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Gerstlauer - Sky Roller

Mit deLuxe

Hyper Poster
Hey I was checking the Gerstlauer website when I came across a really good looking flat ride. Does anybody know if there is one situated closer to the UK, or even one actually built in a Park?

http://www.gerstlauer-rides.de/english/ ... uer_E.html



Giga Poster
I remember someone showing me this before. I think it looks like a giant washing line. :p

I haven't heard of any parks getting one but it looks a bit too spinny for my liking.


Hyper Poster
I remember seeing this before too. It looks good but very gimmicky.

I can't see any major park getting this though due to the horrendous capacity it will have, with what, only being able to take about 16 people at a time.


Strata Poster
I don't like the idea of being out on your own. Rides are much more fun with someone next to you.


Hyper Poster
Jools said:
Looks like something that belongs in Lego Land to me :?

Why's that a bad thing?

This looks quality, controlling your own ride is great to attract many different people.


Giga Poster
Looks really fun actually! would be better if you had 2 seats to a pod though. And you had to work together to make it do crazy things.


CF Legend
Yeah I posted bout this ages ago when it was first announced. Being the fanboy and that, haha.

I don't think it'll catch on just yet, as it needs some tweaking me thinks.


It looks fun but also pretty ugly, like everyone else has said. It would definitely be better with 2 to a seat because you lose half the fun of riding when you're by yourself, in my opinion.


They have moved the one at the Deutche Museums to Belantis, and I can't wait to ride it in a few weeks :)

Just look at it:


Giga Poster
It reminds me of the flying ride at Movie Park Germany. This looks miles better though, especially the way you can flip and rotate on the seats/wings.