this was also going to be my 200th steel coaster! But due to restrictions, they have to wait for a total of 24 people before they can send it round, so it was a bit of a wait. Luckily I got front row.

On ride wasn't to bad, the 2nd loop was quite slow, but the corkscrew! OMG! Smooth and quite a good flick on it =D

So it was time for the new for 2009, the mack Wild mouse from Bobbejaanland. While in the queue, I was thinking why is this queue moving quickly, its a standard model. Got closer to the front and found that they have 4 cars stacked in the station, they fill them all up then send each one round when the other car has past through the previous block!!!! I was completely shocked! How can they operate this like it is. Just completely bad. The ride it self was ok.

I went around and had a look at the rest of the park, got some food. After I had that, and it was the heat of the day, I wet t find some shade, did so under a tree. Laid down and fell asleep for about an hour! Oops!

Brought some tat for myself. They it was time for the log flume. It was a good log flume, not brilliant. Then over to Tornado again, got on straight away. It was about 6pm by now, though the park was open till midnight, I don't think I could of lasted, so I went to around about where i would pick up the bus. So back on the Metro, just €1 for a single. Yes cheaper thats because when going to the airport there is a supplement of €1. ill very cheap! Got off the metro where I wanted and found a hotel.

In fact I saw a hostel AND a hotel. I decided to check out the hotel, a nice 3 star one to. Went in, asked how much the rooms were, and he sad €50. I took it! At that price I couldn't complain. It was a nice room, didn't care about the view I got. Got some food, watched some tv, then at 9pm i turned in for the night.

I will post day 2 later!
Intamin designed a coaster that didn't work?
Filling trains only happens on smaller coasters, oh deer haha.

Good to see you having fun, and bring on more photos bro! :)
After a nice and solid 10 hour sleep it was time to head to the bus stop to get to Parque Warner! The previous day I got directions to the bus stop from the bloke at reception. Quick metro ride down to where I pick up the bus, and I had to wait for the bus for about 40mins as the 1st bus was at 10. Single journey was €2,85. Not too bad for 1/2 hour bus journey.

On the final approach to the park I see the this thing....

There were a few man hole covers about too...

So i'm here!

After a bit of faffage as their machines did not accept any of my cards, and then getting cash out to pay to get in. I got in, while paying i noticed Coaster Express (the woodie) was not operating today. Booo =[. They let everyone into the main street first before opening up the main park. Bit like what they do at Alton. This gave mea opportunity to fill up my water. Oh, I forgot to mention that both parks have taps where you can fill up a bottle for free, and was much needed! Once the park opened I headed to that vulgar Vekoma GIB, Stunt Fall.


Only to find out...

It didn't open ill 12!!!! Damn it! So it was time to head to this...

Yes Superman!

It was a walk on! Then a quick walk back round and got front row!

Such an awesome ride! Good mix of force and airtime! Overall I enjoyed it a lot! Next up was Batman. Not just your B:TR clone. it had a asylum theme. Walking through the asylum was good, very well themed, just perfect for Ollie to stay there! Got on the first train of the day, front row. It was excellent. i can see why they are popular with Six Flags.

Now it was onto Tom y Jerry. Just a standard layout coaster with a picnic theme!

Just another crappy clone with about 15min queue

Now for the 'new for 2009' Mack Youngstar called Correcaminos Bip, Bip.

It is all about Coyote & Road Runner. And it was another cattlepen queue... ugh, bad times!
But the theming was cool


Yes! The train is an Acme rocket =D


Got back row for this... luckily. Overall it is an awesome family addition for the park. But there was a lot of Road Runner traps located in the ride area.

Basically that sign says free bird seed here.


Since it was around lunch time, and I haven't eaten anything significant, time for lunch! Beer and Burger from Porky's Diner? Yep =D cost me €10,30. But was well worth it.... see:


Well that filled me up nicely! But now i had Stuntfall to contend with.

I got an edge seat after a 0min queue. Going up was strange, once released, lots of airtime. But then it flattened out and PAIN!!!! From 0g to + whatever! Was not a fun game! The ride was ok, I can see why parks don't want them!

So next to Stunt fall now is Osoyogui.

This is a splash battle similar to Alton's Battle Galleons


Loading station, and no where to place your bags!!!

And yes you do get wet!

Great addition to the park =]

I went on their vintage car ride, was ok, not brilliant. just relaxed on it!

Now it was back to Superman

Welcome to the daily planet!

There were some random offices too



Looked at the queue, and didn't bother (though I did bother later!). I went to find the towers that are in the center of the park. Managed to find and it was on combo, meaning I got the Shot and the drop elements. Was a very good tower. Went over to Rio Bravo, and it had an epic queue. So gave up on that and went to Acme Rapids.

You are basically queuing in the Acme factory getting a tour before you get to see all the arsenals they have.

Falling objects?!


Taz has been here...


Most Rapids try to get you wet, but fail miserably, this gets you wet, BUT tries to get you soaked!!! It was awesome. And it is slightly different as you go up a lift hill at the start.
Went over to confirm that Stunt Fall is as bad as it is, and it was!!
Back row of Batman was next, nice and forcefall. And it made me feel like coming off Nemesis! Which is good =D. While waiting to get a few shots of Batman, I noticed this...

There was going to be a Batman show at 7, so I quickly got on Superman front row as the queue was huge. Got off, and most people had gone into the show, I went in and got a seat. The show was good, lots of stunts and action. And there was a chance to meet the stars at the end of it.

I went and brought some tat, and just went to look for what I wanted. Then again I had problem paying by card. So I had to find a cash point. about 15mins of faffing to find 1, I found it. Paid for my goods, and went out. Walked to the bus stop and missed the bus by a few mins! DAMN! Oh well, there was a alternative, the Refe train. even with 1 change, it was cheaper at €2,55. It was about the same length of time as the bus, and got me to the station that I needed to change for the airport.

Caught the metro back to the airport at about 10pm. Got back, had a meal ready for another night at the airport for my 6:30am flight. Got a few hours sleep and got home safe and sound the next morning!

I really enjoyed this trip, and I am going to do a Parque Warner video soon.
Best Ride of the trip: Superman
Park preferred: Parque Warner

I can't see myself running back to De Atracciones anytime soon unless I am with CF'ers =] Parque Warner I can easily go back!
Great report Mushy,
Superman POV looks great and that new Acme coaster looks like a fun family coaster too!

These are two parks that I am looking to do maybe next year if possible :)
I'm sad that you didn't like Abismo that much, but I agree with you that Tarantula sucks :).

What did you think of Coaster Express?
Haha, I skimread it for remarks about Coaster Express but didn't notice any :p.

Shame, you missed out on an experience!
Great reports Mark, I never even knew about that new coaster at Parque Warner. It looks pretty good.

You were lucky Coaster Express wasn't running because its a big piece of **** and one of the roughest woodies I've been on. I'd much prefer doing that new kiddie coaster instead.
Apologies for the bump up of this topic, but....


At long last it is here!