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Does The Big Cheese Exsist?

  • Yeah

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 83.3%

  • Total voters
:lol: That post was brilliant, though I'm not entirely sure it was completely serious.... it's hard to tell on the internet. I'd love to see these references to fighter jets and nuclear weapons. The bible didn't predict any of those things, you're simply fitting events which did happen to vague statements made previously which could be taken to have "predicted" many things".

As for "All 333 prophesies about Jesus's birth, death, ressurection were true." Well that's just so ridiculous I laughed. For a start to claim that they came "true" requires to "know" that Jesus a) Existed at all, b) Was the son of God, c) "Know" that God exists, and d) "Know" that he was resurrected. Which seems to me to be a lovely case of circular belief, believing God because of "evidence", and i use the word evidence in a tongue-in-cheek manner, which requires you to believe in God.
SFMMMan17 said:
All 333 prophesies about Jesus's birth, death, ressurection were true

Any proof? Who told you that?

That goes for the rest too.

And by the way, fix your grammar. Write in full words, not chatspeak. Since people can't hear you talking, they judge you by your spelling and grammar.

There have been other historians that support the bible, and what happened in those times. (even though they were not christens)
Yeah, but they don't support the retarded bits.

Look. The Bible stories... I'm not denying them. The great flood probably happened, there's evidence of it in Eastern Europe and Western Asia - but was it world wide? My arse it was.

They are blown out of proportion and twisted to suit.

And if you wanna go down that road there is "evidence" of lots of things from many different religions written in all sorts of holy text. Islam definately was ahead of the times in its predictions.
This is true.

However we are arguing, well, more like shouting at brick walls about whether God exists or not. Not about how much of the bible is true.
danielfitzgerald99 said:
Ok, so this comes up about once a year or something but it is an intresting agrument.

Do you believe in God.

Here's an interesting angle to consider --

If there IS such a thing as GOD...and in the end it was determined that you DIDN'T have faith in him, or even believed that he existed in the first place... Do you think he is still going to allow you to ride those killer Roller Coasters in Heaven? ...hmmm
ciallkennett said:
^^^^haha, nice point!

Your reply came so quickly after my post...

...for an instant, I thought this was GOD answering back with a chuckle :--D
Sam said:
This is true.

However we are arguing, well, more like shouting at brick walls about whether God exists or not. Not about how much of the bible is true.
Since there is no scientific evidence of God... The only reason you, or anyone else, has a knowledge that He exists is passed on through human documentation. Verbal and written. With Christianity, the only proper documentation available to the masses is the Bible.

To turn around and say that you fully accept that the Bible is full of falseness, makes me question on what basis you started believing in God?

If it's personal experience, then fair enough. But there are loads of people who have personal experience of being abducted by aliens and many of them have evidence to show the masses. You don't. And yet God gets more respect for his existence than the beings that supposedly abduct human beings and perform tests on them...?

Makes no sense to me.

I just want to know WHY you believe in something that there is not a crumb of evidence for. But you seem reluctant to share, like there isn't actually a reason...?
The new testiment is written in Hebrew and this translation says it all really.

From Hebrew is read "Jesus walked by the water"
The Christian version reads "Jesus walked on the water"

The bible is the greatest story ever written, we evolved there is no god. People needed to believe in something and this was it god and the bible.

When people ask questions no mater what religion there is never any real answers they all go back to the bible.

Adam and Eve had sons so how and who gave birth to their children?
No, I do not believe he exists!!

A few reasons:

1. He ****ed up my life. I was bullied from primary 5 to 5th year, thats seven years. That proves there is no god.

2. Why the hell did he have to give my gran ****ing Alzheimers!! :cry:

3. Why does he let so many people suffer. Why does he let people starve, why does he allow terrorists to walk the earth. Why does he allow so many crisises(sp?) to happen in the world, for example earthqaukes.

There is no god.
scotlandrulz said:
3. Why does he let so many people suffer. Why does he let people starve, why does he allow terrorists to walk the earth. Why does he allow so many crisises(sp?) to happen in the world, for example earthqaukes.

You could thing of it as god using us (earth and what not) like a ant farm or something.
I thought the argument that people who believe in god use is that because Adam ate the apple, we're all destined to a life of suffering or something.
No, I don't. I don't believe in anything to do with god or religion. All I think religion is is a false security that people feel the need to pin their hopes and dreams on.

I don't dislike people who are religious or anything, I just don't have the same viewpoints as them at all.
who knows said:
No, I do not believe he exists!!

A few reasons:

1. He up my life. I was bullied from primary 5 to 5th year, thats seven years. That proves there is no god.

2. Why the hell did he have to give my gran Alzheimers!! Crying or Very sad

3. Why does he let so many people suffer. Why does he let people starve, why does he allow terrorists to walk the earth. Why does he allow so many crisises(sp?) to happen in the world, for example earthqaukes.

There is no god.

Boo hoo.

Are we still talking about this? I know I've posted in here before, so sorry if I repeat myself. I'm very much of the "let people believe what they want to" school, but still have a problem when people I see as intelligent buy into that crap. I guess it's all to do with upbringing/indoctrination.

What pisses me off is that we have to "respect" this bull****. If people believe that WWF wrestling is "real" should we repect that? Do we respect the opinions of the "I was abducted by aliens" whack jobs? No, we don't. So what makes religion different?
Sorry to bump another old topic, but...

I think it was Beans, in particular, telling me to read The God Delusion. And I've always wondered what the point was. I don't like reading and what could I possibly learn?

Well, After reading the Selfish Gene and convincing myself that Dawkins is a dickhead, (his patronising tone is ludicrous. I don't know how anyone who doesn't already agree with what he says could read his stuff...) I was even more adamant about not reading The God Delusion. I learnt little from the Selfish Gene, only backed up OBVIOUS assumptions I have made for years. I think I learnt about wasps in figs from that book and went on to be a thorough prat and put everyone in my family off figs, but otherwise, no... Oh, and maybe more respect for mathematical models? A little. Maybe.

So anyway, I've picked up the God Delusion. And It's not written as viciously as Selfish Gene. How odd? Maybe he consciously is trying to get religious people to read it. As if they would, though. If you're quite happy with religion, why bother, would be their argument. But I guess this book is really aimed at people sitting on the wobbly fence and I think that's why I was, wrongly, advised to read it.

All it's doing is making me a scarier atheist to women in the street who stop me to talk about Jesus. I think maybe that's Dawkins point, though. Maybe this book is aimed at me, after all.

I didn't know what Hinduism was montheistic, though. Or, well, monotheistic in the same way Christianity thinks it is. So I've already learnt something. But Hinduism is boring anyway. It doesn't upset enough people.